Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

The fate of poor Long Boy is only about 3 weeks or so out now…still Wrong Blizzard for removing it…


If you’re <1M away, now’s the time to chum up to your guildies and ask for a loan, especially if you have gathering alts…

You’ll easily make that back in the first six months of SL if you spend time on those gathering alts and posting those mats straight to the AH.

I brought it first day of BfA going live… :slight_smile: I made back my 5 million in less then 6 months of BfA…shows what 14 alts at max with mission boards use to do for you before the stop having mission boards with gold. Heck I made 2.25 million of the Sprite Darting battle pet…sold 8 of them…

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You seem to be assuming the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur will actually appear on the BMAH early and often. While I agree that no one is likely to buy it for much more than the vendor price early in Shadowlands, it may not even show up for six months or longer. Who knows? That’s one of my major problems with the BMAH. No idea when what you want will be available.

If I had the 5 mil, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy it now, while I still can. But I don’t have that gold, so it’s a mount I’ll never get. At this point, I’m still wondering if I should bother to buy Shadowlands.


Wellllll… you -could- just drop the cash and buy a whoppin’ amount of WOW tokens if you really want the mount, but that option’s going to probably weigh on your mind until the pre-patch happens!

I imagine you can start watching the price of the WOW token drop daily! :grinning:

Not that you need any enabling here.

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This has been discussed at length. Blizzard is taking it away from the vendor that currently sells it and is putting it on the BMAH. Apparently, if you buy it from the BMAH, you will be able to still get the achievement.

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Well, judging by what blizzard said, I have to assume it’ll come immediately.

And I know that not every day the item I want is up on BMAH, but the more rich realms you have the more often you see it, and I actually enjoy that kind of hunting, so I just can’t spend 5 mil now if there’s a chance I’m gonna spend 3 later, a reason why I have a lot of gold is I don’t like wasting it.

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Very interesting, haven’t found this info anywhere else but if you’re right, even more of a reason to wait for me.

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or is this just another “i heard it from a guy” statement?

current text is:

Owner of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur mount, sold in Tiragarde Sound and Zuldazar during Battle for Azeroth.

this seems to imply that if it’s obtained any other way, the feat won’t apply… in the same way the Zulian mounts don’t award a feat.


Translation: Buy more tokens, dammit!

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Please release a version of this mount without vendors on it thanks, I’ll even buy it as a store mount I just want my favorite dinosaur.


Nah. Spent my extra cash on a piano. I found that to be a much better option. It’s also why I don’t play as much WoW anymore. Gotta practice!

We need to find a way to save longboi. Longboi deserves a better fate as it is 2020. We need 2020 to end on a positive note! :100: :clap: :+1:


It’s from the Time Runs Short article:

Just like the real dinosaurs that once walked our own earth, the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur’s days in Azeroth are numbered. Once the Shadowlands pre-patch goes live, the shady vendors Talutu and Tricky Nick will cease selling it. The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur will then trek from its Battle for Azeroth vendors to the Black Market Auction House where it can show up occasionally as a purchasable mount for players to bid on. The accompanying Feat of Strength Conspicuous Consumption will be earned upon purchase.

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hmm… another weird inconsistency.


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2020’s not over yet!

It’s being removed from the vendor but it’s not “going away” it will be obtainable from the bmah for probably 9 999 999g or gold cap

So ‘gold cap’ or ‘gold cap’?

Being a gold off the maximum is as splitting hairs as it makes no difference.

Most people will still not be able to afford it regardless.

If you buy the Imperial Quilen from the in game shop, you get the Mists of Pandaria collectors edition achievement, still. May have been fixed since I saw a streamer do this and get the achievement, but doesn’t change the fact that just because an achievement text says one thing, doesn’t mean blizzard fixes the achievement when it is attached to a learnable item.

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All I’m saying is that, if you’re waiting for the BMAH in anticipation of a bargain, you’re going to be sorely disappointed.

People track this stuff. Even on “dead” realms. When this pops up, it’ll go for gold cap regardless of where you are.