Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1

Not really a mistake the past history has shown they kept the other gold sink mounts in for years now…it was like a safe bet really…and I understand the feeling of not wanting to play anymore or play less…I am getting it too myself…I don’t raid really…just do LFR now…not in running high end dungeons either…some of that is age is setting in with me and esp my eye sight and reaction time.

Add in all that other BS from what happen within Blizzard office its like a prefect storm happening …they game is really going down hill fast…I hate to say.


Not really if you follow the history of this game it was some what of a safe bet that mount would remain in game past the exp is came out …I mean look at the Mammoth and Yak both gold sink mounts of their time frame and are still in game…Blizzard made one of their biggests mistake with not stating at the start of BfA that the Long Boi would only be around for a short time and would not remain in game…

I never thought Blizzard would be so under handing to remove something like this just too drive up Token sales but it would seem they did and its nasty shame.


You can still get it on the Black Market when and if it pops up and you have the millions sitting around :stuck_out_tongue:

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Leaving things up to chance and guessing based on past precedence is not exactly considered to be the best way to get a desired result. So, yes really.

You never expected a business in a capitalist system to put profits before customer experience?

If you didn’t believe that was possible, I’ve got some oceanfront property in Idaho to sell you!

I have a Mighty Caravan Brutosaur!


They were apparently planning little to no notice until they got outed by the OP of this forum thread commenting on a data mine they saw. And Blizz only made an official announcement (outside of this thread) a week or so before the patch that removed it. People who don’t follow the forums wouldn’t have known about it.

Your other comments on my post are just agreeing with what I said. Not clear on why you made them, but thanks?

It doesn’t change my stance that, because their single stated reason for removing the mount from the vendor is that they don’t want to see an AH mount become common, they should put a non-AH model on the vendor as a replacement. Since they already have several models available in the database, it shouldn’t take any real effort to do this.


That’s the problem Brahmina as of lately Blizzard seems not to want to in any effort too keep their player base happy…its sad…quite frankly with this take over from Microsoft I don’t see this type of action changing…maybe it will but who knows.

They can’t even fix quest giver on battle pets when those of the NF have that rabbit soul already from a pet battle …all my NF are still losing tons of Pet charm tokens still to this day…


Maybe Microsoft will sell it in the X-box store.


Why would they do this? What’s wrong with having unique things?

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There are more people who would be happy for a recolored, non-AH brutosaur mount being made available than the people who would stamp their feet that they don’t have an exclusive millionare’s skin anymore.

The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few. Or the One.


Huh? The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur would still be “unique.” The other models don’t look anything like it. And my suggestion leaves out the AH vendor as well. What the heck is wrong with that? Or are you so insecure that you don’t feel special enough if someone else has something that kinda sorta looks a bit like something you have?


So you want an easily obtainable knockoff of the real thing? What’s wrong with having something unique? Your “hurr durr it wouldn’t have the AH on it so it’s diffwent” reeks of somebody that wants to be handed things that other people worked really hard for.

Am I insecure about having earned the bruto and not wanting it to be cheapened by knockoff/re-color treatment? No, I am very secure in that stance, bucko!

Recolors are quite common and it makes perfect sense. It’s a shame there are people who don’t understand that recolors are a thing and if their feelings are hurt over a recolor, then they probably should take a break.

I still maintain (in other threads at least, now here) that since Blizzard has reintroduced previously removed “challenge” content into the game (the WoD PvP S2/S3 Elite crossbow was put on the Legion Timewalking vendor), that there’s now precedent to keep bringing more stuff back and all bets are off :slight_smile:


Which boss drops this mount?

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And you just reek. Or at least your logic does. I never said “easily obtainable.” I said instead of simply removing the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur from the vendor, they should replace it with one of the MANY models already available in the data base (which would not be a “knockoff”). That wouldn’t make it any more easily obtainable than the original. But honestly, I don’t see how anything you could have bought with real money (through the token system) instead of only through game play is in any way “difficult” to obtain.


I’m assuming you’re being sarcastic, since some folks seem to think obtaining this mount is some kind of hard-core status symbol.

In case you’re not, and you really don’t know (or for anyone just now happening upon this thread who doesn’t know), the mount is currently available only through the BMAH, though it reportedly hasn’t shown up in a while. It used to be purchasable from a vendor for 5million gold.

Oh, if only.

Maybe they’ll do a Vicious War version eventually, with armor and stuff.


THAT would be AWESOME.

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So do you mean another completely different mount or just a different colored bruto without the AH vendor.

I absolutely despise those that bought tokens with IRL currency to get the bruto mount.

I worked on the AH like 2 hours a day minimum to get mine the first day of BFA and I don’t want it cheapened or knocked off. It was TEDIOUS to run 2 accounts all day behind my work computer and post then cancel scan then watch the sniper on the other account, all while being on a conference call or two working from home…now can you see why I like it becoming more exclusive?

No. I don’t see how anyone else’s mount in any way detracts from your accomplishment. (Nice job, by the way.) And no one knows whether you worked for your mount or just bought it. There’s literally no way to tell. In fact for all I actually know, you just broke out your wallet and didn’t do anything to “earn” your mount.

Earlier in this thread, I posted links to the various brutosaur mounts in the database. Some are simply recolors of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur. Some are different, with different trappings and such. I think if Blizz were to make another brutosaur model available, it should be one of the more different models. My reason isn’t because it would help to make the MCB more “exclusive,” but that I think players who already have the MCB might like to have two brutosaurs, and they would want something more different than a recolor.

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