Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1

Well, if you’re wanting for something to be rare, and more things to be unavailable for rarity, you’re asking for things to be taken away. And things bought can’t be said to be earned, given that we can still ‘earn’ it by getting lucky to have it drop from black market boxes.

I agree. This isn’t.

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They earned the gold to be able to utilize the BMAH.

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$20 a token puts it out even a step further because the money gets earned (or given)!

If the first thing you think of when talking about a nice sum of gold is a token then it tells me that you aren’t capable of earning gold in the game and wouldn’t ever be able to buy this mount anyway.

This mount was intended as a gold dump for players who are capable of earning large sums of gold, it wasn’t intended for everyone.


That is actually what they did to me lol. They would not restore my Blizzard Bear from Blizzcon, even though I have the achievement. Talk about a screwball company.

They also don’t want that “model” to be “common”; so it isn’t an issue of them remaking it but WITHOUT the auction house part.

It was a HUGE thing, with several of them being a bit much. So I don’t think that will ever happen.

Whoa, that is dumb of them! :wink: How did they justify that?

i want the bear that poops snowballs but it’s gone now :frowning:

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Wait what?

Did you transfer your toon to another account or something?


I don’t really understand why the bruto was removed from the vendor in the first place, tbh.
I mean, the 5mil price tag was barrier enough to keep it as a status symbol for those who have it.

Someone else said something to the effect of wanting a plain bruto mount, without vendor/AH. I am fully behind that idea! The mammoth mounts already have this, with only the traveler’s having the vendors and the other versions being single/3person.


FOMO, token sales etc.

Really if Blizzard wanted to keep as a status symbol, they could’ve just set the price on the vendor to gold cap instead of moving it to BMAH where it was gold capped and now has only dropped from crates for the past 5+ months.


They NEVER said this. They did say the AH was the problem.

This is why it makes no sense for them not to make a non-AH model available, especially since they have several in the data base already.

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They just said they could not restore it.

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They would not elaborate, but for whatever reason, I was looking at my mounts one day and it wasn’t listed. So I opened a ticket and they would not put it back. No logic at all. I told them if it was moved off my account, I would move the character back and they said it would not help.

So can I still get it from Black Market or not now?

From containers, apparently? I keep hearing that people haven’t seen it listed directly in months, but haven’t been checking the black market myself. Even if I had been there’s the matter of sample size.

All kinds of containers have chance to get it, no matter the price right?

Since I’m tired of this being necroed and discussed, for pity’s sake Kaivax just tell the Devs to put the blasted thing on the cash shop for about $80.00 and compete with the Big Whale from FFXIV. Same general principles.



If they were to put it directly on the shop it’d be a whole lot more than that, lol
imo at the very least make it pop up on the BMAH more frequently or just put it back on vendors for gold


you guys better save gold cap for when is available in the BMAH, the first putting the gold cap get it.