Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Hi Taliesin, welcome to the sh** show.


I’d put good money it starts at 5 million as an extra “F you” from blizz.


Probably will have a special condition to not be lootable from the BMAH crates

We want an explanation about:

  1. Why this is being done.
  2. Why you are just now telling us when it was data-mined 1 patch before occurring.

You really owe players an explanation.


But still imagine the price it will be when we players fight over it. Not good not good. Over 5 mil it will be.

“Hey all, as we move into an expansion with an emphasis on player choice we’ve decided to remove a long term goal players can choose to work towards.”

What am I not understanding? I’ve no interest in obtaining the mount but it seems fickle to remove the option.

Also if all Dino’s go bye bye then good luck removing all the raptors, dire horns, and flying Dino mounts. I’m sure the trolls will understand why their faction mount is no longer obtainable. Jk jk but really huh?


Cool, so why are the old goldsink mounts still available then?


And how many people are going to spend $500 plus on it. The number is so small not even to be worth considering. Most people with this mount will have earned it in game by playing the game.

Either they cancel plans to remove this mount, or they take out the mammoth and yak, too.


But people will do it. It isn’t a challenge, it’s a gold sink, and blizzard just happens to sell the gold.

I have absolutely no problem with time limited content, as long as it’s content, not a gold sink.


And may I ask what the logic is behind this? It seems extremely arbitrary and unnecessary.

Seems it may be time to remove the wow token.


So a few things your wrong on:

  1. We were not given a “proper” warning, someone datamined an achievement and a blue proceeded to confirm it. Horrible way to find out about removed content. Realistic, we don’t know when they planned on officially announcing this.
  2. Many will shell out $500 cause they feel out of the loop if they don’t get something. It’s sad. more then a small mount
  3. It’s a cash grab not prestige, there’s nothing prestigious about a brunosaur mount that has auction.

I feel ya pain, I also have been saving up as this is a mount I have wanted ever since i saw it. was also going to reward myself with a few tokens to help me along (bit of a reward for myself for quitting smoking)

now, I just won’t bother. well done blizz, you would have actually got a few token sales out of me, now you wont get a penny.

thanks OP, you just saved me a bunch of cash


J Allen Brack having a meeting with the Activision/Blizzard board of directors

Feel much the same. When this came out it was the general sentiment of most who posted about it. Removing it is a meh moment for me, frankly I don’t ever see needing an portable AH mount for that amount of gold ever. Like the trading card ones, it was out of my reach and that was ok by me. This whole thread though makes me chuckle. Most didn’t even have it on their radar now it’s a quitting point. It’s all just more coal added to that hate train. Choo Choo!


This is an exceedingly poor decision, and I can’t fathom why Blizzard would do this.

They’ll make a quest chain about how N’zoth steals all the brutosaurs and makes them afraid of saddles. Clearly.


Something has spooked one of de brutosaurs, sending it into a panic. Dis chaos is de last thing de city needs. Help de merchants by rescuing de cargo before you get stomped on.