Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

Addon compatibility is not very strong either. I had to disable most of my addons for the game to stop freezing and lagging. Even then, loading screens still feel a bit long.

Historically speaking, WoW doesn’t require a lot of power usage. But interesting enough, Shadowlands has been globbing up my CPU and disk space.

Why do I get the feeling this is going to turn into a sense of pride and accomplishment thread?

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My advice Blizz… you shoulda increased the loot drops on the others rather than decrease the loot drop from raiding.


So BfA was called Beta for Azeroth, what should we call Shadowlands? Betalands doesn’t really roll off the tounge.


This is one of the reasons i stop raiding, no damn loot at all.

if feels awful and frustrating kill like 7 bosses and drop gold and azerite

I hate doing mythic, and i love raids, and for like 3 mythic and one weekly chest i already had more and better gear and upgrades than like 5 runs on nya’lotha


So loot went instead to your guildies instead?

What is the problem with that?


Imagine hotfixing your game to be LESS rewarding.

Thanks, Blizzard. Life doesn’t suck enough as is with Covid that we need to make WoW complete crap as well.


You think you want loot but you don’t.


As I explained previously, a major problem is that, considering time and manpower involved, raiding already yields fewer rewards, which this change just exacerbates.


Before people get the pitchforks out, the bug probably only affected 20 man raids specifically.

My 28 man raid wasn’t even getting 5 pieces.

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Shallowlands? Since their across the board reduction of loot rewards mixed with the endless currency grinds is such a shallow and obvious way to extend player time metrics for our lord and saviour Kotick’s next yacht?


Imagine if a good designer walks up and says “Hey loot should scale with the number of people encouraging people to group up”

10 man: 3 pieces
15 man: 4 pieces
20 man: 5 pieces
25 man: 7 pieces
30 man: 8 pieces

Such a trash idea right. Having 3 items drop for all group sizes is so fun


Well at least we can still target loot even if it isn’t dropping using our bonus rolls… oh right, they already got rid of that too, since this is what they actually think we want- less loot, and less ability to target the specific loot we need. Enjoy trying to get your best trinkets this xpac, it’s going to be hell.


It does scale up, we were getting 4 pieces mostly.

If the scaling started at 5 for 20, we would have been seeing 6-7, which is why I’m speculating the bug only applied to 20 man raids specifically.

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Please leave these loot droprates the hell alone.

Getting less loot will not make each piece of loot more meaningful. I can assure you, I will not remember the name of the weapon token I’ll only potentially get after ten resets on Denathrius, nor will I remember the name of the weapon I buy with said token.


We were getting 6 drops consistently with 26 players.

I feel like I’m watching WoW commit suicide before my very eyes. Now I know why devs were leaving the game. The people in charge are sadists.


Were you just extremely unlucky? Hard to believe you only received 1 normal piece at that rate.

If you look up “extremely unlucky” in the dictionary, my fox-sized mandalorian mask face would be there, yes.

But it wasn’t just me. Others in the raid were similarly unlucky.

If we had Master Loot options, we could have redistributed fairly, but we’re not allowed to do that, anymore.


Doesn’t sound like a bug to me sounds like the right way to go imho 3 loots per raid sucks imho!