Loot council is a joke


Sure; feel free to contact me directly onto Discord at Zike#5458 or message me in-game on Skyfury and I will share the image. I cannot even post URLs onto the forums yet sadly.

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Here you go.


You didn’t like the loot system the guild used you left the guild good for you that is what your should do… why bring it here though?

I did not kid when I said they were POWER PANTS.


This is fantastic, I suspect he won’t reply to this thread anymore out of sheer embarrassment.



bless your heart.


this thread is truly the gift that keeps on giving. when i start reading, i did not expect to see 250+ replies, but scrolling all the way down is like instant gratification.

i especially love how OP just gives an incomplete story, refuses to elaborate and leaves.


I love that the character name in the chat is factcheccker


thank you for admitting the flaw of loot council. NEXT!

The only flaw was you.

How do you not see that?


I also love how bunch of ppl made contradicting assumptions lol?

Anyway, this is amusing.

Gets exposed, keeps on going.

that’s some dedication.


why would i not reply lol? I expose majority of u guys.

We have a guy here who claims to not have part of the story or full story but somehow jump to a conclusion. Again EXPOSE.

Was easy to make that assumption.

You averaged a 22 and didnt get gear and youre on the forums crying.

That says it all.

Then we find out the full story, and it just confirmed what we all thought.

Giving new raiders a grace period where they aren’t allowed to roll on high ticket items is smart, not only that but it also allows the guild to see if they’re up to snuff for raiding.

Spacial awarness, mechanic knowledge and the capacity to listen are things people genreally look for in a raider and the only one that should have some leniancy is knowing about mechanics because once you make a mistake you’re likely to never make that mistake again.

EDIT: I guess also knowing your class is wanted and if what people are saying about your parses is true then I guess you don’t know your class that well or at least you’re not trying to.

I’ve asked you at least 5 times to further explain yourself regarding your original post and yet you’ve refused to do so each time. Each time you simply ignored what I said and say that I have a big ego and are doing a lot of assuming. I bet even this post will have you saying that I’m doing a lot of assuming.

You gave a story with your original post, you then claim that it’s only part of the story… People can only work with what you gave them so of course people are going to come to their own conclusions about what happened.

All you’re doing is just saying “expose” “ego” and “assuming” can you come up with something else?


Lol why did you expect loot in your first week in a LC guild? Even epgp and dkp guilds don’t give loot to trials hahaha

They don’t seem to know what expose means.

it’s cool mate, we all got the full story now, we can just move on since clearly this hunter lives in their own world :rofl: i doubt anyone here can snap em out of their delusion tbh


This is a very boring troll you’re running here, but it’s effective.

Lol i love this, ppl on here are twisting the story without even hearing the story. Anyway, i got screenshot and reserve them b/c i know how wow players are. They love to jump to conclusion without seeing hearing the full story.

here’s the deal… i left and told Rod “Guild wasnt for me”. Which is the proper way of leaving, neutral stance, no bashing or anything. Again, the guild isnt for me.

How i knew loot council was a joke was when Rod say "Well get the pants through badges then lol "

I replied “tell me to use badge but the other person doesnt”

Again, i have expose majority of yall. I expose how loot council is use to manipulate ppl and market it as “trial”. I expose how ppl here just love to be in an echo chamber and jump on bandwagon lol.

i have no animosity toward the guild, but since some of yall have nothing to do and love to feed your ego by contacting them. I gladly EXPOSE yall.

imgur .com/ wIB5lDe