Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

I spent a whole 5 minutes on this and it’s how I feel.

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This is an incredibly dumb point. Prior to gear having D3 RNG aspects, loot dropped in comparable qualities. People put up with fairly lengthy content droughts during times like this without acting like you’ve imagined.

Keep white knighting for Blizzard though, moron.

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It literally happened to me twice this week… thats why I mentioned it lmao… but sure act like you know what you are talking about.

So you’re saying that the fact that BfA dropped more gear is false, based solely on your experience and the fact that you were unlucky with gear, therefore SL dropped more gear than BfA did, solely based on your experience.

Also, you’re basing this on 1 week of SL compared to 1 year of Ny’alotha. Your sample sizes aren’t comparable, you’re only taking 1 person into account, that’s not how you gather statistical data and it doesn’t tell you any factual statements. Building your entire argument on a strawman is completely pointless and factually incorrect.

RPG’s are about character progression (read: power). WoW is a Skinner box MMO where the reward is this power.

When people refer to something as a “Skinner box,” they’re usually referring to a very specific configuration of the box, which featured a lever, a food dispenser, ample space for a rat to move around, and a rat as a test subject. When pressing the lever caused food to fall from the food dispenser every time, the rat would press the lever only when the rat was hungry. However, if food was only dispensed some of the time, the rat would continually press the lever, hoping that any given press would produce food.

Blizz has decided that us rats will stick around longer (and pay more money) if they force us to press the lever more often before they grant us the same reward that previously required fewer presses of the lever.


You mean unlike raid loggers who they had to create systems for to keep them playing between raid tiers by gimping their progression if they took a break to play other games?

The amount players choose to play does not correlate with their skill level or the difficulty of content they choose.

You might be right, but that doesn’t mean you don’t try and fix a bad design choice. Blizzard tends to swing to far when they do this so I’m not surprised.

These things are a direct result of the success of Classic WoW.

Gear - Classic players are always saying that loot in “retail” doesn’t feel significant. They say things like, “Can you remember the name of the gear on your character in ‘retail?’ I remember wanting Ashkandi!” and similar nonsense.

Travel - Classic players always reminisce about how fun traveling was in Vanilla when they couldn’t get their mounts until level 40 and the epic mount wasn’t obtainable until 60 and it cost so much that it took a while after capping to even get it for most characters. Classic players seem to love inconvenience in travel for some reason. There were also no whistles in Vanilla.


If only they kept that in classic :joy:

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That’s why we have classic, but retail doesn’t need any of that. It’s a different game for different players.


Less loot would be dramatically less of an issue with the reintroduction of ML.

Gear funneling and split runs could at least alleviate the pains this brings many.

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Ah yes, I’m the moron for having a fundamental understanding of how this system is actually more rewarding and values your time more than previous systems did and for not jumping on a bandwagon like 99% of the comments (you included) because you simply have no idea what you’re talking about but want to be included in something for once, despite not understanding what you’re advocating for even slightly. I’d much rather be a moron than whatever you classify as, that’s for sure :slight_smile:

Yeah, gear definitely dropped in comparable quantities (I assume you meant quantity, as in amounts, not qualities as in how good it is, again, I’m just a moron right, how would I know the difference between quantities and qualities, right?). Remember the good old days of 3 items for a 40 man raid in Vanilla? That’s definitely the same as 5 items for a 20 man raid in BfA.

The drop rates are still very similar to what they were, the only real difference is that gear is gear now, and you don’t need to rely wholly on RNG to get gear. I don’t see how anyone prefers killing a boss 20 times without getting the item they need (because let’s face it, if you didn’t get a max TF + socket item or correct corruption + socket item, you didn’t get what you needed) to killing a boss 20 times and seeing your BiS item drop multiple times, and even if you don’t get it, others will and can trade it to you. But I mean again, I’m just a moron right? :clown_face:

“Everyone in your raid would be fully BiS geared in a matter of 2 weeks”

I didn’t realize everyone was in a Top 10 WF Race Mythic Guild. I guess I lost my invite in the mail.

You get 3 pieces of loot in a 20 Man Group. And we lost Bonus Rolls. Raid Pieces aren’t BiS for a lot of classes and specs, in a lot of cases. The only ones that stand out are the last two bosses.

You get 1 potentially 226 piece from the Great Vault. If you clear a +14. Now yes you can look at multiple choices. That requires clearing 10 M+ dungeons, to get 3 choices to pick from, and all 10 need to be +14 to get 226 choices.

“But you can get stuff from the Raid from the Great Vault!” At the end of the next week not when you kill the bosses (which doesn’t feel great), it’s random AND takes the place of your M+ cache reward. You only get to pick ONE thing from the Great Vault.

It’s pretty obvious what they’re trying to do, they’re trying to extend the life cycle of Normal and Heroic Raids for those guilds that will stay at those difficulties

The effect is that it screws over the lower play time Mythic Guilds.

It’s not going to stop WF Guilds from booty blasting the Raid. It’s going to make it way more annoying, more splits that they’re going to have to run. But it’s not going to stop them.


We were worried about them taking the wrong lessons from Classic and I say that as someone that was cheering Classic on.

People in Classic certainly do reminisce about certain things, that doesn’t mean its a design choice you jump back 15 years for.

Certainly remembering gear is a thing, but there is a reason Blizzard moved away from it even as soon as TBC.

That said though, BfA was ridiculous in the amount of gear it was tossing out and they were getting feedback from players that weren’t just Classic players that it was too much.

They do like their pendulum swings though. That has been a constant since day one.


My hopes and dreams of not having to do Mythic+'s like a slave were crushed in a single sentence.


You’ve already admitted that gearing under the new system is slower, so congratulations you are the moron.

I’m not on a bandwagon, I want a return to the pre-TF system that went away during TOT. Gearing was fine then. It worked well, without any of the horrors that you’re imagining.

Did I specifically cite this?

Yeah and 3 tryhard Reddit paragraphs where you miss the point don’t really help your case.


There’s literally no way you can play only 10% of an expansion and raid Mythic, and that’s just a factual statement. You can probably get away with clearing Heroic in that time, but even that would be tight and require a good Guild (who wouldn’t take someone who puts in no effort and is only there for the first week of each tier and then disappears again).

It’s not possible to play anything above LFR if you only play 10% of an expansions duration. Sure, you might be skilled enough to raid in Limit or Echo, but they’d never take anyone who plays the game like that and is inherently always behind as they don’t keep their characters relevant. So yes, the amount of time you put into the game does correlate with the difficulty you can choose to play.

I feel like the middle ground of 4 drops is probably the appropriate amount of loot per boss in a 20 man raid. That averages to I piece of loot for every 5 people which is approximately what you get for dungeon bosses (occasionally 2 people get loot from a dungeon boss). That seems like a reasonable rate for loot drops.

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They just need to remove the trade restrictions.


That’s just ML with extra steps… but I guess it’s the best of both worlds.