Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

I rarely post on forums. But this is just not, in my opinion, the way to go about making a healthy game. Do you guys think that the casual raider, who steps into normal with a largish group every so often is going to want to stay around and experience all of the raid content you have put out when they get nothing for their effort time after time?

I understand the concept of wanting to make loot drops more meaningful, but you need to realize that you are marketing to more than one type of player here. You may lose some of them…those who never wanted to progress past a normal raid, no matter how much gear they are handed. They want to have fun, they want to be rewarded in the few hours they put into the game on a weekly basis. It seems very shortsighted on Blizzard’s part. Keep the rare loot rare at the upper levels, but let it rain otherwise.


Can you guys please not take every opportunity to prove the “FUN DETECTED” meme as fact?



I went 6 mythic+ 2-3 chests without a SINGLE piece of loot. and now you nerf loot in raids as well. this has to be the most unrewarding expansion ever: nothing like spending all this time for nothing. this isn’t what i call fun, it’s a job. heck, not even a job, at least i get paid when i work. blah. im sorry, but drop rates in this expansion sucks.


You can do as much m+ as you want. But you can only kill the raid bosses once. 3 items for 20 players is just bad. Should not change it. Even with 5 items it feels like not many people get loot.

You are just going to make the raid feel unrewarding when most of the time you get nothing.

Only Marksmen Hunters, BM cant kill anyone lol

They want you to have to grind endlessly (shrug)

If this is how this expansion is going to work, I think I should just go ahead and unsub. I just finished my 4th mythic+ and all I have to show for my efforts is wasted time and 140 anima.

Spending all week getting nothing, just so you can get a pick of something on tuesday is bullsh*t, and not the least bit fun.

  • P

M+ giving 2 items for 5 people. While raid giving 3 items for 20 is not balanced at all

You put together a good perspective here. I quoted this bit because, in general, this is the direction they need to go. Not just in loot but in overall power / balance too. If players are having fun with one class / spec because it pwns all the things but players are grumpy that another spec is groggy and slow… well, don’t nerf the pwn spec, buff the groggy spec.

Instead, what happens is the pwn spec gets nerfed, and anything that was similar to it. Current dev crew (or the direction they’re given) sucks.

Imagine if you will a world where players of classes that are underperforming now gleefully check the forums for the daily hot fix notes to see if they got the attention they needed to improve the output they felt was necessary? Because they see other specs, classes, and legendary items getting their buffs as time these notes come out. If the dev team pushed more positive changes (output, loot, etc.), there would be an eventual change of heart in my opinion.

It is not the proper function of a videogame to decide who has the wrong friends and what friends they should be forced to “make”.

The idea that being forced to suck up to people who barely tolerate them is “venturing out of their comfort zone” sounds like a control freak’s fantasy, not part of an entertainment product.

If 99 of 100 readers think you’re wrong, you’re probably wrong.


no no she’s just 200 iq and we don’t understand how this is actually beneficial to us because we spend more time running dungeons, therefore more time learning our class, and we get better and run more dungeons which also dont reward gear!
prime “you think you do, but you don’t” energy

Ok fine. Not as intended, but either leave it alone or give us more loot for M+. You’re not learning that the nerf stick is to balance. Not to remove fun or rewarding content. You’re driving people to spend more time in-game than necessary and in the end, it will kill their drive to keep playing.

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They are behind where they would have been had they been able to get that gear.

But since the raid was tuned to be difficult to impossible for the type of players who raid normal as the appropriate level with family and friends, they didn’t kill the bosses that YOU got extra gear off.

Not everybody does every activity in their life for the sole purpose of beating other people to prove their superiority.

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So what you’re saying is their progression through the raid will take a bit longer?

And that’s bad because…?

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more incentive for me NOT to do Narthia… GRATS on your backwards attempts to keep subscribers, I think you guys might be doing worse than the team that did Warlords of Draenor


This aint it.


Classic is a brain-eating amoeba and its infected the retail team.


That is wayyyyy to little ! I feel bad for raiders.

Just put it this way im used to getting stuff slowly been playing from the first day wow dropped but im sure alot of people joined wow when loot is falling from the sky and forges being a thing era to go from that to this im sure they will hate it i can live with it np im used to it but i doubt they can if at all.