Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

Bug, yeah sure, bug, pfft.

Sorry. I couldn’t help myself after reading this line.

No, it should not, and if any case, PVP requires the largest playerbase.

40v40 Battlegrounds require 80 people. …

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Raids take more time, people, material and effort to get done and only can be done once per difficulty per week…It should give more then m+ which takes less of all the above and is able to be run infinitely…the logic here doesnt add up at all and should by all means be redacted.

Sorry, guys. I got 2 items in Castle Nathria last week. That’s why they’re nerfing it. My bad.

You monster, how could you? I’m so very disappointed in you.

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I see it like this and maybe I am too old for wow going on 50 now but time needs to be rewarded.

Get 20 or so peeps of the right classes and skill and Ilvl and then go buy all the consumables leading up to Thursday/Sunday Raiding nights. Talk your wife/GF/BF/partner into giving you 4 hours twice a week to ignore life and just WOW it up. Spend hours studying the bosses mechanics and then it takes many 4-10 tries to kill a boss. Maybe you get 5-7 bosses dead Thursday and 1-3 items drop per boss. so 15-21 items split up by some logic that nobody knows. RNG or something. Everyone else gets gold or anima item. Sunday you do your best and spend all 4 hours to get the last 3-4 bosses killed and all 10 done. You get about 30 items total for a 20 man raid. Some might get 1-2 items and some none. You spent 8 hours just raiding. Some will go offline and be like WTF? I got nothing? 8 hours gone…

Lets say you add a token that is 100% drop if you don’t get an item. Collect 10 of those and get and extra item from the Great vault based on the Raid lvl you did. You get 1 item per week already and for those that got nothing from 10 raid bosses you get one more. At least it makes it a little better. Maybe I am wrong. with my idea. We just need something for our time spent playing difficult content.

Tokens do not go away each week.

I know some folks were complaining about personal loot. I think it has its place in non-guild runs at non-Mythic tiers especially. I would make some changes though and bare in mind I just returned after several years and loot systems away from WOW.

  1. You get the item as personal loot but then you open it and you pick the version you want with the stats you want for your build.

  2. Guild Raid runs at Mythic can use Master loot since the purpose is to progress and beat bosses and they need to be able to pass out loot. It should be an option though. Guild leader can run it without if he wants. I know they want to prevent pay for runs but that’s hard.

  3. Personal loot trading only if the item is the same ilvl is a hard one since they are trying to prevent paid services for gold or RMT. Just make the personal loot as I said in #1. They may have some logic that says you will get a drop after so many bosses etc. Who knows what’s in the backend. Master loot would allow a leader to give the item to a person where its a bigger Ilvl for the buck and progression. If you don’t trust your guild leader then get in a diff guild. Maybe ask them for a list of priority of items. DPS>Tanks>Healers etc…


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Yeah valor was the best. Bringing that back would give the game a second life. Bean counters are just too stupid to figure it out.

I remember in Mists I would run 5 mans for ages just for the valor. Who cares about the useless drops because it was a blast mowing down the dungeon and getting some good gear once a week.

Sure we have mythic+ now, but I never run anything that can’t be queued solo.

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Engineering on all my alts. 15 minute wormhole

No it’s not. Mythic plus loot is too low especially in a failed key, but even that is 20% loot. And M+ is infinitely farmable.

This. This is the main problem I have with their bug fix. With the new 15% drop rate. You get, on average, 3 pieces of loot for full clearing in 2 weeks. 2 additional pieces from the great vault. 5 ilvl 200 gear in 2 weeks doesn’t seem bad in a vacuum but given the tuning of normal this tier I fear it may drive a lot of players away.

Let’s say you have a group that know every mechanic, it’s still gonna take 3-4 hours to clear 10/10, and everyone gets 1-2 pieces from it. The same type of player can go into M+7, 2 chest it, and have 40% to get a piece of ilvl 200 loot in 40 minutes, and this activity is infinitely repeatable through the week.

I remember they said they want players to be able to progress in the content they want to progress. Raids, M+, or PVP. I can’t speak for PVP but as a raider I feel compelled to spam M+ this week (with the “more loot than intended bug”) in order to be invited to groups next week to up my ilvl.

Should that be an option? Absolutely, there should be repeatable content to get gear for those who wish to pursue it. Should it feel mandatory? That’s the philosophical question they need to ask themselves. I think making raiders wanting to do 1 or 4 M+ keys a week to get higher ilvl loot in great vault is good, but when 40% of the raid loot you get in 2 weeks come from weekly RNG box dopamine instead of getting the loot itself from killing a boss, it’s too little emotionally.

Yeah, I get that we haven’t opened our first vault yet. But merely from a statistic point of view, this feels really bad already. If they want to limit loot to preserve prestige, they should do it in mythic raids only.

TLDR: The initial intent to split raids into multiple difficulties was for more players to see the devs hard work in raids, but if the amount of reward isn’t proportional to the effort, then less players will want to raid. Keep loot chance in normal 25%, maybe drop heroic to 20%, and mythic 15% to incentivize different types of players to engage in raiding content without making them feel like they have to spam a bunch of M+ if the intent is to make players feel they can progress in the end game activity they like the most.


I got a cloak I wouldn’t even wear then I got another cloak with my bis stats. Didn’t feel good telling guildies no you can’t have this cloak I’ll actually use it, and no you can’t have the other cloak because Blizzard won’t let me give it to you.


Im sorry we can one shot you mr one shot ret pally 2 bubbles and heal yourself azzzzzz.

Playerbase: Complains about loot, or more specifically the lack of.

Raid: Gives out a good amount of loot.

Blizzard: Sorry guys but that was a bug and we will fix that!


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Funny how they can fix this bug so quickly, but other bugs like the WQ rewards not scaling after getting renown 10 or just flat out changing after you change zones remains.


Wait, you guys got loot?


Wait…you got loot?

Its been 2 weeks of raiding, and I have yet to get any loot drops during raid… just my wealthfair loot from 4 mythic, cause my vault loot was worse then my M+loot
I have not gotten a reward for being high dps, full enchants, full buffs, flask, oil, foods, doing mechanics, pulling off good movement to stay out of fire/poop. Yet I got absolutely no loot. And you feel its important to make it EVEN HARDER?
Dose the dev team understand how crap it is to work hard and not be rewarded at all? We play a game to have fun, that fun is directly tied to the loot we get for completing a challenge. To get nothing, while you watch others get what you want… its to infuriating.



To artificially pad up the time players play the game for our time played metrics, we are reducing the loots that the bosses in raid drops.


Bro you’re like 50 years old. Nobody uses hyphens in hashtags.