Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

And assuming it eventually goes for gold cap in a year or two, then whoever bids gold cap first will get it. A few people per server, per year.
End of story.

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Tbf, it kind of already has. Anyone who wanted it and was able to get the 5 mil has it. The reason the first one up on the BMAH didn’t get bid on is for that very reason. I see them whenever I’m in a hub city.

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That’s true for now. It won’t be true a year from now.

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True, but there are a lot of people who own brutosaur’s out there.

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What grief?

The removal was announced back in November of 2019. There was plenty of time to get it before it was gone. People just chose to sit on their hands.

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I’m still over 3 mil short because I mostly stopped playing WOW for a while after this came up. That is, I worked on it pretty hard for a little bit after the news of the removal hit, but when I did the math again, I realized I just wasn’t going to be able to make it, even with a whole year. I put my “extra” time into something more worthwhile to me: practicing my instruments.

Doubtful. I really only wanted a giant sauropod mount, not a mobile AH. I’d happily pay for a non-AH brutosaur if Blizzard makes one available on the vendors, but I’m still feeling burned over the MCB. Blizzard can keep it.*

*Unless the price drops to like, 100k. :rofl:

Nah. I just chose to use my hands for something more worthwhile. :musical_keyboard: :saxophone: :musical_note: :wink:

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It wasn’t mathematically possible for everyone to do it because there aren’t enough people with more than 5M gold to buy all the auctions of everyone else. If you had 100s of hours to play you might have been able to generate it in-game. Also you could have bought tokens but even that would only have worked to a point because there is not enough demand for tokens in the player population beyond a certain point. By July or so you could barely even sell x-mogs or pets from raids. They would just sit and sit and expire because so many people were trying to sell them.

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Stick around and I predict you’ll see more and more complaints about it.

People will always find something to complain about.


Sometimes complaints have a legitimate basis. Sometimes they don’t.

It wasn’t mathematically possible for every person in the game to get it, no, but it was possible for those who cared enough to work on it. We can see that from the sheer number of people that did it. Eleven months was plenty. There were tons of resources out there to help people do exactly that. I mean, it’s not an entirely fair comparison to a few weeks ago, since with the patch there have been some changes, but I’ve made about a million in the past week. Almost a year was plenty of time to get five times that.


At post #5835, you guys have kind of hogged all the good stuff to say.

I think it was. Back before I got into the AH, I tried to do it with clearing old raids. Just HFC and BRF on all difficulties would net you ~22k for a little over 3 hours of your time (around 7k/hr). 7k/hr is a “not great, not terrible” number, and with enough alts it was perfectly possible. It got really old really fast, but it was possible.

I don’t think it was enough time for slow and steady players who don’t have a lot of alts or the knowledge to make gold

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Hard to say if it was mathematically possible cause it depends on the time people had.

Like others said about the raid-farming, consider each difficulty of HM gave 1,5k, BRF 2,3-2,6k, HFC 2,8-3,2k, overall doing all of those raids on all 4 difficulties you’d get 28k a week per char, to make it in 11 months, which I think were the right time you had the warning for, would mean you’d need 5 chars on the same realm to make 140k a week, you could make it in 36 weeks, which are around 2 months spare, but it’s quite a time-committed way, you’d need something like 25 hours a week just farming those raids and patience, as someone who did them for a while they can get old, although personally I decided I’d run those and other old raids to offset the costs of all other gold sink mounts I got in bfa, you know, the 72-500k ones, but when it came to the 5 mil mount it just wasn’t efficient enough for me to put that effort into it, I only got it cause of my AH-related activities, and even then I got it at the very last day and wasn’t gonna learn it unless it wasn’t possible to get it cheaper on bmah, so let’s say I bought it only with a rifle aimed at my head!

But I have to say these few days I’ve had it, doing my usual undercut activities is very useful, just as an example I’m selling 10.000 spirits of harmony and with some of them I buy the other mop mats and I also sell those across 2 realms aiming to make 1 million each, so I do several undercuts a day, and normally I had to go from stormwind\org to shrine and back every time, which took several mins, instead now I can just do all that work from shrine, where the vendor is, far from me to say it’s worth 5 mil, but eventually it pays off a part of its cost, let’s say 500k.

That is my assumption too, however with 175 servers across US and EU, if you think about it, if we assume just 2 spawns per server per year, we should really have got more than a single brutosaur in 8 days now across our 2 regions, according to that average we should’ve got 7-8!

Ah, yes, 3 mil missing, so it’s not like you got very close and missed it, you stopped roughly halfway; I know the 100k is a joking comment but I think it was never realistic on bmah, even with the max level restriction with people levelling the first day, think the min one could’ve looked at, without the 5 mil starting bid, would’ve been 1 mil, at times with the right circumstances can find other big ticket mounts for similar price.

Has there been any rumor if there’s gonna be other mounts with the same model without AH npc?

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I don’t think that’s a realistic expectation with the number of alts it would require and the amount of time it would take. The 13k/day gold average it took early on was super easy to get from the AH (I mean, I was making 10-20k/day back in MoP!). Not so much from raw gold farming. Possible, yes, but I think that’s getting into unrealistic expectations.

Everyone had access to the various YouTube videos, the WoW Economy subreddit, and TSM. Everyone. There were lots of people that started with nothing and got enough gold, often in only two or three months of work. Anyone who cared enough could have gotten it. We can see that from the person who posted not that long ago about starting with 100k and ending up with getting the mount. I tried providing suggestions to some of the people complaining in this thread. They were more interested in complaining than doing.

I do think 25 hours a week to raw gold farm is an unrealistic expectation. Not everyone could have done that (not to mention the alts. I have a hard time understanding it, but I do have a couple of guildies that only level one, maybe two characters, and rarely play any but one). Doing it through the auction house was possible and done by many people. I made a million and a half or so in a couple of weeks in September to top up my funds enough to get my husband his as he told me at the last second that he’d like it. Not every player could have gotten it because of the time factor required with raw gold farms, but those who cared could have put in the effort with the AH and succeeded, especially with the activity on the AH in January and February due to the patch.

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That was very nice of you. :slight_smile:

I was away most of the expansion so I did not know until mid September 2020 it was being removed. I made the purchase. I might get another, at some point, for my daughter. She used to be under my account so that was a non-issue. She now has a separate account, technically it’s still mine since I pay the subscription, but it’s all hers. I’ve gotten her the transmog mount on that account and a few other. I like the looks of the Bruto mount so that’s why I made the purchase. I do use the AH when I’m on. That’s a nice perk. I honestly didn’t think I’d use it that much.

I’m his WoW sugar momma. :wink: I did make him pay a few hundred k towards it because it was still before the prepatch announcement had been made and I was so stressed but since I pay for his sub and everything else big in the game, I figured he could deal. My daughter is too on-again, off-again with the game for me to have ever considered purchasing it for her.

I bought my bruto the moment I set foot in Boralus and I was surprised by how much I use the AH feature. I do my selling on an alt that’s parked at the Shrine, but the number of times I found it useful shocked me. I remember buying some gems to craft a guildie a staff. It was so nice not to have to go back to town or switch characters. I just popped on my mount, bought what I needed, dropped MOLL-E, made the staff, mailed it to him, all in less than a minute. I’ve also bought stuff we’ve needed for consumables during raid and the like as well. Just little things, nothing that would have been the end of the world if I hadn’t had it, but it’s been convenient.

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I still say it is BS of them to remove this mount from vendor…its punishing newer player base that wasn’t around for WoD or Legion and could make tons of raw gold off the gold mission boards like I did…I had 14 Garrisons going during WoD making a avg of 35,000 gold a week from gold missions…same with Legion…