Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Just because they put in a Feat of Strength doesn’t mean that they were also going to remove it. That’s what needed clarification and that’s what Blizzard should have been announcing on their own, with a full explanation at the ready instead of two weeks later.


You do realize this is extremely bad form for a company that is seriously struggling with communication among their own community, right? Whatever reason you have for supporting Blizzard is on you, but disputing the way this was handled is foolhardy.


How does one find out how many auctions are up on a realm at a given time?

Really I would love this idea, I do not need the extra vendors that badly that I would dump so much gold/cash into it. The brutosaur itself is a very interesting looking mount without the vendors.


With how people are calculating things and figuring out what they spent gold on since BFA dropped, there are people who were slowly working on getting the mount that probably don’t have much of a chance now because the timeline is shorter than you seem to think.


When you use Auctioneer to update info for the AH you are looking at, it tells you.

I’m not insulting anyone. Whenever various skill-based activities come up and people start arguing about it, there’s always someone that comes in and starts talking about how they’re missing both their arms and play with their one remaining big toe (this is an exaggeration, if you can’t tell) and can’t possibly do any better than they’re already doing. The auction house is different. You don’t have something like, say, Down’s syndrome. Someone who does might not (capabilities vary within the syndrome, of course) have the ability to understand how to set up a complicated addon like TSM or how to play markets. I feel pretty safe in saying that the vast majority of the people posting on the forums do not suffer from such disabilities. They are capable of learning to make gold if that’s what they want to do.

Even if your server economy is as dead as you say, there are other servers. There’s nothing to say you can’t make an alt on Stormrage or Illidan or Moon Guard or Wyrmrest Accord or whatever other high pop server you want to make gold. There are numerous guides out there as to how to start out on a new server and start making gold. Send some pets over from your main server and sell them. For that matter, with the DK restrictions long since gone, it’s super easy to start one of those and start farming up low level mats like ore and herbs, whose prices have soared through the roof (right now, the US median price on copper ore is just under 3.96g each. Thorium’s median is 5.73g. Goldthorn is 20.82g. Most of the things I checked are selling above the median on my server).

Blizzard shouldn’t remove stuff, but they always have and I feel pretty safe in saying they always will. They’ve got people like Ion in high positions that like exclusivity and think it motivates people (personally, I think it’s silly to pretend you’re special when you have a digital item that thousands or millions of other people have, outside of the few weird things that happened in Vanilla, but that’s not how they view it). They’ve also stated that they view things like the brutosaur and the spider not as gold sinks but as prestige items for the people who make a lot of gold in the game. There was a pretty long post about it back when either the spider price or the brutosaur price was revealed in beta about how if it was intended as a gold sink, they’d make it cost a lot less so more people would be able to buy it and remove far, far more gold from the economy. Gold sink mounts are things such as the frogs or the new gryphons that cost just under 100k or whatever, stuff that’s enough to remove a lot of gold from one particular player, but not so high that it’s the kind of gold most people will never see.

It’s one mount. It’s not the end of the world. It’s not going to keep anyone from getting their various mount achievements. It’s not going to affect their ability to play the game. It’s not even being removed, just made harder to access. Should they remove stuff? No. Is one mount worth being this upset about? Also no (especially when it’s not even being removed). It’s especially not worth being this upset about because the vast majority of this thread were never really going to have the gold to have it ever.

Finally, this really isn’t the same as stuff like the yak anyway. 5 million gold compared to what the economy is like nowadays is way, way, way more than 16k was in Wrath or 120k was in MoP. My husband’s passive just sitting on his gold, never really buying much or selling much on the AH, was enough that he had enough gold to buy the yak day one. Flitting around Wintergrasp for half an hour most days in Wrath was enough to get me fast flying, the chopper, all the expensive mammoths from the vendors, and a hyacinth macaw in Wrath. Half an hour of daily farming anything wouldn’t get you anywhere near five million over the course of many years. You pretty much have to learn to play the AH in order to make those kinds of funds. If you want the brutosaur? Better start learning.

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It’s also the only Brutosaur mount available.


Yep. The ravager was the only ravager mount and it’s gone entirely now. It’ll still be possible to get the brutosaur. There’s another year to get the brutosaur from the vendor, in fact.

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Just because it’s happened before doesn’t mean we should just accept it happening again.

Less than a year. And again, we only know this is happening because a player brought it up on the forums. We don’t know when Blizz was planning on ever saying anything on their own.


Lame response for a lame decision. At least make it a drop from some BFA legacy raid.

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There’s really no choice but to accept the decision. The decision was made and sound reasoning was given for the decision. Many players seem to disagree with the decision but there are many who fully support the decision.

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I’m talking about them adding a non-AH version of the Brutosaur so that the model itself is still readily available. Which would be a separate decision from removing the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur.


That would only degrade the exclusivity of the mount.

But exclusivity of the model isn’t a reason for it’s removal. They didn’t say one word about the model itself or it being an exclusive reward for anyone. Just that they didn’t want AH access to become too widely available.


I still stand by my opinion. I hope they don’t add a non-AH version of the mount since it would degrade the exclusivity. I firmly believe in exclusive items that not every Tom, Dick, and Harry has. I really like the anniversary mount, I won’t use it since every Tom and Harry out there are using it.

I’m going by what Blizzard said. The only stated reason for removing the mount is because of the AH vendor on it. Therefore a non-AH version of the mount should be perfectly acceptable.

Imagine caring so much about what mounts other people are using that you would refuse to use a mount you like.


who’s to say they wouldn’t have told us but the data-miners scooped them on that

That’s a joke right?


I asked a long time ago in this thread about when this decision was made, and when they decided (if ever) to tell us. It took them way too long to come up with an excuse regardless.