Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

Only here for the sh!tsh@w, obviously!

i dont think this needs to be fixed boys just go on holiday instead of doing the work

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I’m genuinely curious why they’d say this…

If you’re going to do something that literally 99% of players aren’t going to like… what’s the point of announcing it?

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Blizz is run by the previously unknown Sha of Salt, and this topic was created so It could feast.


Because people explode even worse when they make stealth changes?

You really need a better sense of humor Blizzard.

Cause your game ain’t that good to keep us hooked.


obviously loot was the issue.

Not wq’s, not the anima rewarding 35 pennies on a 9 or 10. No. More gear is the issue.

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Then bring back master loot if ya gonna be stingy about loot this xpack

It doesn’t matter. Blizz wants you to play MORE, not LESS. Giving you less loot will ultimately average to more time played per account, and that’s how they butter their bread.

OMG Yshraaj really was the most powerful old God if this is cannon xD

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Do they though? I’m lookin’ at this thread, and not seeing very many people like: “I’m not as mad because you told us…” lol

Didnt you hear the news?
The game is perfect.


how do you think we got it in the first place?

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Anthem the Dull? It was such an uninteresting and unrewarding experience, that it’s playerbase only got any enjoyment out of the game when the loot system was unintentionally rewarding. Of course the Devs fixed it…and the game basically died.

The end.

Moral to the story: A rewarding game is satisfying.


Or allow us to trade our loot willy nilly. Which ever.

But we are not playing that.
We got the Shadowlands…

One can learn just as much from the failures of others as their own.

Regardless, this is a No-Win Situation for the Devs:

  • If left as is, non Normal/Heroic Raiders will feel like they get the short end of the stick. And there will be an expectation that the next Raid will be just as rewarding.
  • If nerfed, the Normal/Heroic Raiders will feel like Blizzard is making the game less rewarding for them.
  • If everything else is made more rewarding to match, then the Leadership might come down on the Devs for not taking every step to drive as much “engagement” as possible.
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Why is intended that raiding provides less loot than M+? 1 item per 5 players seems fair, and you’re saying that it should be 1 item per 6.67 players instead.

Does this mean that M+ has a chance to drop 0 pieces of loot for a run? I don’t play M+ so I have observed nothing regarding loot from M+ at a personal level, and I can’t recall seeing any posts saying that M+ runs can drop 0 pieces of loot.

Eh, I do play the game, this is just a forum character :man_shrugging:
Interesting that you’d think I’d be this knowledgable about the game without playing though I suppose.

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So much for promised alt friendly expansion :smiley: