Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

I think Blizz ate the carrot themselves and are just beating us with the stick at this point.


This is incorrect. I’ve killed 15 raid bosses this week and have nothing to show for it except a bad trinket I’ll never wear. And as for the weekly Great Vault rewards, I’m getting better rewards already on Tuesday from the +8 key I did than from any of my Heroic raid kills this week.



Oh wait, you’re serious. Let me laugh even harder.

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I’m guessing the option of doing it the “other way” wasn’t on the table.

You know…the option where you make the adjustment to increase the drop rates of the content that was underperforming.
Stopping the presses to fix this but leaving so many game-breaking bugs left untouched just proves where the priority is within the design. Make it slow and feel unrewarding is the overall theme.

World of Warcraft - Slowdownlands brought to you by:

Blizzard Entertainment - “We relish the F and U in FUN!”


This is the point I was getting at. For gearing up quickly, M+ will win every time. After that, it’s down to whether the Vault gives good choices or one has the stars align in raid.


You won the forums today.


i knew i was feeling distinctly not terrible about the correct amount of gear players were getting

how do you guys consistently fail to understand ratios (see: maw threat/rep ratios for rares, elites, events etc.)??? a 1:5 ratio is substantially closer to 1:4 ratio (5/20) than 1:6.7 (3/20) ratio (by a LOT)

also the more organizationally difficult, non-repeatable, END-endgame content SHOULD be slightly (and it is VERY SLIGHTLY here lol) better in terms of reward. like, aside from the “our game, we can do whatever we want!” argument–where’s the justification in this?

if you want to present this (obviously and insanely false) equivalance between dungeon content and raid content (which is again, very obviously not the case–otherwise, why not release them at the same time, with the same gear, etc.–because you and everyone else know there’s a clear and natural step-up from dungeon to raid, as it has literally been for decades)

why then would you explicitly disincetivize putting time into raids by making the rewards not only not on the same level, but actually WORSE – for a higher buy-in time overhead, more difficulty, and then strictly WORSE gear prospects???

from any angle here it doesn’t make sense.

if it’s as it truly is, and a raid is of elevated gravity to a dungeon (as it always has been), then clearly the rewards should be of at least better quality and/or better volume/time ratio

and then if you want to pretend they’re of equivalent gravity, you would at least want a vanishingly close amount of parity in their loot experience–which is ALSO failed here.

a change of this nature further entrenches the stupid optimality of endlessly grinding mythics in pursuit of raid-ready gear levels, making now raids in themselves not even equivalently beneficial to that end

there is simply no reasonable angle towards this outcome. leave it as it is, or improve it.


I really hope that you guys look at this thread and take this feedback.

I think longevity vs enjoyment approach from your content management team needs to be revised. Start with longevity, move to enjoyment. Don’t start with enjoyment then move to longevity because this is the result. If you overtune your mechanics to be too hard to conquer, gear to be too hard to acquire, and classes too nerfed to play, then “lighten the load” you’ll:

  • Cater to higher level players who are willing to go the extra mile to finish end-game content
  • Possibly find exploits more frequently as higher tier players will abuse them to pass content (which are the bugs you’re intended to fix)
  • Cater to the casual player by meeting their frustrations with solutions
  • Gear everything as a benefit to the consumer, pushing blame away from your company.

So a 10-12 player raid or 21 player raid should prioritize just having fun? Am I taking this right?

Cat is out of the bag on this one - better to leave it as is for this tier, get it fixed for the next one. No point in further punishing the guilds that can’t full clear week 1.


Oh dear, people were getting loot and having fun? How awful, imagine getting loot in a game about loot, nightmare scenario.

Imagine if people were fully raid geared before the next patch, they might spend their time doing something fun instead or raiding like they do a month after every patch normally.

Protip Blizz- if people stop raiding after a month of clearing it, loot isn’t the problem- your content being garbage is the problem, and having people do trash longer isn’t going to make them enjoy it more.


M+ wins even beyond the short-term.

Here are my current Great Vault rewards the game is showing me, right now. Raid reward on the left, M+ reward on the right:

Note that the M+8 dungeon I did is already giving my best reward next week (216 vs 213) and I’m not even done with M+ this week. Meanwhile raiding is already capped out.


Thoroughly dismayed. Both raid nights had our guild run maxed out and the amount of loot our raid group managed to obtain from Normal raid bosses (at least ones that weren’t bugged/over-tuned) honestly felt about right. Now you’re telling us, “oops unintended”.

Really this is just going to hurt common raiders more than those considered bleeding-edge.


This is an insufficient fix of this serious bug, Blizzard. Castle Nathria bosses should instead drop an average of 0.5 items for a 20-player raid. Similar serious bugs where M+ and PvP are giving excessive reward should also receive an emergency fix to match.

Just ensure that all the fun is replaced by grind, and I’m sure that every player will thank you for this.


And other bugs can wait for months but god expletive a boss freaking drops 2 extra pieces of gear get that done asap


They announced the 3 item drop like a month ago. Them actually implementing it isn’t consistent?

Mythic+ spammable gear also caps at 210.

Dear Blizzard,
How about if you have the bosses drop MORE loot, not less. Getting 35 anima isn’t fun. Nor is getting a stupid conduit for a spec that you’ll never play. What is the point of choosing a “loot” spec if you’re going to get garbage.

Thank you


Blizz, making the loot drop rates garbage across the board only reduces the amount of times we’ll feel joy in this xpac.

You’re ensuring that all people will remember from this xpac will be the anima/reknown/stygia/soul ash/etc… grinds that ultimately reward getting you to the STARTING POINT of the gear grind.

I was close to praising you for the leveling process being so short, but you just moved the bulk of it and more into an endless currency grind instead.


Their complaint was that loot drops received were already low during raid and that this is reducing them even further.

Intended or not, killing 15 bosses and only getting a single item isn’t a great feeling.


Is this out of season April fools joke or what Blizzard?

Keep loot, make more loot, this is what we need.