Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

Blizz, the only game i know that is gonna make their game less rewarding with a hotfix lol. Iv’e yet to even get a drop from mythic+, we gonna nerf them next?


You are literally being more rewarded and your time being more valued and respected by this change though, so your comment makes literally no sense (which is based on the fact that you are fuming and didn’t stop to think for a second so that you might actually understand what is going on).

Did you REALLY feel rewarded in BfA when you gambled for Azerite chests, with a 2/8 chance to get something good, and then you didn’t get a good one?
Did you feel rewarded when an item dropped for you with avoidant rank 3? Or Leech rank 3? Did you feel like you were rewarded and your time respected when you got a Font and it didn’t have a socket or max titanforge? How did you feel like your time was valued when you got a worse version of items baseline, and were required not only to farm content repeatedly, but also rely wholly on luck in order to get an item you wanted? How is it not more rewarding to kill a boss, see the item you need pop up, receive it, and know that no matter what happens in the next 6 months, you literally cannot get an item which is better than it and you don’t need to play a slot machine every week in order to get Titanforge/Corrupted gear?

You, like clearly 99% of the commenters in this thread, simply do not understand how this system is far more rewarding, and you’re just complaining because you’re turbocasuals who play a patch for 2 weeks, quit for 6 months, return for 2 weeks during the next patch, and repeat, which means now you cannot get fully geared during those 2 weeks.

This system is so much better that it’s not even comparable, and literally no one who actually understands the system or the basic fundamentals of the game will bash it, complain about it, or hate it - which says a lot about 99% of the people in these comments.

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Given Ion and how he can’t seem to find PVP vendors for an entire expansion, I doubt that is happening until the next expansion,
WoW: The Hamster wheel void/light space war 2077 now with recycled stuff from our hayday

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Hey look! More evidence that none of the devs actually play this game at all. You already got like 4x the amount of gear from M+ than raids, now it’s 6x!!

Two nights of raiding and I got 1 trinket thats trash, and I got too much loot? Ok blizz…
Loot drought is already incredibly ridiculous, feel like this change will only push people out of the game. Alot of the content already feels like wasted effort when you run 10+ dungeons and feel lucky to get 1 piece.


Willing to bet they are holding out on nerfing the raid more until reset.

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Would it work like it did then and the badge gear is only for a few slots and always is worse then the best gear? So it would cap at 213 in maybe 3-4 predetermined slots.

And if you don’t raid you get 2 badges a day for items that cost 60-90?

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  1. That’s not how RNG works, not even remotely.
  2. Loot was dropping in higher excess during Ny’alotha than it was during Castle Nathria, even during this bug.

They’re giving the extra 40% to Kottywix as a Christmas bonus.


It’s not even extra. We used to get 5 items per 20 man group PLUS rolls. That means 1/4 of the raid gets loot that COULD be upgrades.

We lost Master Looter, we can’t trade anything higher iLvL, we lost bonus rolls, now get screwed even more.


way to push people away from the game, blizz.

Doesn’t matter if the forums are full of idiotic comments from idiotic people or not. This was a well known and documented change which we knew about long before SL even launched. They made it abundantly clear long before SL launch that loot would drop less frequently as they have removed all the D3 RNG aspects from gear, which means you don’t need loot to drop in such excess anymore, because you’re not gambling on a slot machine every time an item drops. When it drops, it drops, it’s BiS, you won’t replace it. If they kept the same levels of gear drops as in BfA, everyone in your raid would be fully BiS geared in a matter of 2 weeks, and then people like you would flood these very same forums crying about how you have nothing motivating you to keep playing the game now that you’re fully BiS.

I’m so glad people like you aren’t in charge at Blizzard, because you literally have no idea what you want, you just get on the bandwagon and shout loud, completely clueless about what you’re fighting for or against, or how it would impact the game. Damn shame that forums don’t require a test of the basic fundamentals of the game before you’re allowed to post, 99% of these comments would never see the light of day.


They’re probably right

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I’ll take your mastery. Om nom.

Fixed RNG is fixed RNG. It’s how Bliz and every game works.

I’ve been saying for years to bring back valor points but for whatever reason they are so full of themselves and their garbage systems that they refuse to do it. So I refuse to do their crappy content.


Depends on which version you are talking about but at depending on which version you want to point to you could get full sets and even in some cases full sets of tier gear just by running heroics that weren’t that difficult.

A happy medium can exist. Just because players feel we’ve swung from one extreme to the other doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be found. Tbh it’s not that far off.

We certainly aren’t near Classic levels, but maybe it’s a bit too close to that. On the other hand BfA levels aren’t the answer either. Even for someone as casual as myself gear had little value because I was chunking away epics like they were grey vendor trash.


They’re trying to do a full reset of the playerbase, to turn everyone into mythic raiders who will be perfectly happy to work many times harder for the loot they get and feel like they won the lottery just to get a piece a month. No more spoiled players who expect to have fun! This game isn’t about fun. If you’re playing for fun, you’re playing the game for the wrong reasons!

I think we’re moving into “unhappy medium” territory here, where everybody is equally unhappy.

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I definitely hope they don’t cave to this completely incorrect feedback which is only from casual players who probably play each expansion for about 10% of its duration. This system is 1,000,000x better than the slot machine RNG gearing in expansions past. With the removal of all RNG, they should also make loot more scarce, because once you get an item it’s BiS, there’s no need to replace it or play gacha every week for the same item with a higher iLvl/socket/corruption. As such, you don’t need to be flooded with gear anymore. Even in Ny’alotha with corruption, we were scrapping/DEing every single item that dropped, despite the insane RNG that came with gearing. This will make gearing not only quicker, but also more rewarding.


If you gear your main, then go to your alt. They made it super easy to level alts, so there’s no point in being so withholding of the loot drops. You can still get screwed by RNG so you’re not even guaranteed to gear your main quickly even if you had 5 items dropping plus loot rolls.

and if you did, JUST PLAY YOUR ALT lol.