Loot council is a joke

You sound like a lazy loot goblin lmaooo now go buy your pants with badges you baddie


You’re just the joke to the council

you don’t need to change the council weekly if the LC decisions and priorities is made visible to the whole guild…

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If your non-officers are good players, your council wont dare push them out of the guild, your good players can find a new home in less than a day, the only way you can keep a guild going with a corrupt LC, is if the corrupt LC is carrying bad players who have no alternative for gear.

Most guilds who are good know where gear should go, and will only push away the best players they have by being flagrant with the BS.

Usually the LC gears slower, if they have players they want to keep around.

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Yep. Prefer EPGP.

Doesn’t EPGP promote sycophants in guilds?

I guess you could say that about LC too.

Only if you reward them points for doing stuff outside of raid. We just give points for showing up and killing bosses. Works great.

Yeah but isn’t that just DKP?

Perhaps next time you should actually ask what the loot system for a guild is before signing up. Loot council is indeed terrible for most players… hence why you shouldn’t have joined them in the first place.

I suppose. But for whatever reason, DKP was an impossible sell. We run with the CEPGP addon and it’s pretty much set it and forget it. No drama since LK launch.

Fair enough, if it works it works.

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EPGP is pretty solid – only couple times i’ve seen it being abused: 1) an officer granting EP for showing up to some event of their making, and 2) hard resetting EPGP when BWL drops, right after all the officers get geared up from MC gear and so would have lower prio on BWL gear

Hey I heard we’re whining about loot in here.

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Loot council is designed to protect loot from new guildies that whine and leave after one thing doesn’t go their way.

It has its flaws sure but you are literally why the system is appealing to some. They dodged a bullet tbh

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How its possible to just do 2.1K dps lol ? I am a pretty sure i do more with just using my wand …

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Here’s my instances I learned of EPGPs glaring faults

  1. hoarding across tiers. People think that the decay is enough to deter people but it never was. Because it’s ok to have points disappear as long as you stay one notch above your counterparts. So we had rogues holding points in MC for AQ DS. It’s just overall detrimental for raiders to pass on loot that benefits the raid just so they can acquire a singular item (often an item the rest were hoarding for too)

  2. players scheming to manipulate. So there’s always a few items that are upgrades but aren’t huge upgrades so players ignore them. So my LEPGP officers (not me) decided that unwanted items could be purchased at half EP to incentivize players to get some lesser items since they’d be cheap. Tier tokens got together and schemed to all pass on items to make their tokens get rolled out at half the cost so they could win items over others while still getting tier.

  3. selling their items. Players would sell their points. Huge debate from players who said they felt it was their points to do with as they pleased. One sold a mageblade to the other that bypassed about 5 people on the list. Shady to say the least.

There’s a few smaller ones, but overall we found the downfall of EPGP (mostly #1) was too glaring to ignore

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Loot council is bis.

Set up your thatsmybis put items in prio order how you want them.

No drama ever.


My guild doesn’t even use TMB anymore, we used it all throughout TBC but now in WotLK we use RCLootCouncil Classic.

I think it’s a pretty solid addon.


Easiest way to see if an LC is corrupt as hell is if it has a shadow priest on the LC, and that shadow priest happens to be the most geared person in your raid.

Then yeah… you know for a fact its corrupt as hell.

I believe Nimbell was stating the priority in general order. There will always be exceptions (that is normal in life) so stop taking everything so black and white.