Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

I think it will be on the first Tuesday in October (the 6th) but that’s just an educated guess. I hope you can squeak by in time! :+1:

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That makes sense, if we get the prepatch then and then the week after that the pre patch event starts for a couple of weeks and then we have the release.

I would like the prepatch sooner but I guess Blizz is still working on things. I couldn’t imagine them doing a surprise release given so many things going away in 9.0.

I mean we all knew about this for so long…if you couldn’t make 5million in this amount of time you were never going to lets be honest

Very true, but it’s gotta suck for players who are just returning in preparation of Shadowlands and only just finding out this mount is going away now.

That’s gotta be even tougher if they are close to the 5 mil.


Minimum is one week from tomorrow, maximum is two weeks. It won’t drop tomorrow, so ignore the people saying that on here. I hope you get the Brutosaur mount. I got mine, I love it.


I was following a plan that would have gotten me the 5 mil in four years (total). This was based on the time I have to play and the things I like to do in game. I would definitely have gotten it by the end of Shadowlands. Since Blizzard has never before removed a gold sink mount from its vendor, this seemed like a very doable plan. Until, of course, it wasn’t.

I’m still hoping they’ll introduce a non-AH brutosaur mount sometime in the future. I only wanted a big sauropod mount, not a mobile auction house. Since the AH is Blizzard’s stated reason for removing the mount from the vendors, and they have a number of other brutosaur mount models already in the database, I don’t think mine is an unreasonable hope.


I mean some of us came back late lol. I’m up to 3 mill. Maybe I can call some favors in to borrow and repay the other 2 mill. = (

Borrow gold from your guildies / friends.

600k really is nothing when you’re saving, and you’ll be kicking yourself if you let Longboi slip away when the goal is so close just because you didn’t want to ask…

And you’ll make that gold back in the first 6-12 months of SL anyway, mostly through questing and the initial buying/selling of new items on the AH!

Usually Blizzard’ll give a 2 week announcement that the PvP season is ending, and that’ll be the cue that the pre-patch is arriving. Right now, October 6th is the likeliest arrival date for it.





You’d need to swipe your credit card at this point.

If it doesn’t drop today, it will almost certainly drop in 7 days .

You can buy 10 tokens per week. That gets you 1.4 million. Then you’d need to grind like 10 hours a day on average to get the last 600k. Good luck, but realistically, if you’re not already within 1.4 million at this late in the game, it’s unlikely you’ll make it.

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It won’t drop today, it will either drop next week or the 6th.

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Couldn’t we at the very least get a re-colour or something without the vendors, for half the price? :frowning:


You have over 900 posts, over 26k achievement points and’re in a guild, and you’re trying to tell me that you have no friends ingame?

Sounds like you’re either trying to troll us, only frequent the forums and are back to the game recently or aren’t really serious about the Longboi because i doubt that it’s about doing anything wrong ingame.

Honestly, I wouldn’t care if it was the full price, just so there was one I can continue to save up for. The BMAH is a non-starter for me. I never win any bids on that. I’m sure the MCB will go for gold cap whenever it actually shows up on there.

As we’re Alliance, we’ll more likely get another horse before we get a re-coloured dinosaur, but keep your fingers crossed and perhaps one’ll appear on the store in SL or if we truly wish upon a star, on a rep vendor!

I’m serious about the longboi.

My IRL friends all left after MoP.

I joined this guild to try and start RPing, never did, and it has been defunct for some time. The fact that I’m still in it says a lot.

I’m a collector/achievement hunter. Pretty much done everything solo. I’ve gotten all of my AotC from PUG life.

Anything else you want to know?


There are four recolors already in the game that they could use. So it’s not like it would cost them any time to just slap one on the vendor as a replacement.

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You can bet on MCB going gold cap first time it shows up in the BMAH…that’s a almost given thing to happen …cause the mount was removed for SL. I still say its complete BS its being removed.

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got mine last week. only 1m left in my bags now. should be able to make another mil or so before pre-patch.


Next AoTc just look for a group called Perky Pugs they will take you in for free on the last boss …they are a wonderful group…I gotten two of my AoTc mounts with them last two exp. They started out in WoD called the Friendship Dragon runs…now they go by Perky Pugs on Facebook and Twitter and Discord.