Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

So you’re making it even harder to get gear on things that are already not dropping gear to begin with?

Is this a joke? Do you guys really not want anyone to enjoy themselves this expansion? First you lock the main storyline behind covenants, then you give us more Borrowed Power crap instead of making our classes fun and interesting, then you put cosmetic items in other faction vendors ONLY TO HAVE THEM LOCKED BEHIND A COVENANT.

And that’s the absolute tip of the iceberg that is this horrible expansion.

People have been telling you since ALPHA that the path you’re going down is not a great path. This is stupid. So many things broken and THIS is what you think is the most important?


Careful Tsunomi… that guy with his math is going to come in and tell you how this is so much better than BFA. How somehow getting 1/4 the loot drops actually leads to better loot… because he actually believes that in addition to lowering the drops, Blizzard tweaked the knobs to make drops better.

The vault is an adrenaline hit (or will be) every week, where instead of 1 chance at an upgrade, there will be 3-9. Except there will be bugs. There will be gear you already have equipped in the damn thing. There will be multiples of the same slot. It will be no better than BfA… at… alll.

7 shoulders in a row and counting.


its kinda sad that 20 people have work together to overcome a challenge but only 3 deserve loot…


How about fixing endless disconnects that are happen more often than not since 9.0?
How about fixing phasing in The Maw so you can actually use premade group finder to find a group for group quests offered in that zone?
How about fixing Ikras the Devourer rare in The Maw getting stuck in evade when you pull it?
How about fixing that whole The Maw mess so it feel fun instead of a chore you are forced to do?
How about fixing one of the packs after first boss in Halls of Atonement evading when you pull it?
How about fixing squishy BM hunter pets dying from AOE in SL dungeons?


Oh its RNG, you are talking to someone that ran Baron every day for months on end just to see everything but my Lightforge pants drop. Heck I got the Judgement legs months before I saw those things fall.

Just because you see the same stuff over and over doesn’t mean its not RNG. In the roll of a dice you can see a ton of anomalies, been there done that myself. Sometimes it’s good sometimes it’s bad, but that doesn’t change the odds every time you roll, that remains constant ( if something isn’t broken ).

It’s why I said I’d love to see the numbers from the overall playerbase. Anecdotal stories don’t mean much. You’ve seen the same drop 7 times in a row, meanwhile someone else has seen a different drop every time.

Being on the wrong side of RNG stinks, in 15 years I have my own list. My buddy though that got his Ony mount on his 2nd kill thinks its lovely though, that’s how it goes.

Its garbage programming.

I can’t prove to anyone here, but its not 5 minutes to fix the code that determines what drops for an individual. Its laziness that leads to duped drops.

When titanforging or corruptions existed, it made SENSE to have the chance at a duplicate drop. Sans those, its nothing but lazy garbage code.

If you’re a programmer, though, you know how this works. They tweaked old code for Shadowlands to modify the drop rate and trusted it would work as described.

A lot of times it doesn’t in edge cases.

I mean it’s a system games have run off of long since before WoW started using it. I mean its easy to change, that I agree with, but the RNG part has been as much a part of WoW as anything else.

I mean I was fussing about the exact same thing you are currently back in 2006, except it was a heck of a lot bigger than 7. After 16 years I get the feeling that isn’t going anywhere any time soon.


^ Literally everyone who unironically writes “fun detected” for every nerf in the game.

wait didn’t they have this issue before and a bunch of top guilds then started making all 10 man groups to get loot fast?
sounds like they’ll have to hotfix the hotfix

Ah yes, base your entire frustrated argument on assumptions which go directly against what Blizzard have said, that’s always a good way to create nothing out of nothing and act as if strawmen are valid arguments.

Why am I not surprised that you have no raid achievements above AotC and yet think you’re the premier voice of reason and knowledge of a subject you’ve never even attempted?

The Vault will not have duplicate items, so you’re not going to be getting 7 shoulders in a row. Also, you’re scared of math and tried to incorrectly apply math to your argument, which explains why the concept frightens you, I suppose. We fear that which we do not understand, so you must be terrified all the time.

Ah, so that’s why you stopped responding to my posts.

Sure, it can feel like wasted time. But would you rather do 10 dungeons and get 1 BiS item, or do 10 dungeons and get 6 items, all of which are complete trash and you just equip it for iLvl, despite the fact that the gear is trash? People delude themselves into wanting quantity over quality, and are oblivious to the fact that your time is more wasted in the previous system, they just saw lots of purples dropping and deluded themselves into thinking their time wasn’t wasted, despite then spending 1,000x longer farming the correct gear than they will in SL.


No, I simply went and did something productive with my time and then came back to have some more laughs at people like you. It’s kind of sad that you’re sitting here constantly refreshing the forums looking for me though and that you’ve been doing that for well over an hour now, just because you feel like you’re smart if someone isn’t as obsessed as you are. I’ll read whatever moronic reply you posted shortly, don’t worry. You can wipe the sweat off your brows now and change your shirt, all is good in the world.

Overt goal: “Make gear feel meaningful again by making it rare.”
Covert goal: “Get people to stay subbed longer.”

Intended player experience: “Yeah, this item rocks, it feels great to get something that’s actually hard to get!”
Actual player experience: “This is frustrating not getting anything for my time.”



anyway going to bed, good night (to people with average IQ or higher).

Stay tapped out & white knighting for one bad loot system replacing another bad loot system.

Post on your main.

The only reason why I have the gear I have is because I made groups with my guild that had almost all leather wearers in it, and we traded loot. That’s the only way we get gear. I’m still struggling to find a weapon and decent trinkets.

I had 4 offhands drop for me in one day. Do you know how much that sucks for people trying to get gear just to do NORMAL raids?

You need to step off your high horse and realize that this game and almost every decision Blizzard is making is rubbing people the wrong way. The gear drops suck. Period.


Sorry, your posts just aren’t worth reading honestly. So you complained that I picked Vanilla as an example, because YOU have to specifically choose the example? That’s convenient for you I suppose, it’s always easy to delude yourself into thinking you’re right when you always control the narrative and dismiss anything which doesn’t fit your narrative. Enjoy living in your little bubble.

It’s also interesting how you’re basing your entire argument on pre-ToT gearing, when you don’t have any relevant achievements from that time which you didn’t earn in 2018 or later. I’m sure your opinion is completely valid when you seemingly didn’t even play the game then and we should definitely listen to everything you have to say! :clown_face:

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Yep, WoW players have been dealing with it for 16 years now. That’s the fallacy of the whole thing, you have dealt with that portion of WoW in every single expansion. Granted it did get slightly less hair ripping at times depending on which expansion it was and which spec you were playing.

I think its probably the single thing that made me like Legion, I finally didn’t need to worry about a weapon drop.

so you’re suggesting that adding code to remove the possibility of duplicate drops is… more random??