Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

But you said you would agree with any reason they had, even if they never gave it. That means you must accept their belief that the mount will become too common in the future. Yet you keep arguing that the mount will never become too common.

What you’re really saying is that you don’t actually have a position and you’re just here to stir the pot. But I thank you for helping to keep this thread in the spotlight.


I don’t have to accept any opinion that I don’t want to accept.

And this will ensure it’s even less common. I don’t know why you try to twist so many words that people have, sometimes you have to take something at face value.

No, just because there is an opposing view doesn’t mean someone is “stirring the pot”. I suppose one could say that towards anyone who has an opposing view to their own though, silly but it happens. This forum isn’t designed to be an echo-chamber though, it never has and never will be. You’re going to have to accept that others won’t always have the same opinion as you.

You really need to stop trying to put words in peoples mouths.

You were willing to accept their decision even if they never told us what it was.

I’m not twisting your words, I’m just amused that you’ve managed to keep arguing so long that you’re now contradicting Blizzard.

You’re not just an “opposing view” though. You’re being contradictory for the sake of being contradictory. You don’t have an actual view on this subject.

You need to think through your arguments more instead of trying to defend Blizzard so hard that you end up arguing against them.


Agreeing and defending aren’t equals. I can agree with their stance all day long but I am still very capable of having my own ideas and opinions. Just because I don’t agree with you and I don’t have a pitchfork against Blizzard doesn’t mean I am defending them.

It’s their game, they are free to do what they want anyway. They don’t need anyone to “defend” them.

K, you folks with your internet egos have had your fun. Let’s get this thread back on track.

What do we want?

We want long boi to stick around so we can continue grinding the gold to acquire it at our own pace.

When do we want it?

For all expansions to come!

Back on track folks, let’s do it.



Kinda disheartening in a game that loves recolored mounts that these were just thrown in the trash can. I would have loved the brown and sliver recolor Brutosaurs even without the vendors!


Once again.

I don’t support moving the brutosaur mount to the BMAH.

Thank you.



I can accept their reasoning for removing the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur from the vendors, even if I think it’s a stupid reason. But they’ve given us no reason why they can’t replace that brutosaur with another model. The very least they can do is give us another brutosaur to shoot for.

Isn’t that the point of a subscription model game? Giving people a reason to stay subbed? Heck, put all the remaining colors on the vendor. Giving players several mounts to save for can only be a good thing for Blizzard.


I like that this is still being discussed.

I kind of wish it wasn’t. I wish Blizzard would either say, “Just kidding! The MCB is staying!” OR say “Even though the MCB is retiring to the BMAH, the vendors have managed to replenish their mount stock with new, vendorless brutosaurs.”

Then this topic could die because we’d still have a brutosaur mount (or two) to save up for.


I mean, yeah. That’s the best case scenario. Agreed.

But, unlike other GD… causes, this is still being discussed long after Blizzard’s “announcement” was initially made.
Hopefully that very important distinction is noticed.

People are genuinely annoyed/upset/angry about this. The continued dialogue is proof of that.

Keep it up peeps. :+1:t3: :slightly_smiling_face:

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I don’t understand why the Brutosaur being moved the the BMAH is such a big deal in the first place. It’s an item that only a fraction of the playerbase could afford anyway. This doesn’t affext casual players at all.

If anything this would just make those who have the Brutosaur even more special in the long run. And isn’t that why you bought in the first place? So you could lord it over others? Well congrats it’s gonna be even more rare than it already is.


First, they should have announced this at the start of the expansion.

Second, they should have put in additional options for the Brutosaur mount model. Have ones that are multi-passenger but vendorless and others that are single-passenger only.


Have you even read this thread? I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve explained how it affects me, a casual player.

I had a plan worked out that would have me acquiring the necessary gold by the end of the next expansion–four years total. This was based on how much time I have to play and what other goals I have in the game. Putting the MCB on the BMAH virtually guarantees it’ll sell for gold cap–something I definitely can’t manage.

THIS HAS NOT BEEN DONE WITH ANY OTHER GOLD-SINK MOUNT. There was no reason for anyone to assume or believe this mount would be removed from the vendors.

Blizzard now says they’re removing it because of the AH on it. Okay, fine. I never wanted a mobile AH, I really just wanted a giant sauropod mount. They made other models, but currently the MCB is the only one available in game.

Solution: Put the other models on the vendors and leave the AH off them.


There is no reasoning with people who have a situation that doesn’t affect them so that means others should feel the same way.

I bring it back to the master loot debate. I don’t mythic raid but I kept an open mind - and never pushed this mentality that since it doesn’t affect me, it shouldn’t affect you type thinking that I see a lot display.


This is the solid truth.

This is what most people in this thread seem to not want, many of the posters are in agreement that they’d rather not have rare items in the game. I believe that rare, exclusive, limited, and prestigious items give players a reason to get better at the type of gameplay needed to acquire these items and give them something to work for.

This mount is obtainable through currency and currency alone. There’s nothing “prestigious” about having a lot of currency. You act like having designer purses and expensive cars make you special, too.

If it had been announced at the start of the expansion that it would be time limited, players might have been able to “get better” at acquiring gold. As it is, Blizzard has still made NO OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT about this mount’s removal. Two blue posts in this thread are not an announcement to the player base, so most players aren’t even aware of this removal. How the heck are they going to have time to “get better”???

As of today, players will need to earn more than 18,000 gold per day to get to 5 mil by the end of September, 2020.

Or they can buy gold with cash. How very special and prestigious. :roll_eyes:


So if I gave someone a small loan of 5 million gold… Then can I to run for the prestigious title of President of the United States of America!

Camping the BMAH?