Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

I can show you some screenshots if you’d like, but it’s not really relevant and not like it matters, as I’m not basing my arguments on things of which I have no knowledge or understanding. If I were making blatant claims about how X expansion was the best, without having any relevant achievements from that expansion, you would all lynch me, however when I apply the same logic, it’s not allowed apparently. I honestly couldn’t care less if you take me seriously or not, after all that is the typical attitude of bandwagon forum whiners, they ignore and dismiss everything which challenges their narrative unless scientifically proven, but blindly accept anything which does fit their narrative - and so I simply could not care less if a hivemind of turbocasuals takes me seriously or not. I won’t lose any sleep over it, and you will all be back losing your minds over something in a day or two. What you fail to understand is that no one takes you seriously, which is why Blizzard doesn’t cater to the clueless crying masses, because none of you have any idea about what you’re actually saying or what you actually want. It’s as simple as that. I don’t need to back up my arguments as I didn’t base them on something I’m clueless about and you’re just salty that I can look up everyone in the hivemind and see how they struggle in LFR but feel entitled to opinions that don’t impact them even slightly.

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Bruh, we’re literally in the 3rd week of a 2+ year expansion. You haven’t even dipped your toe in the kiddie pool yet.

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stop posting


Bruh people have more than one account. I’m allowed to weigh in on the current situation regardless of how mad it makes you.

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How does that even remotely impact how deep we’re into the expansion? You could have 1,000,000 accounts, we’re still in the 3rd week of a 2+ year expansion, which is not deep, regardless of how many accounts you have.


bro you’re writing whole manifestos when u dont even play the game. it’s time to chill out and stop feeding into ur moment of psychosis


can’t give the customer too much now can we…

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I was sick and tired on not getting any loot, I went and pvped for some. yea you heard me, PvP has better chances at getting loot. Least it has some desirable stats. i took advantage of the honor bonus this week and the quests that give 1k+ so i could go buy some and not be stuck in quest stuff still.

I would like to add me going into protection spec but not receiving my stamina bonus. I really enjoyed that one.

More people need to read and understand this.

Less loot in the game makes it unrewarding. This is an insincere attempt to increase the value of rewards under the guise of less loot resulting in an increased played-time metric.

I don’t agree with the players that are arguing otherwise.


So if keystones are supposed to be similar to raiding why do level 15 keys not even give you heroic raid level loot?

The reduced loot amount from M+ would be fine if achieving a max level key at least gave you the opportunity for heroic level loot. M+ has to be one of the least rewarding aspects of the game at the moment for time spent and difficulty.

Nothing like clearing 12/12 Normal and 6/10 Heroic only to walk away with 2 pieces of gear, 1 of which was a trinket that is absolutely worthless for Frost mages. To hear loot is going to reduced sucks, when it already felt like garbage getting 1 piece from each raid so far …


This is basically how I understood this post as well.

It’s amazing we have posts like simultaneously with other posts (especially in the arena forums) about how unfair it is that mythic+ runners can just spam run all day and get 210 gear quickly in most slots while they are locked into a weekly conquest cap or raid lockouts.

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I’d love to know how many people have the ability to actually clear level 15 keys to achieve this. And even then that group has 1-2 people get loot.

Gotta please those shareholders. Afterall they’re more important than the people who you want to play and enjoy your game.

I’m surprised there are still people who can’t see how Blizzard is designing this game.

This expansion has all kinds of content. And compared to previous xpacs all of it takes much longer to accomplish unless you no-life the crap out of it. And even then the time gates come crashing down in many of those situations.

Do you hear the voices echoing throughout the realms of the dead?
“Slooooow doooooown…You’re going to be here for awhile…”
Que laughter of many ghost children

I’m not disagreeing, just saying the forums are pointing at each other in the various sections about how the “other” gearing method is better.

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Are you suggesting vanilla was the largest time played metric/investor based game?

It was BY far the one that wasted your time the most.

Why even announce this? Just sneak it into a patch like you do everything else.

I didn’t see one post from someone saying “You know guys, loot is dropping way to frequently in raid, I’m hoping Blizzard fixes this before mass people quit the game”.

Meanwhile there are a plethora of bugs and problems players have been asking to get fixed and you guys are just dead silent.

Are you trying to completely alienate your paying customers? I’m one of your biggest defenders but I’m getting tired of sticking up for this company when I see stuff like this.

Happy Holidays!!!


So now instead of 1 item per raid we can get 0? Sounds awesome keep up the good work Blizz :+1: