Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Considering they have 3/5 AotCs from this expac, I don’t think they were exclusively after the mount. Like me, they probably want to raid, but don’t want to change guilds.

Welcome to like 3 months ago.

I don’t think it’ll go for gold cap, despite everyone saying it.

The people who want it will already have it.
Plus, the raw gold economy is getting nerfed in Shadowlands.

I don’t think it’ll go too far above its current default price, if it even does.
The people who didn’t quite make enough gold will bid for it, but I don’t see it going above that.

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I think it might go for less than cap the first time it comes up, but by the time I get my gold together? Nah. Cap for sure. Doesn’t matter though. I can never get a winning bid on the BMAH. I’ve pretty much given up even trying there.

Still hoping for a non-AH model to be introduced. :crossed_fingers:

Hello blizzard,

I just wanted to reach out to you once more to say that I do not agree or support your decision to move the brutosaur mount to the BMAH.

Thank you,


This is random, and all but just posting to say this comment didn’t age well lol.

If people had spent half the effort on getting gold that they did whining in this thread that Blizzard paid no attention to, they’d have been able to get their five million gold together over the last ten+ months. I asked my husband multiple times throughout the expansion if he wanted it and he kept telling me, “I don’t need it.” Finally, the first week of September, I asked him one last time, and then he said, “I don’t need it, but it would be nice.” facepalms I got the 1.5 million or so I was short in a couple of weeks and he’s had his longboi for a week and a half or two weeks now. I’m also back over a million gold, and that was with not even logging in for five days this past week.

This was totally doable for people. If you wanted it, you could have done what was needed to get it. If you don’t have it, it’s on you.


It takes me less than three minutes to post here. I usually come to the forums as a brief break from work (writing, drawing, etc.). Logging onto WoW and working on making gold takes a helluva lot more time and effort than posting on the forums. It’s ridiculous to compare the two–and an insult to the folks who worked at getting their brutosaurs, to be honest.

This is pretty much true. If I wanted a virtual mount more than I wanted to further my career, improve my musicality, keep my horse happy and healthy, improve my drawing skills, keep the house slightly cleaner than a pigsty, or do any of the other things I consider a higher priority than playing a video game then yes, I could have had this mount.

Of course, if Blizz had just left it on the vendors like every other gold-sink mount, I could still have had it anyway. I would have felt more like I had a reason to log on every day. I would have been happy taking my time to earn a long-term goal. I wouldn’t have wondered whether I should bother buying the next expansion because I would already have my goal in mind even if I didn’t like the expansion. I would be a happy Blizzard customer instead of a disgruntled almost-former WoW player.

Funny how that works.


that scene may me legit tear up when I saw the movie… I have zero idea why.

Hit the feels dead on I suppose.


Care to share how to make 2.5 million gold in just a couple of weeks??

I have the mount and still think this whole thing is a mistake.

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I refused to buy it simply out of spite. I’m not going to reward shameless FOMO exploitation tactics such as these!

If I could have earned it in my own time, i would have bought it. Now though, I wouldn’t buy it even if the Prize Patrol came by and made the cost of tokens seem like peanuts.

If Blizz makes a non-AH version available on the vendors, I’ll work at buying it. But I’m so annoyed by their decision to move the MCB to the BMAH that I wouldn’t buy it from there even if I could.


So, it looks like October 13 is the cut off for all those still trying to grind the gold for this baby. Good luck to you all! :+1:


Anyone still working on this, you have until October 13th to get the Brutosaur before it moves to the BMAH.


I primarily sell crafted transmog and glyphs. Most stuff doesn’t sell quickly, but the key with transmog is to have a lot of different items posted at once.

Enjoy the Brutosaur song! it’s so cute!

First ~1m30s (rest of the video is the streamer talking)

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Well, I am now the owner of a mighty caravan brutosaur. Took a bit longer than I expected, but got there. I do hope they add in a non-ah version. Removing it from the vendor because of a feature put in by devs just means it should never have had the feature to begin with tbh.


Congratulations, Vox!

I don’t know about you, but it was really a slog to hurry to obtain it!

I am also a big opposer to those who say it will go for cap every time (as in I think like adaea, I know you’re on the other side of the theory).

As one who used the BMAH a lot and got several expensive mounts for relative pennies, I think the brutosaur can go for 1-2-3-4 mil on the smallest realms and might go for more than the vendor price on high pops and depending on circumstances might end up capped there.

However I agree with the idea that an item like this might be over time capped, it all depends on the state of inflation obviously, but take for example the zulian tiger from zg: when it was introduced to BMAH in early wod I believe, it was going for a few hundred thousands, even if cap was 1 mil, later on it became commonplace to cap it, so 953k minimum at the time, along with other worthy and not so worthy (invincible) mounts.

Then in legion with 10 mil cap, it started going for 1,something, or a few millions but very rarely got capped at the time, even if legion was the strongest expansion for gold generation, but I presume (stopped checking) capping became a bit more common place again later in that expansion.

In bfa there was deflation and I’ve seen tigers go for a handful of millions till like 2019, however for the most part of 2020 I’ve seen them go for 10 mil on every single realm I’ve seen them on.

So it’s definitely possible it gets gold capped reguarly later on, but I’m pretty sure it isn’t around the corner.

As for the starting bid, there’s ofc the risk it’s 5 mil, but I honestly would think 80% chance on 20k, 20% on 5 mil, or maybe a little less and throw in an 1% for a new starting price like 500k, which only happened for the sunglasses so far.

Keep in mind the concept of the bmah is letting players bid fight for hot items, I have a hard time seeing a 5 mil starting bid, which goes against that purpose.

If I were you I would check the BMAH for a while, to see how much it goes for, 3 mil or however much you stockpiled might give you a chance.

Personally this is what I’ll do: I have a lot of gold across realms but only 2 realms with over 5 mil, one of them has 7,5, it’s my richest, I want to buy it on that one without learning it, on a char I don’t use much, the last day before pre patch ofc, and I will NOT learn it, I’ll just keep it in inventory, tested already and you can sell it back in 2h played, these hours don’t expire if you’re logged off.

And then I will check how the situation is on BMAH, especially the starting price, but say it’s 20k, obviously I’ll need to take a look at the ending price, if it’s reasonably lower than 5 mil I will wait and when it comes on a realm I have enough I’ll get it, then sell back the one I kept in inventory, if the starting bid is 5 mil or lower but it regularly goes above 5 I guess I’ll just learn the one I get from vendor.

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