Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

This is a huge mistake amidst the already big mistake of messing up M+ rewards.

I agree (and I’m not opposed to ML as long as it’s restricted to guild groups).

At least with no trade restrictions people can give their friends upgrades, guilds can dictate loot, and it’s impossible to ninja.


This is what happens when the devs decide to design around “excitement” of “world first” races and alienates 99.5% of the rest of the playerbase.


Oh, I agree. I’m not saying it’s a positive. I played Vanilla and I like the current game much more. I’m just trying to figure out where the design decision came from and that seems like the most obvious correlation.

The amount of drops in Legion was about every 3-4 boss kills before a drop, BFA seemed to have gone up 4-5 kills in raid.

RNG in games isn’t real RNG it’s all fixed for the most part. Look at boss drops in dungeons, why is it some gear is 5% for one piece and others 20% and higher.

So again fixed RNG is still fixed RNG.

I also agree that BFA gave too much gear. It is nice to not looting 5 useless helmets in a single day. I just think that the solution they came up with is better in theory than it is in practice.

Totally agree. I’m on board with that. I was just trying to give my opinion as to why these things are happening.

I never admitted that gearing was slower, because it isn’t. Anyone who claims it is seemingly has the rest of your IQ with them. Gearing is significantly faster and more rewarding now than it was before, that’s just a factual statement whether you choose to disagree with it or not.

You are on a bandwagon though, regardless of how much you delude yourself otherwise.

You specifically cited that gearing dropped in equal qualities, rather than quantities (which I see you deliberately chose to ignore as you seemingly don’t understand the difference, which just goes to show that your opinion is invalid as there’s no possible way you understand what you’re on about - which also proves you are on a bandwagon) before TF/Corruption. Vanilla was before both those things, no one complains about that.

Ah yes, the middle school dropout who thinks it’s “tryhard” to write more than 4 sentences as your last remaining braincells literally catch on fire if you ever need to think for yourself, so instead you jump on the bandwagon complaining about literally everything in the game, regardless of if the change is good or not (again, how would you know?). It’s cute how stupid people like you will always find a way to insult someone rather than accepting the fact that you’re wrong and not very smart. Oh well, keep making whiny comments and crying yourself to sleep over receiving fewer pixels and your time being more valued as well as gearing being faster than it previously was.

Also, ToT had Thunderforging, which means any item that dropped without TF, wasn’t your BiS item and you had to keep rolling the dice to get the same item, just with Thunderforging. So ToT is a terrible example of pre-TF, as it was literally the birthplace for TF. Then again, why anyone would expect some bandwagon monkey to know such things is beyond me. What’s next, you’re going to claim that PvP is the intended endgame of WoW like the :clown_face: that you are?

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I do not understand this change whatsoever. Currently in mythic+ there is a huge amount of groups favoring armor stacking due to the way you guys have changed the overall loot. Is the intent to force raid groups to armor stack as well? this is getting ridiculous.


You just inherently don’t understand even the basics of RNG. It doesn’t matter if it’s fixed RNG, you can still go 20 boss kills without loot, because that’s how RNG works. You can also kill 20 bosses and get loot from all of them. That wouldn’t mean that there’s a 0% or a 100% drop chance. Your personal experience doesn’t impact how RNG works.

I ran a +9 last night and didn’t get anything, so I suppose m+ has a 0% drop chance for gear, based solely on my personal experience and using a ridiculous sample size?


why not increase loot drops in other content to make them as competitive instead of lowering loot drops?


So CE guilds who raided 6 hours a night, 5-6 nights this week will simply be that much farther along forever as the extra loot they pulled out will give them a further leg up. Cool, cool. MMORPGS are meant to be highly cooperative and engender community building. M+ and PvP don’t foster that, you can find that same experience in thousands of other games. Where MMOs shine is in guild based activities and raiding is core to that experience. Stop penalizing the cornerstone players of the genre.

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You’re doing the typical Blizzard thing. You’re swinging the pendulum too far back in the other direction now. I get it ~ we were fed gear so much the last few expansions that the loot pretty much became meaningless, but this is content you can only do ONCE per week on a given difficulty. You took away the RNG of war/titanforging and that is great, but now you’re actively increasing the RNG to obtain any gear at all from difficult content. I know that the weekly chest is supposed to offset that, but you’re still only picking ONE piece of loot from potentially 9 options there. The M+ change was kind of harsh already, but I thought “well, you can at least spam +s as much as you want”, but that is not the case with raids. At this rate you could spend 10 hours in a week raiding and doing +s and the only loot you might get is the one drop you get to choose from your weekly chest. That doesn’t feel good either.


bruh he specifically said “pre-TF system that went away during TOT”


Oh there is no doubt that the Maw design was a direct rip from Classic theories. Gearing is somewhat, but that also was from feedback from retail players.

I’m not sold the quality of gear and actual upgrades is that much less from BfA or Legion, but because they removed the amount of gear that is flying around it gives you the illusion it is. Illusion can be a powerful thing.

That said they may be well served by tossing back in a bonus roll system if for no other reason than to create more illusion.

Someone would need to do some number crunching to prove if quality of gear and rate of acquisition has really dropped significantly. Even if it was statistically even I’m not sure people would buy it because the illusion isn’t there.

We kind of see the same thing when we get in comparison of the old versus newer version of talents.

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Please reconsider, at least for normal and heroic. Not a PVPer so can’t speak to ilvl reward on that front, but raids should be more rewarding in terms of %chance to get loot because every boss is on a weekly lockout. Having a 15% at ilvl 200 piece of loot seems too punishing considering someone that can down 7/10 (the avg it would take to get 1 piece of gear) can probably easily spam timed M+7 keys. While this might take longer than it takes to kill 7 bosses, it’s a repeatable activity. i.e. if someone really wants to deck out in ilvl 200 gear, they can. Raids are a different story.

I agree with your intent that every end game activity reward should be balanced, but perhaps having it more limited at higher level of play ( 3 pieces of loot in mythic raid) can be the way to go instead of having the same rule apply to every difficulty.

Edit: if you really want to go through with this, can I suggest at least make the great vault raid reward 1 difficulty higher? e.g. if I down 3/10 N, I get a 213 heroic loot next week from the drop tables of the bosses I killed. This puts it on par with clearing 1 mythic +7, which again, if you can kill 3 bosses in normal CN you should be able to complete easily (it’s not even a reward for timing the key).

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Yeah, I specifically identified TOT as the problem. Learn to read, Reddit.


I really like this. The gear grind will feel much more rewarding. But PLEASE give us the option to master loot. Not being able to trade items is going to feel twice as bad, and will continue to feel bad each time our raid group moves up to the next difficulty.


M+ is a 80% chance to NOT get loot.
Raid is a 85% chance to NOT get loot.

Whew that sounds bad when you put it that way.


And the one with the higher chance to GET loot is repeatable… which makes no sense.