Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

As an aside, that’s pretty much how used to view you Dwarf. 'til now. :wink:

Oh? How many left?

Yeah, because it’s not the ideal way to express financials to investors. Investors don’t care how many players there are, they care if they are making money.

My position on this has as much value as your “position”, next to nothing. Just because I have a different view than you doesn’t mean I am attacking you, are you being serious? In life people there will always be people who don’t see eye to eye, that isn’t an attack.

Edit: Actually, Rankin, I’m going to have to end our conversations here. I won’t be replying to you any longer. If you feel that you are being attacked by me simply because I don’t share the same views as you then we cannot converse anymore. You take care.


Do you think sub numbers now are higher or lower than they were when Blizzard decided to stop publishing them?

You don’t have a “different view” when you say stuff like this:

That’s you saying you didn’t need to hear what Blizzard’s argument was for changing the Brutosaur in order to agree with it. That goes beyond having a “different view” and is straight into Blizzard white knight territory.

Higher. 100%

Um. Ok. I need to calibrate.

Do you think sub numbers are higher now than they were at peak WoW?
Say, the end of WotLK.

No, only a fool would believe we have more than 12 million players right now.

Ok. Cool.

If Blizzard decided to leave this item in the game as it is now, at the same cost, purchased at the same vendor, would you still argue that removing it is a good idea?

I’ve clearly stated how I feel. Why would I all of a sudden think it would be a good idea to leave it at the vendor? I wish they wouldn’t even put it on the BMAH.

With all due respect, I haven’t read this thread from the very beginning. And I guess I’m struggling to get what your actual position is. Hence the question.

As an aside, do you have this item?

Also, why? Because induced scarcity means… something?

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I don’t own it. I don’t think it’s worth the value of 5 million. I have more than my fair share of card game mounts and pets. I don’t really need to flaunt another mount on my account that I’ll never use for 5 million gold, especially one that will still be in the game and available.

Because, as you’ve said before, you’ll agree with any decision Blizzard makes.

So why do you care if we want it to stay where it’s at? You’ve repeatedly argued that it would stay rare anyway. Which means it would stay a “prestigious” item if it were still on the vendor.

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Why do you think it shouldn’t be available to other players via the BMAH?

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Because it lessens the rarity. I wouldn’t want them to print more spectral tiger or feldrake cards or codes either. Most players can only dream of affording those mounts. Rare, prestigious, exclusive, and limited items are good for the game.

The rarity that you say it would still have anyway.

Rare stuff can stay rare without being changed. And I would argue vehemently that “time limited” stuff is not good for the game. It’s garbage FOMO that keeps people subscribed in case they might miss out on something. They should instead be focusing on making a good game instead of coming up with ways to keep people too scared to leave.

But the rarity is just imagined. It isn’t real.

It’s not like an old model of car being scarce because the majority have all decayed and rusted away.

You keep saying that. But how?
In this case the rare/prestigious/exclusive/limited item is purely based on luck.

It’s rare/limited because Blizzard is randomly and arbitrarily making it so.
The only prestige/exclusivity around it is that people happened to have the gold for the short amount of time it was available.

That isn’t skill dependent. Or anything. It’s just luck.

How is luck, over the drive to build to accomplishments, good for the game?


Good news everyone. since this thread was made I have managed to save up over half the gold needed for longboi.

While spending 300k average per week on consumables.

And I 600k worth of consumables and mats as well.

Should have the longboi in another 2-3 weeks. Worst case scenario 2 weeks after new season starts.


The rarity inside the game for this mount is not imagined, very few accounts have this mount. If you’re trying to make a point that this is all just pixels then it shouldn’t bother you that a pixel mount won’t be available at a pixel vendor soon.


Luck? People just get lucky and end up with 5 million gold or get lucky and just get mailed the mount? How is luck involved?


That’s good too.

I’d love for you to go into detail on this.

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Nice work! Congrats!

Be sure to keep us updated when you get it so that you can be living proof that hard work, dedication, and perseverance pays off since there are a number of players here that seem to think it’s impossible.

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