Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

The model is what sold me it initially too. I had no idea it came w/ an AH at first.

I do admit having those talking turtles is a bonus to. I laugh every time I hear, “Greetings sir er and/or ma’am”.


How exactly? Most people who make gold use a bank alt already. I don’t see how it would change gameplay at all, aside from being able to buy last minute raid night mats from the summon stone/raid.

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Because i use it everywhere. I dont have to use teleport, log out, etc.
Helps a lot if you like to make gold, if you dont like the mount is not that great, 5m to buy consumables… argh.

If you want to make gold on one character. Which most gold makers don’t.

It’s already unobtainable for me. I can’t make enough gold to purchase the monstrosity. Its ridiculously overpriced.

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I already figured out a way I could get it based on the amount of time I can afford to play and the things I like to do in game. I was on track to earn it by the end of the next expansion. There is no way I can earn the 16,000 gold per day that would now be needed to get this mount before its (estimated) removal from the vendors.

Since I never cared about the AH on it (and since the AH is Blizzard’s explicitly stated reason for removing the mount from the vendors), I would be more than satisfied if another model without the AH or other vendors was made available for a set price at or below the current price. (Below would seem more fair because of the vendor removal, but I’ll be happy just knowing I can buy one once I get the gold accrued. The BMAH is a non-starter for me.)


I really don’t understand this at all. How is players having more access to the AH detrimental to the game at all in any way? There quite literally used to be an option on your phone to use the auction house without even needing to be in the game and the only reason Blizzard claimed they got rid of it was because not enough people were using it. Blizzard even took development time to update the AH system itself to be more streamlined, why WOULDN’T you want players to have more access to it?

It makes absolutely no sense at all to me for this to be the reason to remove a gold sink mount when no other gold sink mount has ever been removed from the game before. If this is just a ploy to get people to dump ~$550 on tokens before it goes away, this is gross. The sad part is I wouldn’t even be mad if they were actually using the money they made from this to make the game better, but they’re obviously not. Nothing good is going to come from this.


This is some “no true Scotsman” nonsense. Who cares how long it might take someone to rustle up 5 million gold? It’s still silly that the mount is being relocated to the BMAH just because they suddenly remembered that they put an AH NPC on it.

Also? I hate that people are giving Blizz a free pass on their horrible communication skills just because there’s still 9 months left to go.

Either Blizzard knew about this from the start and kept us in the dark, or it took them a year to remember that there was an AH mount in the game.


Just learn to play the AH and you can get it before it’s gone.

Provided you are on one of the dozen-ish big realms. Most small realms have too few total sales, with too many AH goblins to compete with. 50 goblins fighting for sales from the 10 non-goblins who buy things on the auction house, and who are more prone to saving their gold for tokens or the brutosaur these days, isn’t going to cut it anymore. Realms are getting too low pop now.


“But we’d see so many!” Yeah, just like Ashes, 10/25 Sarth 3D, achievements rewards from raids, the yak, the mammoth… Unless every mount from every expac is removed upon the release of the next expac, this will be the case for every mount. And I can bet you triple the price of the brutosaur that no player would like that.

“Because we don’t want to see so many” is about as solid as “Because apples are fruits”.

Man, I hadn’t even thought of that. They look even worse now, don’t they?


Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth and the Grand Expedition Yak say hi.


That’s not a reason to remove the mount, but to remove the NPC, as they did with the Yak reforger

We don’t know that. There’s no date as of yet. Secondly, do you know everybody’s RL schedule to decide that’s enough time for everyone?

They even announced it at BlizzCon when showing previews of the xpack!!!


Todays, I do not agree with them moving this mount to the BMAH.

Just reiterating.



I don’t feel I should have to learn to “Play the AH” to play this fantasy game. If I wanted to do ebay I’d do ebay.


I agree the NPC should be removed–or at least a brutosaur without vendors should be put in to replace the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur. It’s not exactly like the reforger on the yak since the reason for changing that vendor was because reforging was removed from the game, but the change to the yak proves the vendor mounts can be changed.


My point exactly. And hey, you do not want to screw those who bought the AH mount (in order not to take away tools from those who already control the AH market so that they continue controlling the AH market)? Fine. As soon as SL hits live, replace the Mighty with the Heavy Caravan Brutosaur: Exact same model, exact same colour (or not, actually), exact same mount, but no NPCs o just vendor/repair NPCs (exactly the same but different ID)


I’d like it to be a different color myself. I mean, if I had the gold to buy a MCB, I would have done so just for the model, not the AH. If a second AH-free model became available, I’d want it to be its own thing and not a mirror of the MCB. That way I could save up for a whole new brutosaur. :grin:

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I’ve hit the “don’t care anymore” point with this. It was nice to have something to eventually work toward getting but it’s now a matter of whatever, one more thing removed we can’t earn/get/have. Add it to the pile.


Then it will be hard for you to buy a very expensive item.