Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

:open_mouth: You played the game efficiently and were rewarded for it? No wai!

It’s literally the first Heroic week and you’re crying as if you’ve been farming gear for months. I get it, it’s hard to think ahead, but one day you’ll look back at this and realize that you were panicking over nothing as you gear up faster than you did in SL since your weekly chest won’t be trash loot 99% of the time and you don’t need to rely on 9 different sets of die for every gear drop to be good, instead you just need the item to drop, which is far less RNG, far less frustrating and far less punishing than BfA gearing was

You need to chill out and realize that you cannot compare less than 1 week of gearing to nearly a year of Ny’alotha, even the biggest simpleton in the universe understands that that simply isn’t an accurate comparison. You’re literally neglecting the fact that Azerite gambling never gave you anything good, unless you were giga lucky. You constantly got repeat items from the weekly chest, which you scrapped since they didn’t have BiS corruptiuon + socket or max TF + socket and your time wasn’t valued or respected at all.

Now you get an item, that’s it, that slot is done, you can forget about it, you won’t get upgrades until the next tier. As opposed to never being done, always having potential upgrades, endless treadmill, the frustration of not getting your BiS piece and the relief when you finally got it (as opposed to joy of getting an item, it was just relief). There really isn’t anything about the old system which was good, which is why it was removed.

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I honestly loved the artifact system. Having a single weapon to worry about made things so much easier than praying to RNGesus for that SINGLE drop that never seems to drop for you

The Artifact Weapon system should have been a permanent part of WoW moving forward. Stressing over weapon drops is dumb.

I mean it had it’s own issues, but somehow it felt less crazy because you had something in hand. Good ole perception.

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I’m not going to take you seriously if you don’t post on your main. You tried shaming someone’s opinion because they didn’t have the raid/mythic progress you thought was worthy enough to be allowed to speak.

So where are you at? What’s your gear at?

Obviously it’s something important to you. So show off your stuff.

Merry Christmas! Someone’s gotta bring the lumps of coal. Not even video games are safe from the wrath of 2020 :laughing:.

Always nerfing. Always.

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This feels really terrible in conjunction with personal loot. I’m currently a raid trial for a guild and I probably won’t make the cut for their mythic raid team. Feels really bad earning loot when there’s so little it takes away from their better players.

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These “Bugs” always seem to benefit people that no life the game and play early.

Increase dungeon loot then if you want it to match.

Oh thats right
fun detected

Casual guilds who struggled with those overtuned bosses are now permanently behind. Perhaps this was an intentional bump for mythic raiders.

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I’m sure you’ve heard of the anima drought plaguing the Shadowlands, but that’s nothing compared to the epic loot drought that’s fall upon us!

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Tiers seem to be fairly consistent at 4-4.5 months first tier then 5 months mid tiers. Sometimes 6 months like AEP.

Also ToS released on 6/20 and Antorus released on 11/28 which is 5 months not 4.

Who are they “behind” if they are a causal guild?


My best response to this is - I play retail to play retail, I don’t play retail to play classic.


We don’t even have TIER sets anymore! No more bonus raiding tier sets. Why take that out? That was the most fun!

Now I have to share a set design with rogues. Cause that makes perfect sense.

So far there’s 2 leather gear set/designs you get from WQs and then those are just recolored 4 times over for “variation.”

Then our raid set is just one leather set and it’s for rogues design wise. No cool Monk gear. Druid gear. None of that.

If you’re giving up on this game, Blizzard, just end it already and stop dragging us down with you.


This is exactly what it is. They just want to keep us in game longer for their funding.

Cool, when I finally get in there I will get less gear.

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Blizz what is it with you and gear rewards? Its not rocket science.

We are this deep in expansions and you can’t figure out the loot treadmill?

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Wait was it Shriekwing? Because my Guild also had 5 Cloaks drop off her.