Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Servers like Starlight and Phoenix(New Gallywix) have people who do BMAH sweeps every day. When mounts are flagged like Magnarok said, a lot of them go for gold-cap instantly.

Due to server merges, people with lots of gold are doing gold cap much more faster than they used too because there will be less of the “dead realms” going around.


Actually, they do (in a way). If they don’t make a product people buy, they’ll go out of business. Corporations spend a lot of money on researching how consumers respond to their products and what consumers want. I’ve participated in many consumer surveys that were looking for such feedback.

These forums are one (free!) way Blizzard gets such information, but there’s no question they (like every corporation) have many other sources.

We aren’t a captive audience. We’re free to play or not play their games. They’d be idiots if they just assumed they could ignore all consumer feedback. Blizzard is a lot of things, but they’re not that stupid.


They don’t, actually.

We’re still here buying their products and people have made this very complaint for years, here we are.

That’s correct. Many players seem to forget this because they think they are trapped playing a game they say is horrible and bad.

Not sure if you mean that’s expensive cause back in wod 1 mil was pretty easy to make, you had people stack up at the bmah at 23.30 (which is the eu bmah reset time) and copy-paste the winning amount in case the item they wanted spawned, it was a very popular practice back then.

Nowadays tiger is basically the only item that regularly reaches the new cap and does so in a few bids, always talking about eu, maybe us are a little cheaper since tokens are also cheaper.

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I was able to coast on my garrison cash flow until the brutosaur.

If you think this game has the player base it had back in Wrath, you’re more delusional than I thought you were.

Sadly, I never really got on that bandwagon because I didn’t work my garrison properly. I stink at making gold (mostly because I don’t really care about making it quickly). I still thought I could get a Mighty Caravan Brutosaur eventually–until, of course, this unprecedented change. Fingers are crossed in hopes there will be a non-AH version introduced sometime.


Yes, there’s no question the amount of players declined, just look at the amount of servers: around 250 in wotlk both in eu and in us, the connections they did in mop brought the numbers down to around 120 per region, and now we’re predicting around 60 realms left per region, effectively hinting (although maybe not precise) to having 1\4 of the players from back then.

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Wow. 300 posts shy from 6000.

Won’t really make any difference to Blizz. The MCB is being removed from the vendors and put in the BMAH no matter what we write here (boo! hiss!).

But maybe they’ll give the vendors a non-AH version that players can work toward buying outright. They already have the models in the database, so it wouldn’t be difficult to do. Since they said the AH is the reason for the MCB’s move to the BMAH, there’s no reason another brutosaur mount couldn’t take its place on the vendors.

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For the delusional people thinking Brutosaur will start for less then 5m gold, think again. Some items like the crappy glasses start at 500k gold and they can`t even be transmogged.

The bruto will def start at 5m, since it was its base price in BFA, theres no reason blizzard would ever add it for less then that.

Again, a terrible move by their part, but terrible moves have been the trending actions ever since tokens were introduced in the game.


The sunglasses are literally the only item with such a silly starting bid that no one ever bids on, to check this you need to select the items, if you see the next bid is 525k it means no one bid, if not it’ll be 500k.

Putting a 5 mil starting bid for most realms means deciding the ending price arbitrarily, especially with some deflation hints I’ve seen in shadowlands.

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With people buying it from a vendor for 5 million, the starting price will def be 5 million. There is absolutely no logic reason why they would ever put it under that price, rng of appearing or not on BMAH doesn`t mean anything.

Most rare mounts that show up on BMAH are on a low starting price because they are either a removed achievement a rare drop or something that didn`t have a gold price attached to it.

The bruto will start a 5 million, if blizzard doesn`t start it at 5 million people that bought it at 5 million would prob rage at someone getting it for 50k gold on a small server.

Again, they are only removing it to push people into buying tokens and creating an artificiality that nobody asked for.

Anyone here cares about the stupid WOTLK mammoth price? Or MOp Yak ? Legion Spider at this point?

The rare bs is just to sell tokens on a shorter window spam because BFA have deleted the wow playerbase, look at the amount of servers merging.

Bruto costing 5 million have always been absurd, but again, it will remain at that absurd price, even on BMAH.

To be honest, people will rage no matter what. But I agree that if Blizz has the option to set a starting price, it will definitely be at 5 mil.

Their stated reason for the MCB’s removal from the vendors is that they don’t want to see “AH mounts that are as common as repair mounts.” They won’t do anything that will make it easier for players to buy it.



Just adding to the long list of replies. It no longer makes any sense to remove this mount and put it on the Black market to begin with. I have seen more than 1000 different people with it, it is as common as the yaks already. May as well just not remove it at this point. Or at least as so many have said, make one without the auction house on it.


All the people saying that “it makes no sense” have had more than ample time to get it since November 2019’s announcement to remove it, yet continue to not do anything to acquire it.

You have <6 weeks to get it Mátt, how close are you to getting yours?

For comparison, one of my officers just got hers early this morning by grinding Hellfire Citadel daily on several alts. She’s only got 770g to her name right now, but she got it done!

says when sl goes live and then they change it to pre patch, then slow down the ah so it is more painful to make gold. Someone is trying to sell more tokens.

It doesn’t really matter if there was ample time to get it, it should have been said far sooner than November 2019, say August 2018 when it launched? Again though, with how many people who have it, it cannot seriously be defended for removal anymore.


Not gonna lie i commented on this post when it came out and i got it months ago.

Everything that happens in this game doesn’t need to be said in advance.

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Old thread but yeah this type of planning is crazy

You say this then talk about the Yak mount and reforging. Obviously players would have also brought it for that functionality but were not reimbursed or anything and were told to deal with it with the removal of reforging.

The price tag on the mount would make it exclusive not the Ah vendor much like the spider mount in Legion and the Alliance bike before that , the mount being commonplace a few expansions down the line is not an issue. If Auction house was the reason then why did you have it in the first place. It is already good enough without it.