Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

[[quote=“Kaivax, post:8, topic:370236, full:true”]
Hello! Yes. About that …

Like all dinosaurs, the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur’s days are numbered. I can confirm that when Shadowlands goes live, the shady vendors Talutu and Tricky Nick will cease selling it. Their other offerings – the Lost Platysaur pet and the Palehide Direhorn mount, will remain available for purchase.

We will make sure that the unforgettable Brutosaur mount is added to the lists of possible items that are sold in the Black Market Auction Houses. And of course, this new Achievement “Conspicuous Consumption” is a Feat of Strength, so as such things go, it’s not actually very conspicuous.

How many people spent a lot of $ on the recruit yourself program?

How many bought Warcraft III for a meat wagon?

How many bought a pig?

How many bought a toy?

How many bought the “see ya later bundle”?

How many are suckered in by these awful money grubbing marketing tactics.

I’m so happy that I’m playing Classic and unaffected by this, it’s just another nail in the I never want to play retail again coffin though.

You thought it was a mundane world quest, but it was Old Gods all along.

So…this will be the second time a mobile auction house is removed?


Blizz: …Is it a bad time to announce that the Brutosaur is our next store mount?

It’s like they just want more new reasons for us to dislike and criticize their actions at every turn or something.

I think it’s kinda crap to add content to a game and remove it later regardless of the reason. Achievements and such showing it was achieved during a certain expansion are fine, as are time limited items that revolve for event periods.

The BMAH is a crap system. Everything on it should be available by other means especially the old armor sets.

Removing the brutosaur is crappy as well. As someone else said, it’s usually a few expansions later when I’ll buy one of those type mounts.

Bad decision. Boooooo!!!

Let the sh*t show continue.


Im more bummed out by the fact this was the only Brutosaur in game available as a mount.


I bought some of those things but I paid for them with gold, none of those things are needed.

It is actually because of classic that I suspect this is being done as well because you guys have been driving that price of tokens up without increasing the supply.

They wanna sell more tokens so people will hurry and buy so it makes the quarterly reports look good.

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No kidding, at least in wrath there were other mammoths.
Being the only one does suck.

The funny thing is that people made this exact same argument when the price was datamined. “Oh, Blizzard is doing it to sell tokens!” It’s just as ridiculous now as it was then. I had a guildie who actually talked about doing it. He usually has a fair amount of disposable income and spends what I think is pretty ridiculous amounts on stupid things like 32" curved monitors and whatnot. Did he actually spend the real life cash to get the gold? Nope. Did any of the people I know who are total whales, one of whom quit Black Desert Online after he’d spent more than $1k on cosmetics in it, buy hundreds of dollars worth of tokens for the brutosaur? Nope. I would bet the number of people who have done this or will do this is a small fraction of a percentage. Even with millions of players, the actual number who’d do this is incredibly tiny.

You and I know what this is really about-it’s sour grapes. Even though people are almost certainly going to be able to get the mount for far less than we spent on it, the fact that it won’t be the moment they get five million gold (not that they’d ever get it, but they like to dream) means that this is the worst thing ever.

I don’t like them removing stuff, but come on. Moving a single mount to the BMAH, that people have complained endlessly about the price of, is not the end of the world. It wouldn’t have been the end of the world if there’d been no warning. But with approximately a year to work on a particular thing? This tantrum by the forums is ridiculous.

I’d also like to note for the whiners that the cloak wasn’t announced as being removed until about six months before MoP ended, so trying to claim that they always tell us something is getting removed at the start of an expansion is complete and utter nonsense. I’ll also note that at the time they stated Ordos would be accessible by all after and then didn’t bother to tell anyone that they changed their mind until after the cloak was no longer obtainable.


Classic raised them at first, when that started to dip so did the prices, then came the expansion announcement which will consistently keep them high for a while. The more there are on the market the cheaper they get as a whole, so to those who buy them this leak will probably not help much to lower the market again. They will dive again at expansion launch when everything is once again overpriced in regards to materials and people feel forced to buy them to progress.

It rly isnt, if you are ok with blizzard removing content to make some people feel special you shouldnt be whining when they do it for content you dont focus on.

I am against the removal of anykind of content since it only exists to make some people feel special even though it isnt an actual skill based achievement like mage towers were a joke when argus geared, you could always buy wod and mop challenge mode runs etc and you can now buy the mount with irl money.

People who defend blizzard for removing content cant whine about this


Please don’t remove this mount or at the very least offer an alternative in Shadowlands. I really don’t care if the mount gets a different skin. I have been working up to this mount for the last year and still many “years” away from the 5 mil point.

I still use my garrison to similar effect though.

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They are - BMAH from my understanding. Which makes it worst, imo. As imagine the price it will be then. :sob:

They may increase the gold cap and gold from raw sources, therefore the 5m mount will be the new panda yak, but its not my strongest theory, the mount is too useful and with the hivemind nerf (you cant interact with your multibox anymore inside the mount) littlefoot is probably the mount with the most advantages. I understand why they want it very rare.
Its a nice achievment for us goldmakers and keeping the bmah war going on, but i dont think is the right move removing the mount, even with lower tokens.

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Surprised? No.

Disappointed? Yes.



I wonder if this indicates an expected increase in gold availability in shadowlands?

I’ve had the mount since day one, got all the gold needed almost purely from legion mission table. I’m curious if the removal of the mount could be seen as an expectation that 5M gold will be much easier to obtain in shadowlands than it has been in BFA.

This expansion gold income had been more scarce for anyone who’s not focusing hard on farms and crafting. I wonder if the changes to the AH are expected to open the market to hobby traders, or if we will see a return of lucrative missions/repeatable quests.

That makes me feel special :slight_smile: