Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

If they were going to tell us they should have done it as soon as the choice was made, not simply confirm something someone noticed on the ptr.


Nonsense. The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur has vendors (including an AH). It would still be “exclusive”.

Allowing the vendors to sell a plain brutosaur that only carries one rider and has less fancy tack would be a great show of good faith on Blizzard’s part. Especially since their stated reason for moving the MCB from the vendors is the AH.


Actually, exclusivity was explicitly stated as part of the reason:

“They were originally ultra-exclusive…but then became increasingly commonplace due to gold inflation over time.”

Again, not because of the mount models. The mammoth and yaks had alternate versions.


If your only point now is to argue that there should be different brutosaurs available as mounts only, I’m really not sure this is the right place to make that argument. 4k+ posts in, the likelihood of anyone who can do anything about it seeing it is extremely slim and it really doesn’t have anything to do with the topic of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur moving to the BMAH, auctioneer intact. If this is your crusade, it seems like it would probably be more effective in another thread or twitter or something.

This thread is about the removal of the only Brutosaur mount model. Asking for alternative versions is perfectly fine.

Yes, because the fact that Blizzard just posted today is somehow proof that they’re not looking at this thread anymore.

I can almost guarantee that any thread about the Brutosaur mount would end up being merged with this thread. Just like the other Brutosaur-related threads that have already been stuffed into this one.


Blizzard didn’t post today. They posted yesterday about a rumor that’s been going around for weeks (since the very first day of this thread). Maybe they’re still reading it, maybe not. It’s not like Kaivax has been having a lot of back and forth with us with lots of responses to people. I’d bet they’re not reading every reply given the length of the thread. I would also bet that threads that have been merged are those having to do with the removal. Couch it as, “We’d like to see more use of unused mount models,” rather than, “Give us brutosaurs,” and I bet it’d stay. That also doesn’t count out other avenues such as Twitter/reddit/whatever.

Coming in at the end of a long thread like this with a tangentially related, but somewhat different topic, just doesn’t seem likely to accomplish much. And yeah, I would say it’s tangentially related, because I daresay many people would like to see the other brutosaur colors as mounts, regardless of whether the AH one stays, goes, or tap dances around Stormwind. I was mildly peeved when it became clear they were only making one brutosaur mount. I’d love to have the blue and white ones too.

Oh lord, semantics games. They posted yesterday, apparently they monitored this thread for two weeks but now they’re going to ignore it. Gotcha.

You haven’t paid any attention to this thread have you? People have been asking for an alternative model to the Brutosaur mount for a while now.

Even if it’s tangentially related, the forum janitors would still end up merging it with this thread.


Lol, if they announced it a month before the mount was released, this exact same topic would have come up. People would say they were preemptively creating a fear of obtaining the mount, just to sell tokens. What they should have done is just removed it. No warning. No “fear based money grab.” I’m sure that would have been the best way to go about things. The only thing they want to control is where people are in the world.

Oh, for crying out loud, it’s not semantics. It’s a different day. It’s a different day on the weekend. I would hope that Kaivax is spending time with his family right now rather than scouring the WoW forums when he’s off. Responding to a rumor that has been popping up for weeks, starting in the first couple hundred of posts, doesn’t mean they’re reading every single post on every single forum thread about the brutosaurs.

I was trying to give you helpful, actionable suggestions as if you were actually serious about the topic of getting other brutosaur mounts. But keep on flailing in this thread. Have fun.

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How does that change the general thrust of my post? It doesn’t. You’re quibbling over nothing. It’s semantics with a dash of pedantry.

If nobody is monitoring this thread, when what are the odds that they’d even look at any other Brutosaur threads?

I’ll keep posting in this thread because this thread is where the forum janitors keep merging Brutosaur-related threads. They have the merge button and they love to use it. So I will have fun posting in the thread most relevant to my interests. You can go flail somewhere else if that upsets you too much.


You accuse me of quibbling semantics with you when I pointed out that the post was yesterday. Are you going to accuse me of quibbling semantics with you when you complain that the bank won’t take your money today when they took it yesterday, and I point out that today is a Saturday, so they’re closed and it’s different? The day absolutely can matter. You post far more than I do. You’re well aware of how unmonitored the forums tend to be on weekends, hence the whole “Sunday thread” meme.

I also told you to not couch it in terms of just the brutosaurs and to also try taking it to different formats than just the WoW forums, which they mostly ignore. Surely there are other mounts you’d like to see actually used in the game. I very much doubt that they’re going to merge a thread that starts out talking about, say, the various unused crane models with this one(just as an example. I suspect only the big mount collectors like myself probably give a crap about the unused cranes).

Why even bring it up then?

And you act like they never look at anything posted on the weekends when the week starts. Further, I made a post asking about alternate Brutosaur mount models in response to Kaivax shortly after his second post in this thread. So I guess posting on Friday isn’t good enough either.

The forum janitors don’t care. If they so much as see the word “Brutosaur” in the opening post, they’ll move it over here. Even if all you’re doing is asking how to earn gold to buy it.


That quote was speaking specifically about the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth:

There are multiple mammoth mounts available from several different sources. There is only one brutosaur mount. Blizz could easily make a plain one, especially since, their explicitly stated reason for moving the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur is that they don’t want to see “AH mounts that are as common as repair mounts are today.”

So it’s not the model they’re objecting to, it’s the special utility (AH).


Well, since there are dozens of people in the $50,000-100,000/year range that couldn’t advise even one solution that isn’t so extreme, here are two such examples that took about 90 seconds to formulate:

  1. You replace [Mighty Caravan Brutosaur] with [Mighty-ish Caravan Brutosaur], which simply doesn’t give access to the AH.

  2. You tie the [Mighty Caravan Brutosaur]'s price to ~25-35 WoW Tokens, thereby accounting for any and all inflation that will ever occur.

Not that I want to be nerfed, but is it really fair that I have a permanent utility that is no longer available to others? Even if it’s made available in new iterations at ever-higher price points or through rare appearances on the BMAH, I’m still getting that permanent “advantage” on newer players because I had that one expansion where what I found fun happened to also be very profitable.


So so we know for sure when the mount is removed?

Even after the excuses they’re laying on… I’m still wondering why:

Doesn’t apply to the rest of the dino mounts. Even from the same vendor. We have raptors, pteranodons, direhorns, etc

Key words…

That leaves it wide open for a “we changed our minds”. #striderlivesmattered

Just as long as they don’t want anything from a prior expansion.

If you want it; Play now, get it now, and don’t ever log off… don’t even think about taking a break or being a new player.

Next up! All old raids removed! If you wanted to farm those mogs, you should have done it while current! Oh wait, 60 squish and scaling… I may have to find a different tinfoil scenario… that one doesn’t sound so tinfoily anymore.


My problem with it is that he works at Best Buy. He’s not exactly making a lot.

He sold a print he got at Blizzcon for $1200, so he’s saying that reasons the cost in his mind. And I… guess? I see where he’s coming from? But also I don’t? Because there is SO MUCH you could do with $1200 that isn’t a digital item in a video game.


Exactly. Unplug his internet and ask how that $500 mount would work out. Bring up the tires on his car, his old TV, whatever… show him anything he’s talked about IN THE REAL WORLD that could be bought with that $500 he’s going to use for a pixel rental.

I’ve spent thousands in F2P games over the years. $10 here, $20 there, $100 on a big promo with lots of free stuff, but $500+ on one item in a sub game… nope.

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