Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

You can have rare items without arbitrarily making them harder to get. The Argent Tournament mounts are all still pretty rare, and all they take is some grinding to either buy them with gold or Champion’s Seals.


You can also have rare items that take no “skill” at all–like the Big Love Rocket–you just have to be lucky. I guess (according to Yesuna) I should be preening and showing off that I have such a rare, exclusive, and prestigious mount. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Owning expensive cars and purses is prestigious, that is correct, it fits the definition to a T.

We can go back and forth all day long about this but these types of mounts are not designed for the average player, just like a Ferrari is not meant for the middle class American.

This is another thing. If the first thing that pops into players minds about large sums of gold is buying tokens then the mount surely isn’t for them.

We’ll just have to see if these claims about token sales are really happening when the mount is removed from the vendor and we see the account-ownership of this mount skyrocket beyond the 3% that it’s at now.

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How would it have made any difference whatsoever when they announced it?

If they had announced it a week in advance then I could understand people getting upset, but they have given the playerbase a year basically to get the gold needed for it. That is one hell of a heads up if you ask me.


“They” gave the playerbase nothing of the kind.

If it wasn’t “data mined” would we know this far out? or 1 week out?


It doesn’t matter how we know. What matters is that we do know. And I don’t see them changing their minds on this because their reasoning for removing it is pretty solid in my opinion.


It would have shown a much higher level of communication instead of waiting until the expansion was halfway over to backhandedly announce it after it was datamined and brought up on the forums.

Their “announcement” is still horrible even if there is most of a year left. They should have known this was happening way back when they put the mount into the game.

It absolutely does matter. Stop defending their abysmal communication skills. And take a moment to ask yourself this, what else might they be removing that we don’t know about because they’re going to sit on it until the last minute?


Opinion’s are like your rear end, everyone has one…some stink more than others.

I think it is a very thin “reason”, but as it’s all they have…

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Didn’t they say they were going to work on communication?

I see that’s a lie


It isn’t a year, and they still haven’t made any official announcement to the player base. Two blue posts in a forum thread are not an official announcement, especially given that only a fraction of the players ever come to the forums. As of today, it would take earning over 18,000 gold per day–every day--between now and the end of September 2020 to acquire 5 million gold.

I would have had the gold by the end of the next expansion. Blizzard basically pulled the rug out from under me. Never before have they removed a gold-sink mount from a vendor, so I had no reason to believe a goal I’ve been actively working on would be taken away. If you can’t see why this wouldn’t irk me (and other players in my position) then perhaps you need to work on your ability to understand other people better so you don’t become a complete egocentric twit.


They seemingly have barely any communication within the company, let alone with the players.

If you actually read my posts you will notice that I never defended anything. Blizzards communication is historically terrible. Everyone knows that. I’m just saying that we have roughly a year to get the mount if we want to get it. Knowing about it a year in advance is better than knowing about it a week in advance. Also they have removed mounts before without letting the playerbase know. This is not the first time this has happened and it’s not going to be the last. So pretending this is some great never before seen injusticd is a a bit silly.

My point is this is such a niche issue. It only affects a fraction of a fraction of the playerbase. 99% of players are not affected by this. But there are plenty of other pressing issues that DO affect the majority of the playerbase. I feel like it’s better to focus on those issues instead of focusing on a “problem” that only affects the top 1%.


And it could have been two years instead.

They’ve never done this. They always gave at least some warning. Which should have been a hint that they should do better instead of staying so bad at communicating.

Or we can keep holding them to the fire so they finally learn the lesson and start communicating about this stuff as early as possible instead of whenever they get around to it.

And? Do we need to talk with you first to determine if the threshold is high enough in order to complain about something Blizzard does?

I wasn’t aware that I had a limited number of things to be concerned about. And this problem affects more than just the “top 1%”.


Yeah it could have been 2 years. But it wasn’t. It was 1 year. Which is still better than not knowing at all.

Complaining about it isnt going make them extend the time period. And it’s not going to help improve communication in the future either no matter how long you hold them to the fire. People have been complaining about Blizzards poor communication since the Burning Crusade and how has that worked out?

Could you please explain to me what type of gameplay I need to be good at to acquire this item?

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Dailies my friend dailies are the answer to your woes!

Well, you could start by learning to make gold. Making serious gold is a gameplay style all on its own.

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I can focus on any problem that affects me, thank you very much. If you mean Blizzard should focus on other problems, there’s nothing for them to “focus” on here. The mount already exists. The alternate colors already exist. If they don’t want moblie AH’s to be “common”, fine. They can give the vendors a different mount or two that don’t have an AH. Since the models have already been created and exist in game, doing this is no more trouble than removing the MCB in the first place.

What’s the downside? Seriously. Replacing the AH mount with plain ones will still give players a brutosaur to shoot for (and stay subscribed), will show that Blizz is (more or less) listening, will smooth some ruffled feathers, and will still keep the MCB exclusive and prestigious (for Yesuna).


Even if I became the Richard Branson of Azeroth, the arbitrary time frame Blizzard has decided to implement for this item’s relegation, make my chances of acquiring this item slim to none.

So that doesn’t really compute…


Then obviously this mount is not for you. :roll_eyes: (Argument made by those supporting this abysmal decision.)