Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

Yes, a bonus roll system would be great to see back. I was a little disheartened yesterday to kill 5 heroic bosses and not get a single piece of gear. A couple of bonus rolls may have turned that around. I’ll see what I think about it after spamming M+ this weekend.

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I’ll be the one that says it. Y’all are gonna manage to kill this expansion with fake issues like this needing fixed rather than addressing actual concerns. You are the leaders in creating false problems to solve. Not one person ever said too much loot is dropping from content. Loot scarcity is a problem. Mythic+ is garbage for loot drops and PvP is so time gated it’s demoralizing to even try. Kyrian campaign quest has had bug problems for 7 months, but thank god loot drops were fixed. Kyrian steward doesn’t work in Mythic+ Necrotic Wake so their covenant bonus is invalid, BUT THANK GOD LOOT DROPS WERE FIXED IN NATHRIA.


10man x2 = 4 loot

20 man = 3 loot


Yeah I realized that after but never updated.

Which is also back to why 4 drops per 20 makes so much more sense.

1 drop per 5 people ratio. Scales easy from 10-30.

3 just makes it awkward

yeah and it sucks for guilds that want to play toguether , if its better to split teams and do 2 raids instead of 1 , tanks gain 2 spots tho

i love flex raiding it was the best blizz idea ever , but this loot drop rates killed it.

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compromise. Blizz give us 4 loot per boss instead of 3.


I do see your points however some have an opinion different then yours mine are vastly different. However I dont think either side is an idiot nor do I see it as a bandwagon I lost interest for my own reasons but I do admit these are opinions neither side is fact. You enjoy the game and think gear is worthwhile while yes it does more impactful. However on the flip side some guildies I know have done 10+ dungeons getting 1 piece of gear which although makes gear more of a boost can make them feel dismayed and feel like it was wasted time. I tthink on both sides people want to feel compensated some for the difficulty and some for their time you wont please everyone but that doesn’t mean the side that isn’t getting what they want is wrong and a moron just that its a difference. There is no harm in agreeing to disagree what does cause issues is tearing each other or degrading one side for that. You’re having fun and feel rewarded some do not it happens.

How about you keep it? 3 pieces for any sized group is bad…5 seems fair.

We had 5 cloaks drop from one boss yesterday lol. Something did feel off.

Cue whining though.

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I don’t see why you have to do that.

I think part of it is we need to rework our brains a bit. We are used to seeing tons of gear drop, but only about 20% ( totally made up number) was actually a useful upgrade. The rest was just vendor trash ( aka illusion).

So just looking at what they have done is they tried to keep the 20% but strip out that 80% trash to make it have some impact.

Now I don’t know if the numbers actually line up, I’m not sure anyone other than Blizzard would have that info. I think though that is what they were trying to accomplish with this change, but whether it is the same is anyone’s guess at this point. All we have is anecdotal evidence, and we know that when you combine it and RNG things don’t see eye to eye most of the time.

I’m not saying quality of drop is the same, but I’d love to see the internal numbers they are running to see if it is the case. Obviously quantity of drops has shifted dramatically.


How long will this tier last? That’s the elephant in the room.

The reason that rapid gearing has become so important is that Blizzard has fallen into the habit of cranking out 4-month raid tiers without warning. Uldir. Tomb of Sargeras. Blackrock Foundry.

A 10-boss raid tier that lasts 4 months IS TOO SHORT. And none of us know when a tier opens up if it’s going to be another 4-month tier, another 6-month tier, or longer.

We got screwed out of CE Kil’jaeden because a lot of our team felt (incorrectly, it turns out) that Blizzard had learned their lesson from Blackrock Foundry and wasn’t going to have another 4-month short tier. So instead of extend-extend-extend (which is what you HAVE to do, these days, because the tiers are so short), after killing Avatar we recleared a few times to unlock the Maiden skip. A skip we never even used because then Blizzard announced the raid was ending shortly after. And then even after we switched to extending, we just ran out of time. (Got him to 5% on our best.)

If Castle Nathria is going to be an 8-month tier, then FINE. We’ll actually have time to gear up with these new drop rates.

But we have absolutely no idea, because Blizzard won’t tell us.


I do fully agree that this is annoying. They need to standardize raid lengths. 6 months sounds perfect to me.

Specially since inevitably they will end up extending the last tier for nearly a year, which defeats the purpose of cruising through earlier tiers entirely.


Ok but I’ll be damn’d 'cause the reward structure in general makes the content, even the worst content, feel PRETTY UNREWARDING for me at least. I wonder why you guys really went the BFA extreme on the other end of the spectrum, awarding small bits of rep, anima, etc for anything you do.

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This doesn’t make any sense. You can only kill a raid boss once, you can mythic+ and PvP all day. I would honestly leave this one alone - especially given the tuning of the raid, Sludgefist is nuts.


Any chance you wanna push this bug in for Mythic + for a bit?

You know… the harder content with now 1/5 the loot (until you fix the bug so its back down to 1/3).

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lol… not accurate.

The last 7 drops have been the exact same slot, at the exact same ilvl.

They should have added some intelligence to their loot drop process. I get that tons of you are going to say “oh its RNG”… but its not…

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I dunno but with SL being pushed back it wouldn’t shock me it’s longer.

My point though is I’m interested to know if gearing actually will take that much longer or is it perception that it will take longer because we don’t have a million worthless items being thrown at us.

I guess another piece of information we don’t and probably won’t ever have. Although if it is roughly the same it would go a heck of a long way if they could show that.

Wow, absolutely nobody thought loot drops were excessively generous in Shadowlands as-is. Eek.

But I don’t mind it if it’s consistently difficult to get gear.

:rofl: :rofl: Hilarious