Loot council is a joke


partial story, but get full assumption from ppl XD

The irony

Your expectation was the guild was a MS > OS guild and not a loot council guild and that you’d have an equal chance on BiS loot.

ok, so now you appear to be a troll.

You’ve been asked a few times to clarify, but you are sticking to avoiding telling more info.


Why would you post a partial story if you don’t want people assuming.

Or am I assuming that you don’t want people to assume? What a vicious cycle.

The same thing can be say. Why would u make assumptions if u claim to only have partial story lol?

Maybe lower your ego my guy

I didn’t claim to have a partial story… You said that you gave a partial story, I’m just working with what you gave me.

How does my ego come into play here? I’m simply asking you to clarify what you’re talking about so that I and others don’t assume but you’re refusing to do so.


Wait? How can u claim to have the full story when everyone else claiming im only have partial story lol? Explain yourself lol

So it looks like you’re a survival hunter. Did you know that you should be going for the Leggings of Failed Escape anyway which isn’t even that contested as tier is not as good? Or Leggings of the Honored for hit? Maybe the LC did know that.

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they didn’t. you are mistaken.


umm u know there’s an BiS addons right?

I’m not claiming to have the full story…

You said that you gave a partial story…


so he doesnt have the full story or partial story but made assumption about me lol. Other word, he has a huge ego and need to let it out

Ok, you’re sounding really full of yourself.

Or you’re just trolling by being annoying.


i didnt say i had the full or partial story, other ppl did. But u somehow made assumption without a story, interesting dont u think so?

This OP is really double downing hard, it’s like a lesson in human psychology right here.


You are making zero sense.

If you didn’t give a story then what the hell is your original post?


this is a thought experiment and all of yall fail except two ppl lol

Okay? Kinda killed your own thread by saying that I do hope you know that.

What exactly was it about? Honestly don’t even think you’re being serious.

Also I called you out as being a troll half an hour ago.

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coming from the guy who made assumptions but claims to not to have partial story or full story