Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1

Well, it doesn’t show up so :man_shrugging:


The good news is that making gold in SL feels a lot easier than BFA, so once the bruto rotation bug is finally fixed, I’ll have a couple toons waiting to drop gold cap on it.


One: I had no way to earn the necessary gold in time when they arbitrarily decided to remove it from the vendors (unlike every other gold-sink mount in the game).

And Two: I don’t (and never did) give a fruitloop for the AH on it, I just want a sauropod mount. Blizzard’s stated reason IN THIS THREAD for removing the mount from the vendor and putting it on the BMAH is that they don’t want AH mounts to be “common.”**

All I want is the mount, not the AH. They have multiple models in the database which have no AH vendor on them. There is literally NO reason they couldn’t make one of those mounts available.

** It’s rather hilarious that I see these mounts daily, just about in every city, sitting by the mailboxes–often right next to an actual AH. So much for them being “uncommon.”


Let’s not forget we got a whopping 1 patch notice that it’d be removed :wink: People like to falsely claim we knew the entirety of BFA it was getting yoinked.


Yeah, I was earning my gold slowly but surely. I had it all planned out that I would have the needed amount about halfway through Shadowlands. It was never a problem in the past to take more than one expansion to earn enough for a gold sink mount, so I was happily working toward my goal when it was suddenly taken away from me.

Ever since then, I’ve really lost my desire to play much at all. I really had my heart set on getting a Brutosaur. I don’t raid or do other exciting content, I just pick a goal I feel I can obtain and work toward it. That worked well for me until this fiasco. If it had been announced from the start that the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur was limited time only, I would have set myself some other goal and been happy.


Yup I know that feeling! I was spending gold on other gold-sink mounts (e.g. the Lightforged Warframe from Legion or whatever it was called) and became super-demotivated after the announcement was datamined made.


when they announced during BFA the mount was going away, i spent 8 hours a day for 40 days straight collecting herbs in zandalar just so i could get his mount.

this is just so you get the idea of what it took. and no i wasn’t one of the ones with some AH auction bot buy/markup everything to prey on the player base. i picked and picked and picked herbs, and sold flasks and raw herbs in bulk on the AH manually.

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Hopefully nothing is getting yoinked this xpac since at this point it will be either less than a year notice or 10.0 in 2023 :grimacing: Both situations trash.

I’m not sure there’s anything memorable from this xpac to FOMO hard anyways.

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Oh my god I remember commenting on this post. This post is actually the reason why I came back to WoW in the first place. I did it. I actually farmed out the 5 million gold and got this mount and it was 100% worth it but I literally lost several months of my life doing so.

I feel stupid for doing that. If Blizzard pulled a stunt like that again I will legitimately delete every character on my way out so that coming back to this game absolutely will not be an option for me in the future.



I am impressed. There was no way I could have done that sort of thing. It makes me happy to know that not everyone had their dreams dashed, and that some were able to come through with the gold (even if they had to literally turn WoW into a job to do it).

No video game should feel like a job and that’s one thing this FOMO trash encourages.


I totally agree. I’m just glad that some folks pushed through anyway. I would have done the same if I could have. But I maintain that the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur never should have been removed in the first place. If Blizzard was truly concerned about “everyone” having a mobile AH, the AH should never have been included on the mount. The entire incident stinks of disorganization and incompetence.


I got it when it was available due to FOMO. I think it should have never been taken out in the first place. I hate when they take things out of the game, especially the best transmogs or mounts. STUPID because if people started playing WoW right now, they never even got the chance to get them. Elitism will kill the game.


I’ve always felt the same, and I assumed most players would, but unfortunately it seems not.

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Amen to that Brahmina I stand with you with same feelings, it should of never been removed.

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Not only should it have been removed but more even more items should be added and removed from the game to keep things rare.

Remove it then, from everyone who’s got it. Then it’ll be perfectly rare.

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Why should it be removed from players that earned it?

“if I can’t have it then NOBODY can!”… right? That’s not a very competitive, respectable, or healthy attitude to have in an mmorpg.