Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

I honestly don’t get the few same people arguing against people who are upset with the decision with these silly retorts… you gain nothing from arguing your point since the point itself is dumb.


Ideally there should be three “tiers” of Brutosaur mounts. The MIghty Caravan Brutosaur being the most expensive, a multi-passenger Brutosaur that still costs around 2 million, then a non-passenger Brutosaur that costs around half a million.

Then they can relocate the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur to the BMAH without causing as much grief. Not that they should get off scot-free, they still twiddled their thumbs for a year before remembering that there was a mount with mobile AH access.


I love this idea. :heartpulse:

It doesn’t interfere with Blizzard’s stated reason for removing the MCB, and it creates options and choices for players. :+1:

When I stop caring, I’ll stop subscribing.

Sadly, every time Blizzard removes something or screws something up, I get that much closer to the “don’t care anymore” point. I was a super fan not that long ago–I was sure I wasn’t going to quit before they unplugged the servers. Now I’m actually wondering if I should bother buying Shadowlands because I’m no longer certain I’ll be playing a year or two from now.

What I am certain about is that I’m not the only player in this boat. And that’s something that the folks at Acti-BLizz should be really concerned about.


It wouldn’t be hard for me if they treated the mount like every other gold-sink mount in the game and left it on the vendor. It would just take me a couple more years to accrue the required gold.

If they’d announced at the start of the xpac that this particular mount was time-limited, I would have been okay with it being moved. I still would have advocated for a brutosaur without an AH for those of us who just want the model, but I wouldn’t have been PO’d about the MCB’s removal to the BMAH.


You just described me. Except I’ve already hit the “don’t care anymore” a few times now. Used to be subbed all the time, pre-purchase every xpac, buy every store mount. Since end of WoD, sub occasionaly, no store purchases, only buy xpac when on a good sale. Check in from time to time hoping for good news, but tend to find that more good stuff has been removed, and more irritating grinds added.


The AH on the mount wasn’t my driving force to buy it…I brought for unique looks. I would of brought it even if it didn’t have the AH…that is why they won’t put mount in with no AH cause it would piss off a lot of players that paid top gold for AH one.

What about the black proto drake? Still waiting for that to show up.

Typical Activision.

This makes no sense. If Blizz puts another one in that doesn’t have the AH, it would be another model players could collect. Like the multiple mammoths available. Especially since they’re taking the MCB off the vendor and giving those who bought it a feat of strength, the MCB purchasers would have no reason to be upset. They got the super-special mount that no one else can get (unless one actually shows up on the BMAH and they’re super lucky in managing to snag it).

Plus, since when did Blizzard care if they pissed off some players? I’m certain more players are upset by this move than would be upset by an additional brutosaur mount.


So 2 years heads up is ok, but 9 months is not ok, got it. Seems kind of arbitrary to me.


You think Shadowlands is coming out earlier than 9 months from now? LOL

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If I’d known from the start that the mount was limited, I wouldn’t have even tried for it. I wouldn’t have wasted time making a plan that worked with the time I have to play and would earn me the gold by the end of the next expansion.

Plus, there’s a MASSIVE difference between 9 months and 24 months. I mean, seriously, what kind of argument is that? (Not to mention that we don’t actually know when the MCB is being removed from the vendors–having a set end date makes a difference, too.)


It would have been different if they’d said something from the start, it would have showed a more clear line of communication than the muddled mess we’re in now.

It really does look like it took them over a year to remember that the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur exists and what that might mean for the future. Like the right hand and left hand are not communicating at all with each other.

And as Brahmina also said, 24 months is a heck of a lot longer than 9 months. It would have given people much more time to prepare and prioritize purchases.

It baffles me that you’re defending Blizz’s horrendous communication skills. They screwed up, and we should all be holding them to the fire for taking so long to say that the mount would be going away in the future.

It makes you wonder what else they might be removing/changing with Shadowlands, but that they’re just sitting on until the last possible moment.


It’s not arbitrary for people to be upset about something completely random done by Blizz.

Name one other vendor mount that has been removed, or moved to the BMAH, for any reason ever in game. Go ahead. Just one. I’ll wait…

Oh… Never mind. That’s right. This is the FIRST TIME Blizz has randomly removed a vendor mount.

Okay. So… They said “like all Dino’s, this one is going away”… So name one single other Dinosaur mount that has been removed from the game.

Go ahead. Let me know what you find. Just one! I’ll wait…

Oh, wait… They haven’t removed any Dinosaur mounts from the game. The Troll racial mounts are dinos. There are random dinos you can get as a mount. There’s even one you can raise in Un’Goro and in Zandalar (two if you count the one that is a drop and not just part of regular questing).

It’s a totally random thing no one was expecting at all. The last mounts that were removed from the game that I can remember (and I could just have forgotten, I will admit…I am pretty old) were raid achievement related way back in Wrath.

So yeah. Letting the player base know when it was released that it would only be available in this expansion would have been better than the “Oh, BTW…Hurry up and grab your 5M gold 'cause we’re taking this away from you because reasons!”


As I learned when Shiny Pet Charms were revealed to be getting replaced with Polished Pet Charms, big changes aren’t left for the opening date of the new expansion, they happen when the pre-patch hits.

Don’t be caught short by expecting this mount to be available until we can begin Shadowlands.


have people not figured out yet that this is a ploy to remove the ah vendor from the brutosaur and turn it into more of the failed mount equipment next expansion?


Learn to read, just said you can’t know. And that 9 months can be really little time depending of people IRL schedule. The only way to have done this was to announce it at launch, not at the doors of the last patch


Again, this is the ONLY RIGHT path now.

A not-that-right-not-wrong-either would be to replace it with a new one, cheaper, with no AH, but again, this would contradict the removal of the AH from the App.

As I pointed out several times, they can remove the NPC without removing the mount

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*Hurry up and buy our tokens to get 5M gold…


The time given to acquire it isn’t the issue in this case - the announcement of when it’s going away relative to when it’s released is.

When you tell us upfront that your intentions are to take away an item that you’re preparing to release, the only people who will get angry are the ones who can’t accept responsibility and discipline to get it.
When you hide an achievement in the PTR files and make the forums have to ask for clarification about their intentions, and we get a sheepish “Yeah, it’s gonna just ‘go the way of the dinos’ lulz” confirmation on a move they’ve not pulled with this particular type of item, yes, we’re going to be pretty upset.

Edit; that’s why no one’s mad about the anniversary rewards or Blizzcon rewards - we’re all aware of the window offered to get these items. No secrets or datamining required. You’d be surprised at how much more respect honesty nets than shady actions with typical logic as of late - “Because we wanna”. If they are, indeed, worried about “seeing too many later”, players have offered very sound alternatives that have, as usual, gone unheard.