Serious post time since I was just unhappy in the last one.
This change makes absolutely zero sense. Five people can get just as much, if not more, loot than 20 people can in the same time spent between M+ and raids with this change. The removal of bonus rolls from SL should have been enough to say that raid loot is “okay” with a 4:1 people to loot ratio.
Nevermind that raids are already on a weekly lockout and M+ is infinite. The weekly lockout on raids is even more critical now that people can’t even go back to try to coin bosses they need.
I’m already deluding myself that I’m getting a “consistent goal of bringing a similarity to the rate of loot acquisition” which means they are removing lockouts to make raiding drop more loot like Mythic+.
Many don’t like the idea of limited loot, but personally I don’t mind it- but I understand the frustration for sure.
I do think that during the first week of a new raid tier loot should be more plentiful in raids however. This should creative more incentives to raid in the first week, and help alleviate some of the early tier stress of feeling undergeared and struggling through a gross amount M+ for a couple of items at a time.
How many boss kills before you should get a drop? Asking cause in prepatch in Nya’lotha I was getting loot on 7 boss kills with before patch it was 4-5 kills.
I’d hate to see the 7 kills before getting loot return.
“We believe we can remove 96% of loot from the players gaming experience before triggering mass exodus. This will maximize play time metrics, and keep players on a treadmill going nowhere for longer, all while minimizing churn!”
The loot philosophy that play time >>>>>>> everything else is frankly stomach churning.
When looking at loot distribution you have to discount your personal need for loot and look at statistics for group numbers. It’s a fact that M+ was already more efficient for gearing per person per hour than raiding before this change was announced. All this does is shift the gearing meta even harder to M+ again, a repeat of BFA.
But it’s not the meta. M+ gear is already worse than freaking heroic raid. You can still entirely ignore m+ this expansion and gear through raiding. You will not gear in M+ right now unless you spend all day every day in there for about 3-4 weeks.
The forums are FULL of “loot drop rate sux!” posts yet Blizz finds a way to make it even worse. The customer-friendly way to fix this would have been to buff the Mythic raid drops to match Normal and Heroic. But no…“player engagement” metrics mean that the carrot needs to be on a longer stick.