Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Well, wasting I meant cause they seem to spawn very rarely and when they do go unsold, probably should’ve used “” this sign, anyway my question was if you think it was a good decision to put such a high starting bid in BMAH or if it’d have been better with a lower one such as 20k or 1 mil etc.?

Basically I asked what was your opinion, not that of blizzard.

@Qaccy, indeed, many people don’t pay attention to the necessity of a way to actually generate gold.

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Well, my opinion is that they never should have taken it off the vendors.

There was no question in my mind that the starting bid would be the vendor price. They explicitly stated their reason for moving it to the BMAH was so AH mounts wouldn’t become common. Setting the price lower than the starting bid would not fulfill that goal. Plus, my personal belief is that they would have removed it from the game altogether, but decided the uproar would be too great, and so “compromised” by putting it on the BMAH.


Ah, so you were pretty sure about a 5 mil starting bid and didn’t even consider the possibility of trying to get it for less, I personally would’ve preferred (obviously) a starting bid like the other mounts, and I would’ve considered it more fulfilling to the purpose of BMAH, as in having people bid for stuff, as it’d have gone in the millions in any case, however that would’ve been unfair to those who bought it in the first 13 months or something, before blizzard announced the BMAH move.

I also think they should’ve never taken it off the vendor obviously, since as it’s been proven now, it’s not like 5 mil is a joke-amount to make in current wow and would probably have been a hard task for majority of players for years to come.

However, I think the “making it more scarce” thing is not that simple: as in, around 100.000 people bought their brutosaurs from vendors, but now only around 100 brutosaurs a year max will be bought across eu and us, so as you can see, even if they had gone for a bit less, still the mount wouldn’t have become significantly more common than it was, all it would’ve meant is that people who like you gave up at trying to make the required 5 mil could’ve maybe got it for a little less, as the top 4% richest population had already got theirs, leaving the “middle class” (still talking about millionaires) players to fight for it.

I’m really curious how long it’ll take for people to actually start getting the gold to bid on it.

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And now we have actual proof it doesn’t gold cap, or at least not yet, for people who insisted on it being capped, without having any experience (I’m guessing) about BMAH in comparison, I’m guessing it will eventually be capped, maybe in a year, considering SL gives good gold but not certainly immediately like you and others said:


It’s not that “people insisted on it”, but that anything of value that usually appears on the BMAH, is usually snipe-bid in the last hours of the auction until it reaches gold cap.

I haven’t bid on the BMAH before, so does that screenshot show that you completed a bid, or that the auction is complete?

Also the expansion has been live for a week. Those who have tons of gold rolling in, are the ones who already had tons of gold and either bought or didn’t buy the mount to their preference.


Since you also have to be max level to use the BMAH now, I’m not surprised it went for the start price. Obviously no one else bid on it.

However, I’m pretty sure that by the time I’m at max level and have enough gold to even make a bid, it won’t be going for a “mere” 5 mil.

I’m still hoping they’ll slip a non-AH model in the game somewhere/sometime. I never needed or wanted the mobile AH, just a cool sauropod mount. Fingers are crossed! :crossed_fingers:

Edit: I just noticed that the bid goes up by a quarter million gold. Yikes! That would escalate the price pretty fast if players actually had the gold to bid against each other.

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That’s for a guarenteed Brutosaur. Sure you can have auctions that don’t get to that point though. And those auctions don’t end on everyone’s schedule to be able to snipe it at the end.

Honestly, unless you are at goldcap, just forget about owning any mount that pops up on the bmah. I truly do hope blizz adds a huge brutosaur with no auction house or vendors of any kind, into the game some day. And not on the bmah, but on a normal vendor where i can click on the vendor, click on the mount, and purchase the darn mount. That would make most players happy i feel.


Absolutely this! If they put it on the BMAH, they might as well not even bother with it.

I don’t mind doing convoluted achieves for mounts, or repeatedly farming ridiculous drop rates, or saving up tons of gold to buy them outright. I absolutely despise trying to bid against other players for one.

That’s why the people that wanted one spent all of BFA making the gold to get one. If they had said from the start of the expansion it would happen it would have been another story.


Like i am just going to go out on a limb. But i HATE the bmah. This isn’t ebay. This is wow. At least have a Buy it now option. That is what i always do on ebay. To heck with bidding. Problem in wow to is that the interface sucks for this. Like you can’t tell if people have outbidded you until it is to late, etc. And in real life, there isn’t a cap on the amount of money you can spend on an auction on ebay. I don’t have a swift zulian tiger? Well that is ok, don’t fret to much friend. You can get it still. On the bmah. Like to heck with that.

On top of all i just mentioned, how often do things you would actually want show up on the bmah? Nerver that is how often. Like if a swift zulain tiger showed up like 6 times in a month, i guess it would be ok. But that happens like, i dont even now the exact number, but it is not very often. Not often enough to make it worth my farmers market.


I’m just resurrecting this to say I’m still hoping a non-AH model will come available sometime. I really want there to be something for me to look forward to in the game since I’ve found Shadowlands extremely underwhelming.

the non-AH model is … kicking the vendors off.

i’m not sure how it would make sense to add a new version, the model came from Nazmir, and they don’t exist anywhere else in the game.

if they found some way to add one, and made it 5,000,000g, would you still pay it? :thinking:

Its not exactly obtainable to most anyway with that crazy cost.

Yes. I was happily saving up for the original, but it takes me longer than a single expansion to amass that kind of gold.

I know the model is from BfA. They have a bunch of non-AH models available in the data base. They just have to put one on a vendor and I’ll happily work toward getting it.


you should have asked for some assistance in working towards it… people can be kind. (regardless of how many times people claim the playerbase is “toxic”)

i had someone loan me the last little chunk of gold i needed because i was starting to panic that i wasn’t going to save enough in time.
they saw my dedication towards my goal, and were happy to help out.

…i’m no auction house tycoon.
and there are a lot less options to farm raw gold at a reasonable rate now.
i would have preferred to have worked towards it at my own pace, and have the satisfaction of saving every cent myself, and it broke my heart a little to have to accept a loan… but it would have broken my heart more to not own this little cutie.

this was my first genuine “fomo” moment.

…but i wouldn’t mind if they found a way to add another one.



Underwhelming, how?

SL has been amazing, are you sure that you’re even playing it?
Your toon doesn’t even have Renown, or are you playing it on another?

Tho’ dinosaurs don’t quite fit into the afterlife theme of the expansion, so it’s really doubtful that we’ll see the model appear this expansion.

There seems to be a goodly chunk of the playerbase that SL does not resonate with them.

Personally, I think the unfortunate release timing, coupled with the lack of in-game direction as to what you need to focus on doing, caused a gap in enthusiasm.

I’m enjoying SL quite nicely, the release schedule didn’t interrupt my play time, and even I had a moment where I logged in and said to myself: “Huh. Now what am I doing?” I find the in-game direction lacking this expac. Especially coming out of the grinding fel that was BfA.

As a mount collector, yes :slight_smile: Wouldn’t be any time soon though lol