Loot council is a joke

Just reading all your replies here, I am starting to understand why you got looked over for loot.

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I’m still just waiting for the full story I know it’s going to be great

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Unfortunately frostfire stopped this dream from being a reality, it’s kind of his thing honestly so not surprising

We hardly see eye to eye, but on this thread. It is hard not too.

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it’s not a joke though. Even my guild that is really chill about loot reserves an item here and there. Like everyone said, if you’re new to a loot council guild, it will take a few runs before you start seeing much loot, but it def doesn’t just stay balanced against you forever. Eventually you will be getting priority. Most loot councils don’t let people roll on anything, but most try to make sure the whole team gets geared

Any update?!?!

Sounds like you showed zero interest in how the guild was going to handle loot.

MS/OS is fine for pugs. Guilds very rarely just do MS/OS rolls unless it’s alt runs/farm content.

Did you mute the discord immediately after joining and only used the voice channel? Did you not read any mention of how loot was handled before joining?

That is exactly how loot council generally works, yes. Most big ticket/major upgrade pieces decided upon by said council, with plenty of pieces available for a more open roll.

This sounds like going to a GDKP and complaining they gave the drop to the highest bidder.


No officers online yet, they raid in 2 hours though so fingers crossed.


This guy has to be trolling. Replying to everyone with the same nonsense about their egos trying to charge them up by just saying the same thing over and over and never providing any additional context to the original story. Just refusing to do so and saying you’re making assumptions about him repeatedly (btw assumptions need to be made because the entire story is missing ie; your status in the guild). Anyway, we all got baited into replying to this garbage. Post should be removed.

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I’ve done some research and spoke with the leadership of your previous guild and the research shows… you’ve been lying!

You were told about the guilds 1-2 week trial period for new folks. 10 man raids have loot rolled off while 25 man are done through LC. You were doing your first raid with them and the tier pants are bis for the shaman while not bis for the hunter. You had a melt down and left mid raid abandoning the folks you were hoping to join.

These are not assumptions as I spoke to multiple folks in the guild. My ego is average / normal size. Screenshot available upon request.


The real investigative journalism we all need.

imgur dot com/i1lMpG1


Thanks for doing that legwork, that’s awesome.

That’s exactly what I expected. They don’t seem to be a bad LC at all. They even knew those legs weren’t the BiS for hunter and were for enhance shammy. Plus they informed him of the trial rules. This is all EXACTLY how it’s supposed to be done.

I really hope this thread gets blasted on the leadership area of the Skyfury Discord because it should. Absolutely nobody wants to deal with this sort of drama queen.

Edit: Thanks for the screenshot of the chat too!


SR runs with my guild have been great. Loot council just asks for drama, in general.

Edit: I don’t know the context of the situation. Just speaking generally.

Lol op confirmed zero iq gray parser who can’t even read a bis list


We decided we didnt want to do LC for naxx. Too much loot to dance around so we went SR.

In about 4 weeks of SR we have seen more grumbling than 3 years of ML. Gear is also a lot more lopsided

This i can do!



Hello everybody! I am the Enhancement Shaman from that very raid. I just wanted to inform everybody that these POWER PANTS taste very delicious. And while I was not on the loot council that night, I imagine a large consideration on why I was given the pants because it would of completed my 4 piece Tier 7 set bonus which is quite strong for us. I even mentioned this to OP in voice coms right before he /Gquit. On top of that too, who wouldn’t want to see your local Bloodlust/Heroism supplier in a kilt?

I would post a picture of the current whereabout of “his” pants but I am not Level 3 currently on the Blizzard forums to post pictures.


How did you think loot council worked? If you rolled on the gear…it wouldn’t be loot council…? Like? Im so confused what you’re whining about

Post the image and i will upload it for you.

So he can see the pants ofc.