Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

I did too (well 6 garrisons). I used to do lots of AH. Then I decided I didn’t want to be that way anymore and let other people be gold grinders. So I slacked off in legion and spent it down and didn’t level the correct crafters in BfA and didn’t have enough time to play to get the mount and not be broke for Shadowlands.

I’ve heard no such rumors. However, there are a number of Brutosaur mounts already in the database (I linked them in one of my earlier posts in this thread–back when I was still a lvl3 trustworthy forum user).

It seemed reasonable to me to request Blizzard make one or more of those models available from the vendors once the MCB was removed. Since their stated reason for the removal was the AH feature, having other non-AH brutosaur mounts in the game shouldn’t upset their sensibilities–and it would give players like myself another mount to shoot for. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, why not, and in that case I’m sure your 2 mil will be plenty, after the AH brutosaur the most expensive mount sold by an npc is the legion rare-vendor spider at 2 mil and is followed by 500k mounts like the palehide direhorn or the warframe, which are still expensive compared to the average mounts’ standards.

@Moused: agree it was a silly decision to remove it, it’s already common enough (4%) that you see it around pretty often, so the argument to make it more scarce with only bmah as a source doesn’t have much point cause the % of possession wouldn’t have increased very fast at the cost of 5 mil, unless you had mega inflation in shadowlands again but what little I saw points to deflation, let’s say it wouldn’t become anywhere near common as the yak and the tundra mammoth even if they left it at the vendor.

As things are, it’s spawning very rarely on BMAH (still only a single spawn seen by me checking 175 realms a day across eu and us) and when it spawns there’s risk it goes unsold, like it happened on ravencrest last time.


It was. Not to mention that them putting it on the BMAH is probably part of the reason so many people pushed to get it so fast.


Put it in the store.

I hope this is a troll. They won’t do that. But removing a mount from the vendor and putting it on the BMAH is a very bad precedent to set. Removing it from a vendor, putting it on the bmah, and putting it on the shop would be a way worse precedent.


Hush! Blizz might hear you!

I still would like to see a non-AH brutosaur become available from a vendor. If not that, I’d be down for it to be another six-month recurring sub reward. (Since that’s how I’ve had my sub for, like, ever. I can imagine the forum screams if that should happen…)


Tbf though, if that happened, that would make a non-ah version roughly 300k gold, so that’s not bad.

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According to Blizz own data only 4% of players obtained it. By your reasoning that means 96% didn’t care enough about it. I am not sure I agree with that.

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I’d honestly be fine with paying 2mil (like the spider), but I really just want a sauropod mount to work toward. 300k would make them ubiquitous, and thus they’d have to be scaled smaller just to make the streets passable. ( :laughing: )

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Yes, it was sarcasm. Sorry I forgot to tag it. :slight_smile:

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At 7K an hour over 11 months that’s ~15 hours a week chain-running old raids. I normally only play 4-6 hours a week. I couldn’t imagine grinding old raids for 11 months. I feel for all those who didn’t get their Auctionosaur, but totally understand why most didn’t bother. I’ll be super PO’d if Daddy Blizz drops a super cool mount in Shadowlands for 10 million and I can’t afford it because I gave in to the Auctionosaur. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


I am really hoping common sense prevails and it is back at the vendor after today’s maintenance but I’m not exactly holding my breath about it.

There’s zero chance of that. :cry:

However, I’m still hoping for a non-AH model to be made available. :+1:

There’s tons of videos on Youtube on how to make gold ingame that’re more than a paltry 7k/hour (unless you really, really want to!), so really, you shouldn’t be running old dungeons/raids for that tiny amount. Also, join r/woweconomy (on Reddit) for excellent tips on how best to make gold!)

I’m one of those that’re hoping for a new gold sink mount in SL as we all need a new goal to aim for and with the start of a new expansion, the first six months will be a new gold rush as everything will be worth tons of gold, so be sure to sell, sell, sell all your stacks of herbs and ore onto the AH!

I would like to inform you that when I was about to give up my search on BMAH for more brutosaurs to gather more data, thinking they might’ve stealth-removed it from the database, after 2 whole weeks of checking all 175 realms across EU + US region, I finally found a second brutosaur today on drakkari US, which if I recall is one of the 3 spanish\portuguese realms, and as it’s the case the only small realm of those 3, it’s been updated 1h ago and it’s still at the 5 millions starting price with no bids on, assuming it’s been in for around 14 hours, it’s currently long duration and I’m assuming will end within 4-6 hours.

Everyone who might be interested in it can find it on bmah tsm website, I will do my best to get a screen as late as possible, before data disappears, but so far looks like people aren’t bidding gold cap, nor bidding at all, though I have to admit it appeared on 2 very small realms so far!

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Right now, everyone who had 5mil and who wanted the MCB probably already bought it from the vendor before the patch. It’s likely going to be a long while before other folks have enough gold to bid.


Yes, the latest I was able to get an update on was around 2.20 a.m., when it was medium, and indeed no bids, after that items start no longer being shown on website.

I’m curious how long it will take till the first bids start, thinking it might happen sooner than later on high pops, more population, so likely more chance for returning players with gold who missed it.

Do you think having a 5 mil starting bid was a good idea overall, rather than a lower one?

On the one hand, it doesn’t screw out the people who bought the mount in the first year, before it was announced it’d go on bmah, on the other hand they’re wasting these brutosaurs atm by having a base (currently) higher than what people would be willing to pay.

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Keep in mind that gold on the AH has to come from somewhere else in-game first. The AH only moves gold between players. Going to the extreme, if nobody actually looted gold in game, then nobody would be able to buy or sell on the AH because there’d be no gold to purchase things with.

Farming raw gold might be ‘slower’ than playing the AH, but it’s how gold gets added to the game. Too many people seem to overlook this.


Wasting? I’m not sure what you mean. It’s not like the pixels are lost or something.

Blizzard set the bid at 5mil because they want the brutosaurs to be “rare.” They said–in this thread–they didn’t want AH mounts to be as common as repair mounts.

Because the AH feature is their explicit reason for removing the MCB from the vendors, I really would like them to make a non-AH brutosaur model available. I think that’s a reasonable request and would sooth a lot of ruffled feathers. Plus those who already got the MCB could get a second brutosaur if they wanted.