Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)


lets try this again from the start.

The AH isn’t for everyone, you could always start selling +10’s. Those sell all day long for the price of a token. The best way to do this is to find you 3 to 4 other friends and each of you spam sell the runs and divide the gold. If your group is good enough you can get by with 3 of you and sell two keys at the same time, if you aren’t so hot then you need to find the 4th player.

Anyways, there are plenty of ways to make gold, you just need to find something that you’re good at and use it to your advantage.

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Don’t forget that you have to have the time to play as well. And hope you’re on a server where the gold making you’re good at actually works.

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Well, not with people like you giving them a free pass on it.

All you need to do is go back in time and set up a lot more garrisons and class halls for easy gold. Because I bet that’s how most Brutosaurs were funded.


Nope… Mine was funded by the power of world quests!

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I’ve been doing WQ’s daily and I’ve barely gotten my first 1.2 million. Are you being serious or sarcastic? And if you’re serious, what are you doing that I’m missing?

It seems you were the one that needed to go back to the start, but I digress…

Your suggestion to all that want to acquire this item is to run +10s? Thanks for the hot tip.
You do realise that if everyone flooded the market by doing what you suggest the market would tank. No good. Just saying.

Perhaps you don’t get it, but the spontaneous and arbitrary time frame is the issue, not the cost.


I am quite serious. Doing them ally side with humans means I get more rep and more paragon caches along side using the contracts for extra rep. But I am also using two to three toons depending on how energetic I am.

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Finally a cause we can agree on! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Well, yeah, that’s a big thing too. This whole genre is a time dump.

That’s a you problem. You’d have to decide between making gold and not making gold. Sometimes, just like irl, you have to pick up and chase the money.

The key selling market is already flooded and the price holds steady at a token. If you want then start selling them for cheaper for faster sales then. And lets be honest, not everyone is capable of selling runs, which is why there are so many buyers.

Ah… well. I don’t think my allies can catch up fast enough to manage that. I guess I’ll just have to work smarter, not harder (lol). It’s been helping that my HoA is maxed so I get more gold quests, missions, and emissaries, but not helping fast enough, alas. I’m not giving up until the MCB actually goes away, but I really don’t see me making the gold in time.

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I don’t think it is as flooded as it would be if everyone that wanted this item started running +10s though. Right?
Regardless of their capability.

And I kinda feel you’re muddying the waters. So I’ll be succinct.

Do you feel that Blizzard’s arbitrary relegation of this item is fair/reasonable/just?

Because, again, that’s the issue. Not the price.


I don’t believe most players are capable of selling +10’s, everyone couldn’t start selling them. If someone can sell them then they wouldn’t be buying a run in the first place.

Nothing in life is fair, fairness was a childhood lie. I don’t want everyone to have a trophy. I enjoy diversity, along with prestigious, limited, rare, and exclusive items.

Yes. This mount wasn’t meant for everyone, which is why only 2-3% of accounts own any card game mount, own the spider mount, or own the dino mount.

Who are any of the players to say what is and what isn’t just here? This isn’t our game, this is Blizzards game. If we don’t like playing basketball in their court then we need to pack up our stuff and find a new court to play in.


This further makes me question, why exactly do we even talk to the panda?


That’s a cool story and all, and Im’a let you finish. But…

Or, bear with me, we could explain why we disagree with their decisions and prompt them to change their minds.
They may not, but it is completely reasonable to express dissatisfaction.
And not just bail. That’s a weird reaction.

I’m sure Blizzard don’t want to end up with the best and shiniest unused court on the playground.


And yet the spider mount is still on the vendor.

The only reason this game still exists is because of the players.


I gotta say, people think the exact same thing about me. That, in and of itself, makes me think the Panda may have some valid points worth exploring. :wink:

I mean, she hasn’t produced any yet but I’m optimistic.


So? That one doesn’t have a AH.

And we all still enjoy the game enough to be here, the greater majority of us aren’t going anywhere or we would have already left. I don’t see the point here, tbh.

The greater majority of us have already left. There’s a reason sub numbers are no longer disclosed and realms are being merged.


So? You mentioned it in the same breath. Why even mention the spider mount if you’re going to tell people it “doesn’t have an AH” when they bring up that it’s still on the vendor?

The point is that players can’t just be ignored wholesale. They do have to pay some attention to what we want. And of course you don’t see the point since all you do is defend Blizzard. You don’t have an actual position on this, you just attack anyone who dares to question Blizzard.