Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

They are supposed to be prestigious mounts, they are SUPPOSED to be mounts that received by being rly good at x part of the game even though you could buy mop/wod challenge mode runs, mage towers were a joke when argus geared and you can always buy pvp carries, you can also buy tokens with irl money for it.

In other words, it is fake prestigiousness so certain people feel special, they are selling a feeling by removing any kind of content.

You are correct.

Also, the sun is in the sky during the daytime.

As someone who’s had the mount the whole xpac I’d much rather have them leave it as is.

I really don’t want this to become the trend of removing mounts that have really high price tags. I know that remove hard to earn mounts or making them rarer isn’t new to wow, but as far as I know that’s never been the case for mounts sold by vendors for gold and i’d rather they not start.

If it’s truly to make it special/memorable then i’d rather them add like a title or something for those that get it in BfA and not just remove the mount from the vendor completely


along with loremaster this was a long term goal for me

so yeah, I am really not impressed with blizz (again)

sigh, I used to be such a fanboi but ActiBlizz just keeps doing small things to chip away at their customer base and its really taking its toll.


Oh boy. Another fake outrage topic with forum warriors who would’ve never been able to afford it anyway being mad.


So it is the first time they’ve done it. It’s 6:33 here, that pesky moon is out again :smiley:

Yeah, and then you’ll have to get into a bidding war vs other players.

no thanks.

Lol, I think I have a total of 286k across 24 toons and two factions.:smile: I clearly dont play the ah.

When this mount came out I knew there was no way I was ever going to get it unless I paid real money for it. Which I could never justify since I do not use the ah much at all.

I do think it really sucks though for all the people who have been saving up for it.

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Emotions seem high about this one. I wonder, will these same people be buying the mount from BMAH? What if they’re able to get it there much cheaper?

Will it still be a disgusting predatory cash grab if you get it for a fraction of the gold?

Not many people pay much attention to the BMAH anymore. I’ve purchased several expensive battle pets and mounts with little to no competition in the past few months.

What happens when you get this for 1M? Does blizzard report that as a loss on their earnings?

I mean, you guys are joking right?

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LMAO, the blue just confirmed everything, time to find another thread to troll mate.

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They play the auction house. They have figured out the game.

As in real life, the rich didn’t get there by being crooks. Whether by brilliance or by education, they figured out how to world works, and are using that to their advantage.

I saw it before posting. It still stands.

Hey, little bit at a time, million gold a year, 2800g a day.

Okay. Look. I rarely complain about changes made in game. But this is one that I absolutely hate, and I hope this decision gets reversed. This makes no sense. It’s hard enough to save up gold as is, getting to 5 million with normal gameplay (aside from constantly flipping things on the auction house) is a tall order. As it stands, I’ve only got about 600k, and I’ve been saving as much as I can all expansion for the brutosaur. I did spend the 333k for a frog, but if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have. Because it hurt my shot at getting a brutosaur. And for what? Why is this even being removed? Forced scarcity? WHY? This is a big, long term goal to work toward, being able to afford it should make it scarce enough. But to remove it before someone earns enough to buy it? That’s just low, and unnecessary. You never removed the mammoth or the yak, and I was not able to buy those in their hay day either; I had to scrounge and save and it typically took me until the next expansion to buy them. At the rate I’m going now, I don’t see how I can ever get the brutosaur, and that’s been my only goal this whole expansion. So why even bother? I play every day, I save what I can, I send my followers on every gold mission. And yet, it won’t be enough. And you’re choosing to remove my long term goal from being obtainable. Well, not entirely; by moving it to the black market auction house, it becomes a rare, high risk gamble that will ultimately go for way more than 5 million. So what’s the point? You’re taking away my end goal. Gone. Why bother?

This is beyond aggravating to me. And sure, plenty of people won’t care or will be dismissive of this, but it matters to me. There is no sensible reason for this change. This is not something anyone asked for. I can’t imagine this is a change anyone wants. It seems to me like a change made to get people to scramble buying gold tokens with real world cash, which is going to cost a hell of a lot more than even a store mount. If that is the case, this is just a scummy move, and I’m not okay with it.

I strongly urge you to rethink this decision. Don’t take away my goals. There are already plenty of rare, unique, limited time only mounts in the game for prestige, like gladiator mounts, ahead of the curve mounts, Brawler’s guild mounts, anniversary mounts, trading card game mounts, and others. But the brutosaur was never billed as a limited time mount, so there was never a rush to try and get it. So taking it away all of a sudden is pretty scummy. It feels bad. And there is no good reason for doing so. Zandalar isn’t going to run out of dinosaurs any time soon.

And it’s especially scummy considering it is the only brutosaur mount available. Even the yak and mammoth mounts had alternatives from different sources. There is only one brutosaur.

Don’t take away my dream mount, Blizz. It’s just rude.


But why? Before I jump to conclusions I just want to know the reason why. the logic and thinking behind this. Please explain blizzard.

Yeah, your constant trolling still stand as usual. :joy:

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You are correct, and they shouldn’t remove the mount.

I wasn’t saying that they’re making the right decision; I was stating that this mount isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay.


Post must be at least 10 characters.

Yes, I’m trolling because I’m not enraged.


Apologies, Kaivax, as this isn’t specifically directed at you, but speaking as someone who doesn’t even have the mount and likely will never be able to afford it, holy [censored] that’s a stupid decision whose only saving grace is that it’s just one of several stupid decisions the dev team has made. The only way I can see this being tolerated is if Shadowlands is introducing a significantly cheaper AH/Vendor mount, making the Brutosaur more a cosmetic mark to show who got in early.