Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

Explain to me how its an exploit when the players are not intentionally exploiting

Heres a quick reality check, Mythic Keystones arent dropping next to nothing right now, if you get luck you MIGHT get some loot, other wise, heres 35 anima!

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Imagine reading the room this poorly.


What’s the saying… “Fun detected, fun nerfed”?

I think the average should be 4 items per boss for a 20 man group, which would scale down to two items for a 10 man group – It’d be pretty demoralizing to only see a single non-conduit/anima item drop from a boss that was giving us trouble. :confused:


I actually feel bad for Kaivax… ain’t no one gonna like this.

enhancement shaman would also like less mastery :stuck_out_tongue: and we’re definitely not good enough all ready xD

Should make it 5-8 pieces per boss! I just cleared the ENTIRE RAID… what do I get?!? ANIMA!!! Really? oh and a couple conduits. Good griefs! 3 hours of my life WAISTED! Best of all. Hardly anyone in my raid got Actual GEAR :gear:. We got fluffy crap to deposit everywhere but onto our characters ilvl. The GREAT VAULT BETTER BE STELLAR and Tuesday for that BS!!

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Dev’s expecting a “thank you for less loot, happy holidays!” or something? because this is probably the worst thing you can give to players.

It really feels you don’t want to hold subs numbers just sell pre orders and expansion launches.


I’m going to roll a D20 blizzard. 19 and below you get no paycheck for the month. Tell me after a few months of no money, how long you continue to work. This is what you are essentially doing to us in a video game meant to be fun.


Why do this?? It feels bad enough spending hours and hours on a boss and not getting loot, now making a higher chance to get nothing?? Ok???

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Don’t you have phones?

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Glad to see I still can’t trust these devs to be rational.

If SL didn’t have an amazing setting and beautiful aesthetics, I don’t think I’d continue.


I’m not obvious i didn’t get anything in mine either for some dungeons even when i did mythic 0s id go a whole dungeon without a drop of gear but at least those aren’t timegated unlike pvp . That is the whole point im getting at lol .

did 5 bosses and got one piece of gear in a 15 man. That seems to be the average, so what 2 per raid clear?

is reducing it really the move

The Great Vault was to eliminate RNG and as a compromise. I honestly believe people didn’t think too much of the ramifications of removing TF and lessening the loot to be more “impactful”.

Titanforging was added in the first place because after a while a tier was released, running content especially on normal and early to mid tier heroic dried up extremely. Nobody cared to do it anymore so it fundamentally made it harder for people to catch up.

Don’t get me wrong. I agree it should be better but this debacle was seen from a mile away. The pendulum swung from in people’s opinion from too much RNG, too much loot, too much “I don’t care for this loot is going to be replaced next tier” to this.

I’m sure some compromise can be reached. The QQ should lessen once people start getting upgrades from the Great Vault where the RNG is almost non existent.

NOOOOOOO, PEOPLE ARE GETTING LOOT?!!!?? We can’t have that

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By that logic coin rolls should still exist. Plus the vault is still a bunch of rng that you pick from. We aren’t guaranteed even one useful item out of nine.

A coin roll focused a loot roll by your own decision-making so how is that really so different?

The idea that the vault is some great boon justifying rewards evaporating is a farce.


This change should be held off until the next raid. Guilds that did split runs will have a massive advantage over the guilds that did not due to this upcoming change.

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This change should never happen.

They have already removed so many sources of loot compared to BFA: visions, bonus rolls, WQ emissaries, WQ’s themselves also nerfed and only reward below heroic dungeons, so there’s no need to nerf raids and M+ at all.

What they should do is increase M+ loot back ot 3 items for timed keys like it was in 2 previous expansions. In SL M+ feels extremely unrewarding for time spent. All I get right now is 35 anima, no thanks…

Also reduced loot promotes unhealhy gameplay like armor stacking to get more profit by trading loot, which hurts the game a lot.

It literally happened to me. Don’t get any honor from their honor kills. Don’t expect any heals either, even less than normal. Good to know this issue goes ignored, alongside the bugged maw making the group finder useless in it with broken phasing, and the 50% chance to d/c when going to oribos and dropping into the maw are still not fixed.

But loot actually drops from raid bosses? LETS FIX THIS NOW! THIS IS THE REAL S!

How about make loot easier to get from the other methods instead of making it harder to get from raids? Wouldn’t that also solve that HORRIBLE issue of people prioritizing raids instead of pvp or dungeons if they want gear? Why solve it in a way that takes away from players?

Literally nobody is going to get excited being in a full raid group and only 3 people get loot. That’s trash.

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