Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1

TSM hasn’t detected it since the July 14th “add it to the crate” hotfix. TSM keeps tabs on every US and EU realm’s BMAH.

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better reason to have the gold cap ready to click bid

You could, you know, just skip the thread.

I don’t think the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur should ever have been moved from the vendor to the BMAH, but since it was, it ought to actually show up there.

Meanwhile, a non-AH model should be made available on a vendor because the mobile AH was Blizzard’s stated reason for removing the mount in the first place. There is no reason not to add another version to make up for the unprecedented removal of the first one.


I still say the BMAH would be better if it was just limited time vendor items and everyone could buy the things when they are up for a set price but it wouldn’t be a BMAH anymore it’d be a BMV :laughing:

Thinking about it a bit more it would take more gold out of the economy. Right now when something is up 1 person gets it. If it was a limited time vendor then “everyone” could get it. Instead of removing 5m gold from the economy it could remove 50 million or whatever amount.





Personally, I love coming back to this thread a few times a year just to see people whining about it hahaha

Glad I grinded it when it was available! No ragrets!


I’m glad for you.

I also have no regrets, but they’re in regard to paying attention in English class.


im guessing the joke went over your head.

Hello! It appears you may not be familiar with an internet meme

There are no English errors in Tarita’s post because it’s a meme.

No, I’m not familiar with that one. However, my comment still stands. I’m glad for Tarita, and I have no regrets.

I still feel for you sister Hunter that you couldn’t get the Long Boi…hugs.


Gee, thanks. :blush:
I think what bothers me the most about the entire episode is it really broke my love for WoW. I always figured it was a game for anybody, even those who aren’t into raiding or “progression.” I would choose my own goals and happily pursue them. My mistake was in assuming a gold sink mount would remain on the vendor like all other gold sink mounts have.

I knew I wouldn’t be able to get the gold in just one expansion’s time, but that didn’t seem to be a problem. I’m patient. I would just plug away at it until I reached my goal. But then Blizzard snatched it away with barely any warning. I did try to increase my gold earning at first, but it soon became apparent I wouldn’t make the deadline. I have too many other interests and responsibilities for me to put in the time it was going to take, and I sure as heck wasn’t going to buy tokens for the gold.

Since I never was interested in the AH feature, my only hope now is that Blizzard will relent and make a non-AH model available. In the meantime, I think my playtime on WoW has dropped to well under half of what it used to be. I used to log in every day and play an hour or two. Now I sometimes go a whole week without playing. I don’t suppose Blizzard cares since they still have my subs (I have two accounts).

I used to think I’d be playing until the servers shut down. Now though, unless something comes along to reignite my interest in WoW, I can’t swear how much longer I’ll stick around.


They don’t.

They gave people almost a year’s notice I thought?

Yes, it was YOUR mistake.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t consider “confirming a datamined rumor” to be “notice”.


Then you have found one of the many reasons how you and I are different.

I wanted it so I put in the effort to make the gold to buy it from the vendor. You didn’t.

There’s another difference.

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I didn’t want it, as I don’t use the AH and prefer tiny mounts. I like being able to go through doors. Gold’s also not my thing, it wasn’t until BFA that I found myself with enough gold to buy the Yak.


Well then, we also found something we agree on: having certain mounts that are so large that when you try to run into the tunnel in WSG but it just stops you in your tracks is a huge pet peeve of mine!

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Don’t know if you’ve seen the youtube video of the updated Barbershop, but where the Player tries to ram his mammoth through the door and there’s trumpeting and scuffling is totally how I always try to get through doors. It annoys me when I have to click to dismount just to get through a door.

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Ironically I obsessed over the Bruto and then used it to make back 4x what I spent on it last expac before taking a break, but I burned out hard on the AH so I only have it in my favorite mount rotation now or use it to vendor things.

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Post #6000 is ours!

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