Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Luck as in being in the right place at the right time. Blizz introduced a 5 million gold mount right after turning off the gold taps that had been running for nearly 4 years.


This! Still I doubt I am getting to 5 million unless I buy tokens. I would rather buy game time then those things.

Actually, I do feel I was lucky to earn that cloak. Not everyone playing now was playing back then. And I felt lucky we could do the necessary raids in LFR.

It was bad luck that killed my guild, but I’m not going to leave it because loyalty is more important to me than video game rewards. I want to be here if my GM ever comes back.

I’m still working toward my goal of earning enough gold to buy a brutosaur mount. But Blizzard has arbitrarily decided players like me, who work slowly but steadily toward a goal, aren’t worthy of earning such rewards. I won’t have 5 mil gold by the time the MCB is removed from the vendors, but I’m hopeful they might put a plain (no AH) brutosaur mount in its place. So I’m not giving up. Yet.


So you are saying my 50 million gold from Garrison missions wasn’t luck?


If you earned 50 million gold from garrisons then congrats, but yeah, I am saying it wasn’t luck. Even if you multiboxed for the resources and leveling of how many characters it still took a good amount of work and time.

0 luck was involved in the process of you earning it.

The luck comes from playing the game at the right time instead of coming in later. The people who played through WoD/Legion could easily earn enough gold for the Brutosaur long before it was even added to the game. They were lucky compared to the people who either came back or started playing after the mission table gold faucets were removed.


got mine ten days ago. splurged in a similar fashion five years ago when buying the Expedition Yak. i started playing in Wrath and hadn’t built the alt army to generate sufficient funds for the Tundra Mammoth until 2012. but i did earn the black war mammoth from Wintergrasp participation in 2009

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No, being subbed at the correct time was luck!


Nah, that’s just playing the game you wanted to play at the time.

Which is called being lucky that you were in the right place at the right time to passively earn a ton of gold.


You do realize there’s a resale market for luxury cars, and they’re usually much cheaper when used?

Horrible comparison.

Also noticing the price of a lot of materials are absolutely tanking on my server due to multiboxers farming materials en masse now, making it even harder to farm for this mount unless you’re doing something scummy.

Transmog markets are also slowing down like crazy.
I’ve made like 200-300k already since I started farming again, but it’s going to get slower and worse as more people go into panic mode.

Combine this with multiboxers, and the economy is absolutely toasted on a few servers. I’ve never seen it this bad.


You’ll fight tooth and nail to remove any personal accountability that you possibly can.

Do you think Jeff Bezos just got lucky? Did Bill Gates just get lucky? I don’t think they got lucky. I think they put their mind to a goal, dedicated themselves to it, and earned what they got.

No, I’m just saying you should consider that the people who started playing with BfA don’t have access the same tools that people who started earlier had. That taints the “prestige” of the Brutosaur mount. The new mount coming that requires beating all Mythic dungeons at +15 is more prestigious than the Brutosaur mount. I’d even say the Rubyshell/Azureshell Krolusk that you get from doing incursions is more prestigious. At least those require doing stuff within this expansion instead of easy riding from having played through WoD/Legion.


Oh, I wasn’t thinking about that part. I was just thinking that someone who has been here year after year grinding away should have something more than someone who just started or someone who just came back to the game, even if it is just a mount.

I was also thinking that someone who just started the game probably shouldn’t be able to purchase one of the most expensive items in the game unless they’ve got a talent in the game that they’ve been making a solid chunk of gold off of, which is fair since they earned it.

But someone who started in BfA would have to exhibit a much higher talent for making gold compared to someone who sat in their garrisons and class halls for several years. So you could have someone much better at earning gold, but they get the same “prestigious” mount as someone who just logged into their garrisons and class halls in previous expansions. There wasn’t any skill in playing the AH or anything like that. The mission tables did require setting up followers, but once that was done it was a gravy train for the rest of the expansion.

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That’s good, I’m glad to see small things are starting to require skill in the game again. We don’t need everything handed to us, especially the most expensive luxury mounts in the game.

yeah, except that the person who logged on in WoD leveled up that army of alts, obtained the followers, and kept a flow of resources to keep the missions going while the other guy wasn’t playing the game.

I’d argue that. Unless someone is using a addon for the AH. You’re also forgetting the time investment.

Cool. Someone who has been here for years longer than someone else gets something the new guy doesn’t. Nice.

But the amount of skill needed varies wildly depending on when you started. That takes a lot of “prestige” out of the reward. That’s why the people who started earlier are lucky that the Brutosaur didn’t cost a new currency.

Again, because they were lucky enough to be playing while the gold faucets were at full blast.

FOMO is one of the worst possible ways to keep players in the game. The game should be enjoyable enough to keep playing on it’s own without having to hold content hostage.


I love how there are 4.6k replies and it doesn’t look like Blizzard is changing this anytime soon. Better accept the fact that this expansion has been a summary of “We don’t care. We announce something and then radio silence and it just happens”. :joy: :joy:

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Not to mention it can be bought with cash if need be.

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That’s because the forum is a very small portion of the player-base. Blizzard doesn’t develop the game based on what the forum thinks, thankfully.

A number of those posts are people supporting the removal of the mount from the vendor, such as myself. I’ve got the most posts in this thread with 279 and I support the decision.

Not everyone here is against the decision.