Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Is it being removed at the pre patch?

Yes as the prepatch is technically the next expansion. I got mine last night and the weight is now off my shoulders. I made the final 125k in 2 days thanks to a mog gear sale. Thank you everyone for tips and inspiration.


Yes, I agree. I think they are disabling it with the release of the pre-patch.

ikr? I totes rolled my eyes when I read that. I’m sure offence was not intended, but as my Father instructed me:

“You can mature, take on more responsibilities, and that is a fine and proper thing - but never let them make you grow up!”

Congratulations Mahtha!

Drop in after a few weeks and let us know how the decompression is going. :slight_smile: I am still struggling with only making one farming run a night… so hard to not keep going out of habit. I’m getting back to normal slowly. Been playing other games.

Does anyone else find it odd that WoW reliably looks “better” after you’ve not played for a while? I find it an odd perception after not logging in for a week. It’s like a free upgrade to the graphics. /lol/

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Congrats! :+1:

It’s really nice to see not everyone gave up like I did.


How is everyone doing with the newly set deadline?

Get ready for a bumpy ride, because it ain’t lookin’ good, chief.

I believe a lot of important things haven’t even been available for testing yet, too.

Oh boy.

As for the topic: I’d be fine with the brutosaur removal on the condition that we get a ghost brutosaur with a skeleton vendors/auctioneer in SL.

Very undecided if buying it for 5 mil now or waiting in the hopes of saving a few mill in case blizzard doesn’t make all realms top-size and the starting bid is not 5 mil from BMAH, I’m leaning more towards waiting.

It will gold cap on the BMAH.


I’ve been running the Atal farm with a side of gold from inscription on the AH. Doing a calculation for pre-patch being a month from now, I’d have to get 82k gold every single day. (at 2.3 mil now). I’m not sure if it is even worth the mental effort it will take to farm that much. And if pre-patch comes in even less time than a month, it’ll probably just become impossible without dropping $ on WoW tokens. But I’ll probably keep going for it anyway lol.

Anyone else in a similar boat?

This sounds pretty cool.

I’m still hoping they’ll put out one (or more) of the non-AH models they already have in the database, either on the BfA vendors or on new vendors in Shadowlands. But a ghostly one would be super neat.

Edit: There’s no chance they’ll put out any mount with an auctioneer on it again though. That’s their excuse for removing the MCB from the vendors and putting it on the BMAH. They don’t want auction mounts to be “common.”

Why would it? Plagued protos are going for 3 mil on small-ish realms, they’re also removed mounts.

An AH npc won’t make it magically hit 10 mil, especially since NOW you can get it for 5 mil with no issues at all.


Ok sure, if that is what you wanna hope for.

Erm, pre-patch usually lasts six weeks, so count on it arriving in about two weeks, or (looking at the calendar), about Tuesday, September 15th.

Pre patch isnt a month from now. Give or take 2 weeks from now.

Gahh yeah that’s what I was afraid of. I guess in my head I always remembered it as 1 month exact before expansion launches. Oh well. Maybe I’ll go and take to the streets on a RP server.

A point that’s been just brought up in Discord is that they haven’t announced the “2 weeks until the end of the Season” for PvP, so it may very be a month off yet. So act like you have two weeks left, and anything more is a blessing!

Considering this prepatch isn’t a questline like the last one and is just an undead invasion event, it could just last 2 weeks for all we know. I doubt it would last longer than a month.


It just doesn’t seem realistic, you know, I and anyone else can buy the brutosaur atm for 5 mil, what makes you think they will suddenly have and be ok with paying double in a couple months?

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