Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Yes, but over time people who eventually reach 5 mil gold will start getting outbid because more people will have wanted it by then.

Also, you’re forgetting there are people who are dormant with 30mil gold sitting in their banks. When they come back for Shadowlands because they hated BFA or whatever, what makes you think they won’t bid more than 5 mil?

Regardless… you’re forgetting the very nature of the system it’ll be under. Bidding. Bidding doesn’t have a cap. The 100 people bidding against each other aren’t going to collectively agree to stop at 5 million because “they could have bought it back then”.

This argument assumes only one scenario, and that is everyone who has 5 mil has the mount, and everyone who doesn’t will only bid up to 5 mil.


Having heaps of time to spend playing, and being unable to manage “serious” content, I’ve made plenty of gold and had no problem buying a Brutosaur early on. However making consistent money now by any method other than repeating old raids is becoming unfeasible.

There is no market for crafted gear. Benthics put a stop to most of that, and the players selling rings and trinkets are just reposting and undercutting until they are worthless. Mats no longer sell, because there is no point in crafting gear to sell, and raid groups get free foods, enchantments, gems and potions from their guilds.

On my main’s realm there were ~50,000 auctions up at a time at the beginning of this expansion; now there are only ~20,000. I habitually have a few hundred auctions up at any one time, but now even pets and transmogs are not selling.

Telling players they can make make 5 million gold in the next 8 - 10 months is just leading them on. Think how many hours it would take per day running alts through raids to make the 20,000 gold per day one would need to make 5 million in 250 days - which may be all we have, and besides, no-one can put in such long hours every day.

The decision to remove the brutosaur from vendors is pure greed on Blizzard’s part. We should not be supporting such squeezing of our fellow players, and should not be blaming players for complaining, or ridiculing them for not being able to make millions from the currently dead markets. And we should definitely not be encouraging an impractical, unhealthy playstyle which is inevitably doomed to failure.


I would like to add my voice to the chorus of those displease with this decision. Even though it won’t impact me as I will be able to by the mount prior to Shadowlands (I have the gold but wanted to hit the gold cap for 1 toon before buying it), the decision not to inform people at the launch of BFA and to basically leave it to be discovered by data miners is really an unprofessional move and shows how little respect blizz has for their player base.

As for the reasoning for its removal, it is quite faulty. Five million gold is nothing to sneeze at and would have been a long term goal for blizz’s most loyal customers (unless insane inflation is planned for Shadowlands which would be bad).

Players could, if they wished, chip away for years all the while paying blizz, but blizz decided the short term token sales would be more beneficial. Do you have so little faith in Shadowlands and future content that you would throw this at your most loyal customer (the only ones that have played long enough or will play long enough to afford the mount) for short term gain?

Its sound like blizz has zero confidence in the future of WoW and are scrambling to get as much as they can before the crash in terms of this and their massive growth into store mounts and other cash shop items. That does not bode well for blizz’s faith in the game going forward and I guess I can’t blame them after BFA completely missed the mark.


98% of people complaining about the mount removal would never have the gold to buy the mount even if they kept it in the game.

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The repair mounts are actually a diversion from the real reason:

Like portals, they’re using the auction house as leverage to funnel players where they want them, ie, the old capital cities, to keep those cities populated. That’s why it would be “bad” for players to be able to readily purchase the brutosaur in later expansions, because it would remove some of Blizzard’s leverage and make more evident just how far the game’s population has dropped.


By that argument it makes sense NOT to remove it then… doesn’t it?


That’s not the point.


Irrelevant when you consider the lack of communication. I won’t speak for other people, but I will speak for me. I don’t care about the mount. I care that in previous instances, we have been told when something would be time limited. Challenge modes, arena elite mogs and trophies, mage towers - the things people keep trying to compare the Brutosaur to are all things we knew since implementation that they would be time sensitive.

The only reason this thread even exists is because random forum goer #302 came to the conclusion based on some datamined text that it might be going away and then we got casual confirmation. Bad juju.


Then add a Brutosaur mount that DOESN’T have an AH on it, if you’re so worried about your own mistake. Still feels bizarre that we’re all being essentially punished for not having 10mil gold to drop on it before it’s whisked away for no reason other than “the devs feel like it”.


They removed reforging from the game. Are you suggesting that they might remove auctions from the game, thus making auction house functionality useless?

You know, they could have just added this mount with a reasonable price in the in-game WoW store, but as many have said, then players wouldn’t have any more reason to devote time or buy their tokens for this mount and inflate prices, unreasonable.

I don’t think they should remove it. But it’s not a normal mount. It’s a luxury mount that no one needs who can’t afford it.

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No-one NEEDS any mount other than a gryphon for Alliance or a wind rider for Horde. We don’t NEED transmogs either, and we don’t NEED toys.

In fact we don’t NEED to play this game, a point which Blizzard seems intent on making increasingly obvious.


Probably because the Tundra Mammoth and the Grand Expedition Yak bypass having to port to cities for repairing gear and selling junk, and doubles as pandering to Classic fans who hate the mounts with vendors on them. Also panders to the “We WaNt ExClUsIvE sTuFf No MaTtEr WhAt It Is” crowd.

Number of players who visit Orgrimmar/Stormwind on a daily basis is probably a part of their measure of success along with time played metrics, and so moving the Brutosaur to the BMAH is probably to appease executives or something.


C’mon man. Don’t be like that. It’s just another aspect of the game, just like raiding, m+, mount collection or fishing. I spend 15 minutes a day on it, and I have the gold. Absolutely okay to say that side of the game doesn’t interest you. Just like many will look at the AOTC mount and admit it’s not for them, forget mythic.

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The price is 5m and they gave some reasons, but i dont think that helped the folks on foruns.

Mainly because the “reason” was basically, “oh yea, even though we saw what happened with previous gold sinks and know what having an on call AH would mean we still released this mount, but now we regret it”.


Words like , Ultra exclusive and luxury are you guys nuts it’s a PC game.

For a virtual item that currently has infinite availability and is being taken away , just cause we can.

We want new players to catch up but not too much. We want to create an atmosphere of those that have select items and those that do not , no matter how much effort a player can put in , because we can.

The fact that people are defending this is hilarious.

Don’t worry in the long run the only thing you have ensured less money in your pockets.


to everyone who is complaining that the mount will sell for gold cap on the BMAH - it won’t. not even close. how do I know this? because anyone who is a) a mount collector and b) has 5 million gold at the end of the expansion WILL be buying it at the end of the expansion. which means it will probably cost a lot less that 5 million on the BMAH because anyone who would bid over 5 million gold has already bought the bloody thing!

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Right…because there are soooooo many people in the game who have - or will have - 5m gold and are eager to spend it on a mount that announcing its retirement will move the needle on the time played metric or token sales.