Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

can’t believe there were people that actually though the starting bid would be 20k lmao. This mount will go for 6-7mil at most on high pop servers prob for the next year or two. 5mil prob for a couple months. Everyone that wanted this mount and could afford it already got it. Anyone who doesnt have it and wants it are bad at making gold so they wont have the excess gold to overbid this. Until new goblins come along this wont be going gold cap anytime soon.

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Yes, indeed, you know the rhinestone sunglasses? That head-slot transmog item you see sometimes in BMAH? Starts at 500k, was never changed and is basically worthless, I don’t think I ever saw a bid on it in all these years, brutosaur might be the same in some circumstances, but I think on a high pop server you can find a handful of people who for any reason missed their chance and would be happy to throw a bid, 5 mil assuming no one else who missed it was around that day at AH end time.


Indeed, should try to get it sooner than later, now I don’t know the inflation or deflation levels in shadowlands, they will have an impact on how the price stays around 5 mil or goes closer to 10.

Yes, in eu I have around 112 mil (or had, before the brutosaur) spread across 60 realms, actually more than that but lost several realms due to blizzard connecting them to realms I already had, however on 44 of them I only had between 1 and 4,6 mil, with over half those being under 2, the not mentioned were lower than 1 mil and 2 were higher than 5, I’m not one who focuses on single realm.

They were all max level, meaning the level restriction would’ve been an advantage for me, and I mostly made gold with pet selling, shadowmourne items selling, tcg mount flipping from bmah, raid farming, gold emissaries on large scale.

And obviously I didn’t get it on day one, since I tried all I could to save some money, in the end it’s a shame but the minimum price was 5 mil, unless blizzard reduces the starting bid but I don’t believe so, they didn’t even for the sunglasses for years.

In fact the main reason I ended up buying one to keep in bags before the patch came is that like you can see I don’t have A LOT of realms I could afford it on in the case they chose a 5 mil starting bid, so it was a risk minimizing move.

I never claimed 2-3 days per realm, I said they’d probably spawn every 3 days on average, 1 spawn worldwide, although it’d be more correct to say across ALL eu realms + all US realms, since I don’t have access to korea etc.

Agree with all the rest, but all mounts in bmah started at 20k so far except the tcgs for 15k, there was no precedent for a mount that had a gold cost though, so I thought it was a reasonable gamble.


There was always a possibility for it to debut under the vendor price. But it was just highly unlikely.

Now the interesting thing to see will be if it sells for goldcap.

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If it does, it won’t be any time in the foreseeable future. The people who could obtain 5m in 1-2 years, and wanted the mount, have it already. Likely the only people buying it for a few months (at least) are people who just barely missed the window to buy it from the vendor. Maybe years down the road, but not very soon.

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There wasn’t a single bid for 12 hours! I don’t have access to ravencrest to see the end bid in US ofc, and I don’t know anyone who does, but it seems preposterous to jump from no bid in 12h to cap, maybe someone bid the base price at short, no idea cause tsm website stops showing its data around 30 min to the end, need to be in game to see then.

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I’m on ravencrest. Last time I saw, 2 or so hours ago, there was still no bid.

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That would be hilarious if it didn’t sell at all.

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Thanks, that’s good info, and not surprised!

@Buffy: that’s the same as I said in eu, they should’ve put a 1 mil starting bid imo, atm they’re trying to sell an apple for 100 dollars (since we’re on an us forum) starting bid and making customers make their offers.

If inflation goes through the roof it might be possible to sell the apple, but otherwise (I know this is an exagerated example, but 5 mil is still A LOT of gold to a lot of people atm).

I’d be less surprised if at least there was a bid on an high pop cause it’s more likely to find someone who missed out there, as for the long-game even I can believe it might be capped at some point, unless shadowlands is another deflationary expansion.

Voxplaga, by any chance would you be able to check again to see what it ended for? Should be possible to see it even up to 1h after the auction ended!


I can’t, but I doubt anyone would have bid. I’m pretty sure the people on my server who wanted it were able to get it before it was removed from the vendor. Also, as far as the starting price, it makes sense. Their whole reason for the removal from the vendor was to make it more scarce. Setting the starting bid lower than 5 mil would make it easier to get even if it is still gated to 1 purchase every few days/weeks/months.

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Yeah for sure!

And I mean considering the fact that there was even a wowhead article about this (so I’m guessing a lot more folks that know about it than usual). It’s even more surprising that there’s been no bid.

I bought my longboi back at the start of this year so this doesn’t hugely effect me but I have been curious as to how they would roll out the BMAH implementation since they announced it.

Maybe we won’t see it go for gold cap for years, maybe it’ll never go for gold cap. 5 mil is a huge achievement in itself for most players. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

@Voxplaga that’s true, I guess even if they put it up every few days. That’d only be 100 mounts sold a year which achieves the goal they wanted. To make it a scarce mount.

According to WoWhead only 4% of players actually own the mount. So the current ownership would be in the low 6 figure range.

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Yes, indeed, I personally, if I were in the situation to buy a mount with a 5 mil starting bid, I would wait till short, but that’s also how I do with rocket and mounts for collecting, but as someone who checked bmah for several years, I know there will always be someone who bids soon, often throwing a bid, even just 20k on stuff that ends up going for millions in the end (example plagued proto, zulian tiger etc.).

The fact these bids weren’t there indicates they probably went overboard with the starting bid, but I guess they didn’t want to make those who bought them for less angry.

As you know I personally made a choice that protected me both from a low and a high starting bid, so I’m fine.

And indeed, it’d have made it easier, at least for a while, with a 20k-1 mil starting bid, however I think scarcity would’ve still been achieved with bmah cause, assuming around 100k brutosaurs around given the % of people who owns it, adding only 100 a year is not much, assuming a mount every 3 days across eu and us.

Thanks again for the update on it not having bids within 3 a.m. btw, last time I had checked was 11 p.m.


Assuming around 5 mil players, which I don’t know how reliable a figure it is, around 125.000 players could have a brutosaur, so you see that even if they had picked a low enough bid to always sell them, it’d mean only around 0,1% of the total mounts that are already out there added, so they will never make a significant dent on the “brutosaur population”, this is probably caused by the crazy wave of people buying brutosaurs with tokens when they heard they were gonna be removed, or those that worked hard in game to achieve the same.


So just chiming in to add my “1 year later” report to this thread… when I read this news in November 2019, I decided to put my nose to the grindstone making the monies to get my Brutosaur before it was gone…

I had about 100,000g at the outset. So I had to grind pretty much the entire thing in just under a year.

I downloaded TSM. I wouldn’t call myself an expert, but I learned how to use it to achieve the bare minimum. I cleaned out the bank of every one of my 12 alts of every single saleable good I had stockpiled over 15+ years of WoW (I’ve been here since Vanilla. It was mostly old trade goods and junk, but I did have a few random gems, like the ICC Shadowmourne DK Horse Mount, and a few rare pets like the Ethereal Soul Trader (both of which I managed to get sold) … The majority of my inventory was pets. I’m a pet collector, and I had basically filled an entire guild bank alt with spares and duplicates over 15 years.

I never did any hardcore grinding. I’d run a legacy dungeon now and then, and I’d grind some world quests when the 2000g rewards were up (on my main and my alts) but I never devoted HUGE amounts of time to grinding raw gold.

One big money maker I hit upon earlier this year was - I ground “Love is in the air” dailies on all 12 of my horde alts and purchased 12 Lovebird mounts, and sold every last one. They actually don’t take terribly long to sell, and Love is in the Air is a very alt friendly holiday to grind. Most of the tokens are earned doing dailies in major cities, rather than running across the globe collecting them (like say Fire Fest or Hallow’s End). Plus I was queueing on all my alts each day for the Love Rocket boss anyway, so I could just knock out the Orgrimmar Dailies while I waited in the queue. Anyway, the cheapest mount went for 25,000ish, the most expensive for 90,000ish. Average about 50,000 to 75,000. In hindsight, I wish I hadn’t sold a couple early on for 25,000, because I absolutely could have gotten more for them. But C’est la vie.

I occasionally bought trade goods to flip. I’d buy cloth when it was cheap, make bracers and blow up the bracers to sell the enchanting mats for more than I paid for the cloth. Pretty common & easy shuffle.

Beyond that I just sold all my 15 years worth of old goods and Did. Not. Spend. Other than essential day to day repairs and such on my main - or trade goods I bought specifically to flip - I bought nothing for an entire year.

The vast majority of my sales were pets. Some highly profitable, some mere peanuts, but I listed them all nonstop for a year. That guild bank I had full of them is now down to less than one tab full.

SO ANYWAY… Long story short, in Mid-September I was at roughly 4,700,000g

I was going on vacation for 2 weeks and the game was still scheduled to release in October back then, and I was worried the pre-patch would drop while I was gone, so I borrowed the remaining 300,000 from a friend. I didn’t want to end up having the patch drop while I was gone, ruining a year of work.

I bought my Brutosaur, and felt an immediate sense of accomplishment. I was sad to see the 5 million go, but felt no buyer’s remorse.

I still owe my friend 300,000g, but I’m back up to 100,000 already, so I should have her paid back before too long. Even had I not gone to her for help - If push came to shove, I could have sold a couple WoW tokens and likely covered the difference (Note: I’ve never sold a single WoW token, as spending real money was never the goal, but I was prepared to if the deadline hit and I had no other options)

SO YEAH… That’s my success story, lol. In a little less than a year, I made it to 4,700,000. Thankfully I had a friend to cover the gap. I feel for people who don’t.

Problem is, now that my 15 years worth of saleable goods on all my alts is pretty well tapped out - I can only pull that trick off once, so… you better not pull this again Blizzard… lol…


Learning TSM and controlling impulse spending are the two key principles that allowed me to make my 5M, tho’ i got mine before BfA, but thank you for taking us along on your journey!

Here’s to hoping that we’ll have another gold sink mount/accomplishment to aim for in Shadowlands, and that we can all start saving up for it, and all our stories can encourage everyone that it’s certainly not impossible if you just put your mind to it!


I enjoyed reading your story. :smiley: I never could have done it because I don’t have the inventory you had, and I definitely don’t have the time needed for other gold grinding methods. But it makes me happy to read of others’ success. :+1:

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Btw, brahmina, I wanted to ask you, since you’ve been in this thread for long and were one of those with the longest term goals (several years) to get the brutosaur before they announced it’d be gone from vendor, how much gold were you missing?

And I have no idea how close you are, but if it appeared on your realm’s bmah and you had enough, would you try to get it from there?

@Tweak: interesting story, that was quite a hard-work!

And in general unfortunately, despite checking all EU and US realms since patch came, I am yet to find a 2nd brutosaur, so it seems at least 4 days per brutosaur across our 2 regions, even assuming one spawns tomorrow.

Blizz needs to put the mount back in the store and leave it there for 5 million or it will cause no end of grief for them in the future. They ran with the decision, the cat is out of the box so to speak, now they need to live with it.

I haven’t seen it here yet but I saw one a few days ago that had been on for a while and had no bids. So Blizz’s fear that the mount is going to overrun the game is kind of overblown.

I have been assuming that it will come up at most a few times a year per server.

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