Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

No, not everyone hates this. Your subjective opinion is not a universal truth (thank god for that). You’re just too short-sighted to see how this benefits every player in the long run and are addicted to instant gratification, even if it’s worth less than the delayed gratification.

Imagine being unable to understand that this actually reduces playtime rather than increase it and then complain about it. Once you’re fully BiS geared (which won’t take long using the Great Vault) you can literally stop playing/raid log, whereas in the past you were still required to grind just as much, if not more, once getting fully geared, because you could always improve your gear slightly, even if it was only by 1%.

This is why professionals are hired to translate stuff, not people who clearly don’t understand what they are talking about. :slight_smile:

How rewarded did you feel in BfA when you got 1 out of 3,000,000 Azerite chest pieces and it wasn’t one of the good ones, meaning that even though you got loot it was useless and you instantly scrapped it?

How rewarded did you feel when you saw your BiS item drop, but it had avoidance corruption?

How rewarded did you feel when you saw a BiS item drop but it wasn’t max titanforged and didn’t have a socket?

If all you care about is seeing lots of items drops, regardless of their quality or how good they might potentially be, then Diablo would be a better suited game for you honestly.

Being rewarded with your BiS item after working hard to overcome a challenge is way more rewarding than getting an Azerite chest piece which you don’t even know the name of, instantly scrapping it and going on about your day.

No wonder I can’t get a single loot in 4 timed runs

And you’re obviously more ancient than the dinosaurs, with that kind of an insult.

Felt a lot more rewarding than never seeing anything drop so instead I had to go farm conquest for gloves.


Dumb. You’ve made the game entirely uninteresting to play as getting loot is far too raid.

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Couldn’t of said it better myself, Bravo good sir

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I meannnnn is 5 drops for a 20 man really too much? That’s still 3 quarters of the group getting diddly squat.


Finished normal raid in 2 characters 10/10 bosses,

no loot in either.

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Tell me about it, one of our druid healers got a piece of loot of the first 5 bosses this week. Told him to go buy a lottery ticket. Haven’t seen him since.

Blizzard needs to rethink these numbers. Same amount of loot for Raid and Mythic+? Are you kidding? My entire character is kitted out with Mythic+ dungeon gear, and after two weeks of raiding I have zero loot from raiding. The raid was fun and a good difficulty level, but I don’t really have anything to show for it. It would have at least been nice to had a first time Sire Denathrius kill Quest Reward, how about an appropriate il Neck or Ring or something? Nope, just Anima. At least go to 4 drops or something, maybe that’s a better balance.

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I read this is, you all can’t have nice things.

Whom is in charge of the math here?

If M+ is 1 drop per with a second on time, and raids are 3 drops per, explain how M+ isn’t the preferred gearing method and there isn’t some discrepancy?

Problem is, Alph/Beta data was taken as the gospel when the over-gearing there is intended to test itemization and mehanics and never to specifically test what goes live. Much like how Torghast was wicked fun, when people were getting 70+ Anima powers and capable of actively and easily killing the Terragrue.

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Funny because literally all of my 6 options in the great vault this week were garbage. Yeah, I’ll be full BiS in no time :rofl:


Heres a concept though. Just get rid of all that crap no one liked. Problem solved. Oh wait, they did that but chose to also nerf drop rates. Why? Coulda stopped at the removal of all that rng and it would have been good, but Blizzard can’t let the rng go and had to add rng after removing some. Thats why corruption was implemented in the first place, because Blizzard wasn’t satisfied with simply removing wf/tf, they had to replace it with something that no one asked for and no one actually wanted.

I also felt real rewarded when I got the ring off heroic Inerva last week which isnt even that good because no mastery on it, and then this week I get the same ring again. Yeah, real rewarding. :roll_eyes: I guess at least the second time around I made someone else happy since I was able to trade it this time.

M+ is the worse gearing method the ilvl from 15s is 210 and heroic raid is 213 and 15s aren’t easy to time as 1st half of heroic.

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Heroic raid is only once a week though and the drop rates are horrible. I’ve gotten the same ring from Inerva back to back now and its not even that good for me since it doesn’t have mastery. At least for M+ you can pick the dungeon you want and repeat it over and over as long as your able to find someone with a key for it. Once you’ve killed the raid boss on a difficulty its dead. If they’re gonna have these sorts of drop rates then they can remove raid lockouts and let us infinitely farm bosses like M+


Drop rates everywhere are horrible. The xpac as a whole just isn’t good outside of pvp it self and raid it’s self and if you play a spec that isn’t good at those things then well…

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I mean yeah, drop rates are horrible from just about everything, but M+ is definitely the best way to gear right now since its farmable and the raid isn’t. Its too bad I hate M+ because I hate timed content and the rush rush rush go go go mentality.

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