Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Everyone has something they work towards.

New players just want to be 120.
People who were new players that have reached 120 want to get gear.
Pvpers want to rank higher.
M raiders want to progress more.
M+ers want to do higher keys.
Goldbros want to make gold more effectively or if you look on r/woweconomy new gold bros want to learn how to start making gold to afford stuff like this.

They are removing someones goal.


I disapprove of this change.


Of course they can - BUY TOKENS.

Why do you think they waited so long to announce this?

Cash, money.

Pay up or shut up - that’s Blizzard’s moto apparently.

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I have this mount, but you can throw my name in the list of people who thinks this is a very scummy thing to do.

Not going to write an essay on it because the myriad of reasons have been stated countless times in this thread already and the main voice supporting Blizzard is the usual contrarian who I’m sure most people just scroll over by now.


Can we get some idea to the reasoning behind this? The Yak and Mammoth mounts are still available, so why push the Brutosaur mount to the BMAH?

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Ahhhh don’t give them any ideas!!!

It is still an hour of work per day, can you imagine throwing almost a YEAR of that work just for a single achievement?
Unless you consistently make 100k gold per day it doesnt feel like it is worth it, 5 million is a lot of gold in BFA

See, I think the average player can easily learn in a year how to make gold. Hell, they don’t even have to learn. If they go farm up raw herbs or farm old instances for a few hours a day, they could do it. But they could learn actual good ways to do it in a year if they decide to stick with it. It’s not like it’s rocket science to make gold in WoW. It’s mostly about persistence.

AOTC mounts become rare drops; Gladiator mounts change with the seasons; the Mage Tower skins are no longer obtainable.

This isn’t the first time they’ve done this.

I don’t think this is a good decision on their part, but the idea that this is for the “average person” is incorrect.

Well it’s for the mount right? Don’t think anyone would do it for an achievement.

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Blizzard should just start a gofundme. There was once a time where people probably would have just given them money if they asked lol. Probably not so much now.

There is totally a point and it has nothing to do with making the game better for us in the slightest sense.


Except with all of those we knew even before the item went into the game that they were limited time items, and approximately how long we had to get them. That isn’t the case here.


BIizz wants you to panic and buy massive amounts of wow tokens in order to get it before it gets removed.

You guys are utter scum, js.


Disgusting, blatant, predatory cash grab to try and provoke token sales.

I have the mount. It was already exclusive enough due to its price. You don’t need to remove it to exploit your players for a few quick bucks.


thanks man, appreciate it

can you lend me 5 mill gold?

I need to stop supporting this game. My 2020 revolution is a new mmorpg. I cannot continue to condone these snakes. I just can’t do it anymore.


Those aren’t vendor mounts.

It isn’t being removed - it will be available on the bmah

see above.

Agreed; more to the point, those other items became easier to obtain over time due to power increases.

That isn’t the case with gold, especially with them taking gold out of the system with these gold sink mounts.