Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Because obtaining large amounts of gold isn’t a feat of it’s own, right? Not all of us buy gold.

I have never bought gold and the stockpile I made from WoD/Legion is enough to buy at least five of the “long boi”. And even I think what Blizzard is doing is terrible.


It took thirteen days to give us a reason.

A lot of people don’t give a damn about the auctioneer on it and care more about working towards a long-term goal to earn the only brutosaur in the game. Make it so brutosaurs purchased during Shadowlands don’t have an auctioneer and don’t remove the thing because the devs just made something too convenient.

I don’t care about the auctioneer. I care about the mount. I care about a multi-year personal goal in this game being ripped away on a whim.


Seeing as they removed the reforge vendor on the yak and made it into a transmog vendor, I see no reason why the same logic can’t apply here.

That change was made for mechanical reasons, just like they claim this one is. Hell, they could just change the vendor to a different one like a barber.


people keep saying that the Brutosaur will cost gold cap when it appears on the BMAH. I respectfully disagree - I don’t think it will go over 5 million. Why? because anyone who has that much gold and who wanted the damn mount bought it already. nobody is going to be sitting there with 5+ million gold at the end of BfA and not buying it if they want it.

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Statements still doesnt hold up. This is not consistent with previous gold sink mounts i.e. mammoth and yak.

Having a repair mount and a reforge/tmog was not intended either. I use my yak to avoid going to ethereals and repair vendors no differently then i would avoid going to the empty AH on my server.

This feels completely like the haves will continue to have while the more casual player base will loose a goal to work towards. Stop removing goals. A mount like this creates a lot of self chosen gameplay to complete the task.


Because they take forever to say anything, and what they say is woefully inadequate.

Just because there is some fake outrage doesn’t mean every complaint is fake outrage.


I’m also pretty sure it’s going to start at 5 million if they don’t want it to become “common” at any point in the future.


Or just create a new version that doesn’t have the AH vendor so AH monkeys can have their AH mount and everyone else can still get the Brutosaur model.

It’s amusing how the people who are for this change act like making gold is both easy to do and something that deserves an exclusive reward because of how hard it is.


More nonsense from the sour grapes brigade. Many of the things that have been removed were not known to be exclusive when they went into the game. Cloak? Not announced until the last patch of MoP that it was going away. It was middle to late MoP when it was explained how CM modes were going to be treated as well (the only reason we knew how it would be handled in WoD right off is just because of how it was handled in MoP, not because there was an announcement). It was well into Legion before any decisions were even made as to how artifact appearances were going to be handled. There was a time when Ion was talking as if they’d /all/ be going away at the end of Legion.

Half of an expansion is plenty of time to work towards a goal like this and is more time than has often been given for limited time rewards.

Finally, literally every challenge reward in the game can be bought. PvP related rewards are harder to get away with, but everything else? Just buy a boost. And with tokens, it’s easy to buy a grey area boost that Blizzard won’t do anything about. So acting like it’s so unusual that the brutosaur will be able to be bought because of tokens is pretty dumb, since people have been buying boosts with gold or real life cash for probably the entire game’s existence.

Easy and possible are not the same thing. It’s totally possible to get the gold if you make a priority. You know what? I loved the brutosaur. I made it a priority for months before BfA released. So I was able to buy it. While I was already a goblin, it took plenty of work to get that gold. Anyone else who really cares about it can put the work into it as well. It might not be easy, but if they care that much about it, the difficulty is irrelevant. Unless someone is developmentally disabled, this isn’t something that is out of reach of players that decide they want to learn how to make gold and do it. The vast majority of the playerbase just doesn’t bother. You don’t have to have the twitch reflexes of a bat or memorize dungeon routes to make gold the way you have to do to get good at high end pve or pvp. You just have to be willing to learn.

Just because you were able to get the gold for it doesn’t mean it’s so easy that anyone can do it.

I’d also like to take a moment to reiterate that I have more than enough gold to buy it. I’m just annoyed at how Blizzard waited until the expansion was halfway over to realize that they had put an AH vendor mount into the game and that people might want to buy it.

Further, they had no intention of saying anything on their own, it had to be brought up on the forums first, and even then it took nearly two weeks to finally get an explanation.


Why is everyone having the repair mount such a terrible thing? I don’t get it. So a lot of people have it. Big deal. I remember how excited I was to get it. I use it all the time and absolutely love it. Do I care if others have it? Heck no. I got it for me. This mentality of exclusivity is ridiculous if you ask me. Just leave the brutosaur mount alone. If people get it over time, why is that a problem? And this was such a crap amount of notice that wasn’t even told outright by the devs.

Honestly, it’s changes like this that irritate me the most. Stop removing things from the game. All you do is anger the players.


It’s not. I have a brutosaur and couldn’t care less how many others have it. I bought it for fun and functionality, not to show what an fantastically admirably enviable person I am.

Companies make decisions for their own reasons, then pass the decisions on to the PR department whose responsibility it is to “sell” those decisions to the public. Never mistake PR talk for truth.

What is more likely? That Blizzard wants more cash and is hoping the time limit will drive more whales to buy tokens, or that Blizzard is worried about the possible ubiquity of this rather handy brutosaur?


Cash gab Cash Gab.


I really appreciate the kind comment. Thank you <3

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You can still get a mythic mount after the expansion ends through realistic means (at least RNG you know you tried your best for the week). Bidding 10 million on the BMAH is unrealistic… you’d have to bleed yourself dry grinding in and out for it. RNG for mythic mount gives you some breathing room.

Also, you can buy mythic mounts from sellers for like 1-2m iirc :p. I could be wrong, but regardless, here’s the point:

ANYONE can go into a raid after the expansion is over and solo kill a boss eventually. The new player who started wow can join a group and kill Argus the unmaker.

NOT ANYONE can pull up 5m gold / 10m gold in a 20 minute raid run.


Thing is, I couldn’t care less about the AH vendor. What I care about is that it’s a completely unique and amazing looking mount that you’re going to make nigh impossible to obtain. Why not continue with the plan with the mighty caravan brutosaur, but add a standard brutosaur mount with no vendors in its place?


Thank you for that lovely insult. :roll_eyes:

Fact: Not everyone has the time to earn 16,000 gold per day between now and next October (assuming Shadowlands doesn’t launch sooner) regardless of their possible disabilities.

Fact: No other previous gold-sink mounts were ever removed from the game, and this one had no warning it would be time-limited, so people rightly expected they could earn the gold at their own pace.

Fact: If the mount had been labeled as limited to this expansion only, I wouldn’t have even bothered getting my hopes up. With the time I have to play, I would have had the gold by the end of the next expansion (about four years total).

You are right that if my only life priority was to get this mount, I could maybe do it. My server’s economy doesn’t allow for much gold making on the AH, so it would require hours and hours of other gold gathering means.

There is no excuse for Blizzard’s behavior in this case. Removing a mount from the vendors because they don’t want “everyone” having one is bad enough, but they never officially announced the removal–it came out on Wowhead, and then the OP of this thread called them on it.

Saying people can still get the mount if they’re wiling to work does not in anyway make this move acceptable.


At least we got some info… though it’s not really pleasant or what I expected from a response.

I get that sentiment, that the yak is too common. I feel like that about the yak as well. It was once rarer, and now it’s not… much like epic or legendary gear. :wink:

But when we come to terms with reality, it isn’t just inflation that allows more people to have a Yak today than there were back then. Some of these people have been playing for over a decade. A decade of accumulated wealth is going to make some of even the most expensive purchases in the game seem trivial.

I don’t find someone who started in Wrath, getting the Mammoth in MoP or WoD to be a problem. I don’t think someone getting a longboi years from now will be an issue either.