The problem is the model is limited. I would not mind a different skin and color, same model mind you, being added back into the game, and minus the vendors as well. The model is what everyone seems to want. I could care less for the vendors. People want the longboi model though, and adding another long boi of a different skin and color would only tarnish the model collectively a bit, but taking away the vendors would preserve that.
That is what i feel should happen. The official dev post even hints that is why they are being taken away. They want the vendors to remain rare, not the model. I mean, even so, why not just have that specific model and skin and vendors be rare? I mean, let’s say they added a red long boi with no vendors and it is still expensive but with no deletion date. It isn’t going to devalue the other longboi with vendors in any way for the most part. The color of that old model with the vendors will be unique, and i will still be like, dang. Those dudes had gold capped on multi toons to get that version of the long boi. The red one will be a less rare version of the same model. The other players will also have a prestige for having the old model skin, as well as being able to brag about how they have vendors on it while most other players do not.
To go back to what i mean back then, the models of the old traveler tundra mammoths are not rare today. But, their are multiple skins of the same model of traveler tundra mammoth. The only one with vendors is the traveler’s tundra mammoth, and 16 -20 k gold, depending on your status reputation with the kirin’ tor faction, is dirt cheap today. None of these mounts are rare now though, except maybe the grand black one off the vault of archavon instance, at like a 5 percent drop i think off all bosses in there. Every other one is a gold sink.
I do not see why blizzard doesn’t just take a similar stance on this with the long boi, and just make the skin of the specific model and the vendors themselves rare, and not the model itself being rare. Because as it stands, the model is also unique, and i personnaly do not agree with this. I feel the respective skin of the long boi model and the accompanying vendors should be rare, not the entire model.
Interesting tid bit about the old traveler mammoth mounts, is that early on they used to count as vehicles, which was interesting. I never could afford them until after the changes, and they were still pretty rare all throughout wrath. So basically, they were vehicles for a while, and were nice because if you died falling off a cliff, the mount itself would die, and you would be fine. They also could carry flag carriers in warsong gulch, which was a little op. And people would be attacking the mount itself and not you. So some interesting history with the traveler mammoths as well.