Loot council is a joke

Just joined a guild expecting BIS loot. this has got to be a troll post. hes also night elf male

you know why they rolled the other items most likely? because it was between established members and that was just the fair way they decided to do it.

the reason why you werenā€™t allowed to roll and it was given to another, is because you were new and they were protecting themselves from people exactly like you. that join new, dont get their way and leave.

Even if they gave you those pants, you would likely leave eventually with the attitude you have.

Congratulations on proving to them why their loot system is best for their guild, people like you ruin it for others.


Thereā€™s alot of variables to make up a LC decision and something the LC should be transparent about as long as you ask the proper question. Example being why was this item rolled for but this one was handed out. If you were new its probably because you two were the only people that needed it and they have some kind of trial period. The other being the other item that was rolled was an equal upgrade for everyone rolling. Without knowing how the LC operates i can only assume. But not every LC is ran the same more than likely just a corrupt LC or a misunderstanding but LC has alot of benefits.

By just join you mean that day, that week, that month. I mean if you just joined my guild that day and a BIS item for multiple people drop someone whos been in the guild for more then a few hours is going to be my choice as well. This also could have been a set bonus for someone where as it was your first piece etc you didnt give much detail into why the decision was made just that you didnt like it.

Sounds like the guild got lucky that a toxic player left. Male nelf players in a nutshell

big brain, im glad my guild has never had to recruit people like this

Everyday after work I check this for updates
Never let this die

I hope this keeps going too.

Just got KT ring with LC.

Its the best.

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imagine crying for LC when you just joined a new guild

Yeah I donā€™t understand the logic.

Looks like another Loot Council success story. That guild dodged a bullet for sure.

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