Loot council is a joke

off course u would be happy. I was the guy who expose u lol. Even when i just share my screenshot u are still bias due to your huge ego which i deflated by logic. Dont feel embarrass.


again, the guild wasnt for me. I apologize if these low social iq bottom dweller contact u guys even though i never brought up the guild name once here.

edit: I agree, this went out of context. But i guess ppl in here didnt like how i expose their ego of jumping to conclusion when they admit they have no partial or full story lol.

You brought us into it with your forum name still containing our guild tag. You ABSOLUTELY brought us into it. And I have hard doubts you did that by accident. This thread was created to vent and get attention. Which I understand. But donā€™t claim you didnā€™t plan this.

u know i dont write your guild name on my character name right. Tatā€™s automatic lol

Bro you literally got out dpsed by a tankā€¦ How can you expect any loot at all.

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then dont use it. jesus.

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base on that logic, 1/2 of team dont deserve loot ooops

No, just you and a ret pallyā€¦

i guess someone didnt read the full story and jumping to conclusion again. EXPOSE!

I donā€™t need to read anymore. You put 0 effort into the raid at all. Did such bad damage that you mustnt of been even paying attention at all, and got angry you didnā€™t get given an item that is easy to get through badges, and someone else also needs, they are putting in more effort than you. You also already got an item and you should be happy they even have you anything after how badly youā€™re performing lol.


again, u didnt read at all lol. anyway continue plz. Exposing your huge ego is amusing. Keep it coming.

Iā€™m just saying it like it is. You are either incredibly bad at the game, or are not even trying to help your raids, but you think you deserve loot over others. You donā€™t.


Bro you played like trash, accept it and move on.

Try harder next time.

You didnt even use raid consumes besides a flask.

Your performance is actual garbage and it shows in your damage.

You leaving did that guild a huge favor, you arent worth a raid spot in any guild.


again when did i say i deserve the loot?

Is it your ego talking and not your brain thinking?

You made an entire post on the forums crying about not getting one item. That shows to me you think you deserve it more than the shammy who got it. But you do not.


seem like someone didnt read the posts here and jumping to conclusion as alway. Go figure. Keep the high ego coming my guy, it amuses me

It is true; there was never direct mention in the previous post (I checked) that you deserved the tier pants. But ultimately this just simply means you had no idea what a LC was and you joined us. We stated to download the LC addon to make it easier for you and the guild and you did without thinking about it. Then you made it abundantly clear you donā€™t quite understand what the LC system by your /Gquit stunt.

And you know what? Thatā€™s all fine. Now you know. I understand youā€™re frustrated we were not rolling for gear. Thatā€™s just how LC works and in your own words ā€œThis guild isnā€™t for meā€. You made this thread and now the rest is history. Take this as a learning experience and move on.


tell me exactly when did i say i deserve it aka reserve it for me? Itā€™s obvious u fail to comprehend lol

You didnā€™t say it in the exact words. But you said loot council is a joke. When you joined a loot council guild. And you said it because you didnā€™t get an item you wanted.